Nexx General -- What the fuck is wrong with the world? 12/28/14 (Sun) 17:14:45 No. 15259
Allright fringe.
I go to /x/ and every single thread i post in gets deleted.
There are some people who want to keep me silent. Post last edited at 2014-12-28 17:35:04
12/28/14 (Sun) 17:15:54 No. 15261
Also i think i shouldnt have posted here. They watch me. Now that i posted here i have attracted their attention. Its too late now. You have to prepare to fight against invaders. Dont fall for their lies.
12/28/14 (Sun) 17:20:13 No. 15263
Life is shit when you are a targeted individual.
12/28/14 (Sun) 17:36:02 No. 15269
>>15263 Not really. I have fun with it.
12/28/14 (Sun) 17:37:16 No. 15270
If you call them out on what they're doing they go away
12/28/14 (Sun) 17:40:33 No. 15272
>>15270 Yea i called out the guy who was stalking my window. He didnt reappear. He even flashed his car lights at me.
Everytime i call them out on /x/ they dont disappear but they step their game up. My posts just vanish and sometimes they re post old posts from me.
12/28/14 (Sun) 17:45:29 No. 15274
Also my mom is a demon i saw her wings.
12/28/14 (Sun) 17:49:39 No. 15278
>>15272 Throw some toilet paper you came on at them you pussy
12/28/14 (Sun) 17:52:43 No. 15281
>>15278 Thats it im not posting on /fringe/ anymore.
Fuck you.
12/28/14 (Sun) 17:57:55 No. 15285
12/28/14 (Sun) 18:10:08 No. 15293
12/28/14 (Sun) 19:01:32 No. 15317
Fringe please delete my thread. Thank you.
12/28/14 (Sun) 19:04:59 No. 15321
>>15274 >Also my mom is a demon i saw her wings. Tell me more about this. What did it look like?
12/28/14 (Sun) 19:05:29 No. 15322
All of you anons seriously need to stop breaking rule 4 like holy fuck… where are your flags?
12/28/14 (Sun) 19:06:32 No. 15323
>>15278 >giving them free loosh like that Terrible idea. Cum is vital and must not be wasted!
12/28/14 (Sun) 19:08:09 No. 15324
>>15321 Like.. Demon wings..
And red..
12/28/14 (Sun) 19:11:27 No. 15326
>>15321 I called her out on it. She said "only the devil has wings ;)" i dont remember but SHE DID NOT DENY IT!
12/28/14 (Sun) 19:18:29 No. 15327
i think i actually asked "you have wings. Are you the devil?" And she said "she devil doesnt have wings. He has horns" It was fucking spooky. I dont trust her anymore.
12/28/14 (Sun) 19:35:02 No. 15353
Bullshit if no one wants to hear my story then fine ill just dont post anymore. Also why are there 3 chaos magician flags? Are you all chaos magician practitioners?
Curls !!YAVz6tuk1I 12/28/14 (Sun) 19:36:01 No. 15355
12/29/14 (Mon) 00:21:04 No. 15389
OP, listen. Whatever your beliefs may be, paranoia is never a healthy state of mind. It's destructive and self-replicating and will lead you into a chasm of your own fears and insecurities. Not only is it damaging in its own right, many will prey on this aspect for their own gains. The world isn't fucking with you because you're special. It's fucking with you because you so badly want to be fucked with. It doesn't mean anything, except that you have yet to learn the value of discipline.
12/29/14 (Mon) 03:31:39 No. 15402
>>15389 OP = Hanz of /x/ fame