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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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>he thinks the astral plane is real and not just autistic hallucinations


protip:next time you'll try to b8 /fringe/,say subconsciousness,instead of hallucinations


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>he disparages fascinating vivid adventures as mere "autistic hallucinations" because they're not "real"


>he thinks he knows it's a hallucination even though there are a lot of writings out there that suggest it brings back valid information that actually checks out when looked up
>he doesn't bother to explore the astral for himself, even though it is MORE REAL than this world
>he has spent his entire fucking life in third density, never knowing the beauty of higher planes

I'd feel sorry for you anon but you aren't getting my loosh.

You must come to know the pure joy of astral travel.

Put aside the fedora and join us in 4D!


>hallucinatory disease

Lol thanks internet armchair psychologist.


>he thinks the material world is real and not just autistic illusions


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>that GET



>he jokingly says this while not realising this is a very real possibility arising from quantum mechanics



>sweet dubs

>wasn't a joke


thanks mang


i am not a fedora, but i want to is the astral projcet in 90 days a good guide? as i don't wantto waste my time as i have to ascend to see another earth within a year.


shit forgot, is there a video of each day for the astral projection in 90 days? that would be nice


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>dat pentacle
2spooky4me, muh wicca

idk, can some fringepro explain the difference between astral projection and OOBE/LD?
I know only the latter is dependant on the former


LD = personal plane in the astral
OOBE = aping into your immediate etheric surroundings
AP = astral travelling, usually referring to the greater astral plane, meeting others out there that are at the same FRV

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