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Esoteric Wizardry


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If you donated to the Infinity Dev. Group over Flattr, it seems that they have turned into a scam and you should charge these conmen back immediately by contacting your financial institution. (I realize this includes my support key. I don't give a shit, flood their insecure bullshit report ticket in my name. I see no other way to prove it.) Reports are that they lost their PayPal account recently, and Flattr CEO and only employee @bonq is ignoring all communication from me via their ticket system and Twitter. The icing on the cake is that they blocked me and three others for asking where the fuck 46.74 EUR went.
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>mfw seeing all these fags deluding themselves into believing in all those "supernatural" bullshit

So, why can't you all accept the fact that the universe has no meaning, god doesn't exist and we are all no more than just walking and talking flesh? That all these bullshit you all believe is false?

Reality is a bitch, isn't it? Hahaha.(USER WAS SUPERNATURALLY BANNED FOR THIS POST)


What makes you say that there is no meaning, that there is no god, that flesh is all there is?

"Materialism is false, atheism is not true, nihilism isn't the answer, yet Nothing is true as Everything is permitted!" - that's the short answer we'll give you.

In all seriousness, read the library we have on this site. There's a lot of great material there; read also the links on this thread, >>1


why can't you accept the fact that we are not walking and talking flesh, and we are all merely the mental creation of an infinite living mind?


Has any of you considered that OP may be an organic portal, so he may actually be pretty much just walking and talking flesh?


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Yes, there's the possibility of that, (which may be higher than him being ensouled), but it is difficult to say online whether someone is an organic portal or just simply ignorant.



[passive aggression intensifies]


I am sorry if you got that impression.


Rarely do I miss a cue



How fucking stupid are you OP? People provide your ignorant and childish kind with evidence, you just choose to ignore it and believe in a lesser meaning.


The universe has no lack of meaning. Meaning is everywhere. It is composed of information. It is literally impossible to conceive of a meaningless universe.

God exists but is nothing like that silly and ignorant conception that the mundane superstitious religious folk conceive of.

…and you are far more than just walking talking flesh. You are a mental creation and you have a mind.

"During the second stage people are emotionally shocked and frustrated, which leaves them vulnerable. Shocks can stun the intellect into adopting an immature binary viewpoint, that if something is a lie then its logical negative (opposite) must be the truth. For example, those who awaken from the lies of Catholicism but get stuck on the second stage either become rabid atheists or satanists, trading one stupidity for another."http://montalk.net/metaphys/108/triad-of-progress


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*tips fedora*


just get the fuck out
There are things you will never comprehend


this thread is completely in your mind


never to begin or end
it was never even there


i could tell you more but i have to slip into another dimension


bye for now
see you in the electrosphere


A lot of this board is total unadulterated diarrhea bullshit. If you think we are nothing more than fleshbags though, i'd have to disagree. As electrical spiritual organisms in a logically constructed Universe, you'd be a fool to think that what you see is what you get. we perceive an infinitesimal amount of information with our senses. the real power is in your mind.

philosophical, logical deduction leads to powerful cosmic realizations, and more power.


are you mad about the anti-Jewish and anti-Masonic posts you goatfucker?


>that intense necro-bump
>that very recent ban for a very old thread



The anti-semitic posts are mostly done by edgelords on their teens.

Anti-masons fear what they can't understand, just like mundanes threat magic as a whole

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