>free food
>free housing
>free time out the ass for magical practice
>solitude, isolation from psychic influences
Is there any downside to mental hospitals?
>>14852Yeah, you are locked up in a fucking mental hospital.
>terrible food laden with drugs
>terrible housing with people who are often abusive towards you
>being surrounded by distraction of shitty people constantly around you
>more drugs
>no physic freedom whatsoever.
Making friends with people who are trying to kill themselves sucks.
When I was inpatient, I was isolated from the rest of the patients and watched by multiple people 24/7. They don't let you do even the basics of magic. And besides, why would you want to be in a mental hospital in the first place.
antipsychotic drugs reduce your brain volume by 8-12% in two years,
they hamper the activity of the basal ganglia in the brain causing the frontal and parietal lobes to wither
>>14880Exactly, that's why I went off it. While it DOES help the schizophrenia, it also takes away all your schizotypal functions like creativity and imagination. I'd rather be crazy than spiritually inept.
But op you are already in a mental institution.
Wake up.
The food poisons you, the housing does not house you well, you don't get time to do whatever you want you're just watched and probably forced through bullshit activities like crafts and card games and stupid shit like that, and you don't get solitude; you get noise, vomit, screams, beatings, etc.
>>14979Plus the old people piss themselves.
We should have a headcount of how many people here have been sectioned.
For those who have been sectioned, did esotericism and the occult factor into being locked up and if so how?
I'm already forced into taking risperdal/risperidone, so I get none of the benefits with all of the maluses, sign me on please.
>>15028>forcedJust don't take it
>>15059And how do I deal with the side effects fuckwit?
>inb4 just use awesome magic powers to stop them from happening brah No.15112
>>15011Yes definitely. Not sure if occult abilities triggered my schizophrenia or the other way around. But either way, yes. I thought I could interact and summon spirits at my will, I thought I was dead and had died many times, each time growing closer to a truer dimension, I thought I had transcended physical reality, basically your average /fringe/ stuff just cranked up to the delusional level.
And obviously, the rituals made me hallucinate which led to me stumbling around on the side of the highway deliriously, mumbling about the "apparitions coming to take my soul."
>tfw I am schizophrenic and occult as fuck and I have NEVER been put in a mental institution, never totally lost control when dealing with spirits and shit, and continue to grow in power without falling into delusions
No drugs, no shrinks, just pure wizardry.
>>14979>>14861How does the food poison you and what kind of drugs does the food have in it? When I was in a psychiatric hospital people told me the same thing, but I didn't know if it was true.
>>14920Odd, I was diagnosed with Schizotypal and have been on antipsychotics for at least 3 years now, among Gabapentin and Lexapro which I took myself off of. I'm only on Geodon now, and I plan on getting off of it soon.
My imagination and creativity hasn't been higher, and I feel as if my intellect hasn't went down at all. It's possible because Geodon is a rather new drug with a lot less side-effects than antipsychotics used before it, mainly risperdal, but I'm not totally sure. Biggest thing I hate about it is that it completely controls my sleeping and I cannot sleep without it.
Also, during my time in a mental ward, it wasn't all that bad. My roommate was a really awesome kid a couple years younger than me and we made up games to play there with rubber bands and shit. There was just one shitty nurse but another one that was really lovely. Only managed to go there when I was binge drinking anyway, otherwise I would've never went in the first place.
>>15360Are you me? I am also diagnosed with severe depression and Schizotypal. I currently take Lexapro and Gabapentin. How did you feel it affected your "being in touch" with yourself. I feel a bit disconnected and when I skip the Lexapro for a while I start feeling really whacky but in a good, spontaneous, and creative way.
>>15359>>15359>How does the food poison you and what kind of drugs does the food have in it? When I was in a psychiatric hospital people told me the same thing, but I didn't know if it was true.All shitty ZOG food with preservatives, fluoride, etc. in it poisons you. You need to eat raw, organic, pesticide-free, etc. to keep yourself in optimal health to pull off advanced wizardry.
>>15360>>15383>actually being dumb enough goyim to take those drugslol, good luck never ascending in this incarnation
>>14852It's not free.
They want to get you out of there ASAP.
>poisoned food & fluoridated (maybe with bonus meds too) water, forced fed if you don't eat
>free housing, shitty though
>free time out the ass for magical practice
>psychic dampaning/suppressing wards often placed
>>inb4 just use awesome magic powers to stop them from happening brahjust be your astral self bro
They are expensive. In the USA at least, they will charge you a ton of money and you can't stay there forever, so when you are released you have to deal with the stress of that new pile of debt, making them mostly entirely pointless. Thanks Obama.
If you are in the USA, prison is a good option. Just commit some minor felony that will get you a few years in the clink and enjoy your time with reading and exercise.
>>14852Drugs. The food (no distilled water). No access to your reading material. Also the psychic people in there (although they are more receptive than creative. What you actually want is to be homeless (with camping gear) in a city with good weather and plentiful food banks. Also a laptop public wifi. That's gonna be my life soon. I'm selling my stuff to buy survival things since I'm being kicked out for not being a enough of a malleable pawn for TPTB.
>>15028Get off that shit man. Risperdal gives you male lactating titties later in life. And that isn't a rare side effect, that's guaranteed.
Generic adderal or vivance is the best you could do for your self
>not just embracing it and becoming a tranny
>not having power over both the masculine and the feminine
>not being a vessel for the most powerful magick there is
Pleb advice
Degenerate, please. Trannies only special power is suicide. They're pretty good at that, lots of them do it.
I'm all for the concept of the divine hermaphrodite but growing bitch tits while still looking like a man (and probably an ugly one) is pretty much the antithesis of that.
I still don't know what a trannie is.
A transexual. A type of degenerate whose body is so fucking messed up they may have features of both male and female genitals or breasts or beards and whatever all mixed up weirdly.
so it's a person…
who has parts of other parts?
A tranny could be a woman with a beard and maybe part of a dick or a bigger than normal clitoris or it could be a man with tits and so on.
Trannies are weird intermixes of the genders.
They are abominations. Some are born that way and should have been aborted and the others are severely deranged degenerates that mutilate themselves and medicate themselves to become that way.
>bragging about being trapped in this plane
>not ascending to higher dimensions and leaving this imperfect body behind
Doesn't get any more pleb than that.