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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1420025699124.jpg (8.67 KB, 236x258, 118:129, 818c263cab7a40c050a0516652….jpg)


I wasn't sure if I should start an entire new board to the topics listed. However I've (clearly) decided against, as I'm Sure no one would ever see it as a whole new page.

Massive Dump of related pics I have. Enjoy and contribute if you can. Light, legitimate, informed on topic discussions encouraged.

Salve Qayin.


File: 1420025795725.jpg (73.95 KB, 654x720, 109:120, 1452332_375067142656606_38….jpg)


File: 1420025920510.jpg (48.35 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 1505076_736849163031202_48….jpg)


File: 1420026035148.jpg (80.28 KB, 492x720, 41:60, 10389145_520120031443538_4….jpg)


File: 1420026243172.jpg (83.35 KB, 540x720, 3:4, 10731020_10204112584752593….jpg)


File: 1420026363850-0.jpg (59.89 KB, 421x720, 421:720, 10544366_496361520508000_6….jpg)

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File: 1420026363850-2.jpg (77.38 KB, 500x383, 500:383, 1510931_724935534222565_81….jpg)

File: 1420026363851-3.jpg (104.14 KB, 548x720, 137:180, 10849778_489977681145423_1….jpg)

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File: 1420026435290-1.jpg (153.37 KB, 597x674, 597:674, 1399007358470.jpg)

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File: 1420026435290-4.jpg (105.53 KB, 400x405, 80:81, 1399008606161.jpg)


File: 1420026911505-0.jpg (1.2 MB, 2208x3030, 368:505, 1399009883087.jpg)

File: 1420026911505-1.jpg (121 KB, 740x800, 37:40, 1399010151807.jpg)

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File: 1420026911505-4.jpg (32.02 KB, 504x720, 7:10, 10407485_469480926520857_2….jpg)


I doubt you'd get enough posters for a full new board on such a specific tradition.

If there's no Thelema board, there definitely wouldn't be enough for a 218 board


File: 1420027426088-0.jpg (212.16 KB, 1000x1736, 125:217, 1399178020892.jpg)

File: 1420027426088-1.jpg (237.78 KB, 750x966, 125:161, 1399179183086.jpg)

File: 1420027426088-2.jpg (83.3 KB, 467x604, 467:604, 1399179782571.jpg)

File: 1420027426088-3.jpg (34.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1399180230473.jpg)

File: 1420027426088-4.jpg (61.21 KB, 474x720, 79:120, 1399180351385.jpg)

I completely agree! And why I tried to make the topic more broad than 218. Just to post great pictures and art in case you all haven't stumbled across them.


File: 1420027499382-0.jpg (392.64 KB, 600x849, 200:283, 5f89ab42396a6135ff436384cb….jpg)

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File: 1420027658332-0.jpg (36.54 KB, 500x647, 500:647, 1399180283696.jpg)

File: 1420027658332-1.jpg (346.83 KB, 713x720, 713:720, 1399180411509.jpg)

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File: 1420027658332-4.jpg (86.51 KB, 900x896, 225:224, 1399180635788.jpg)

Nice to see someone even aware of 218 and at least lurking.


File: 1420027934980-0.jpg (58.18 KB, 960x681, 320:227, 1399181894326.jpg)

File: 1420027934980-1.png (565.2 KB, 654x960, 109:160, 1399183105382.png)

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File: 1420027934980-4.jpg (100.33 KB, 485x600, 97:120, 1399183950066.jpg)

Very much appreciate the contribution, I actually haven't seen this artists run.


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File: 1420029309696-3.jpg (31.66 KB, 384x500, 96:125, 6_satan03.jpg)

File: 1420029309696-4.jpg (102.6 KB, 411x500, 411:500, 61TrU5-H2RL.jpg)


File: 1420029835323-0.png (182.52 KB, 300x491, 300:491, 300px-Samael.png)

File: 1420029835323-1.jpg (35 KB, 500x669, 500:669, 61886_451753721613503_1401….jpg)

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File: 1420031096556-0.jpg (104.86 KB, 544x720, 34:45, 1794820_466121756843366_24….jpg)

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File: 1420031223442-2.jpg (148.34 KB, 495x692, 495:692, 13964791_samael111.jpg)

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Hail Death XIII


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File: 1420032510911-4.jpg (12.73 KB, 247x330, 247:330, A-Satan.jpg)


File: 1420032815638-0.jpg (275.54 KB, 814x1280, 407:640, chaoswonton_cyberneticsata….jpg)

File: 1420032815639-1.jpg (115.12 KB, 591x750, 197:250, CHO209samael01.jpg)

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File: 1420032815639-4.jpg (311.5 KB, 789x1012, 789:1012, lucifer__belial__beelzebub….jpg)


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File: 1420033467435-1.jpg (1.15 MB, 1083x726, 361:242, main-april2014.jpg)

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File: 1420033467435-4.jpg (67.5 KB, 703x897, 703:897, samael.jpg)


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File: 1420035253433-2.jpg (57.34 KB, 900x599, 900:599, Samael_Lilith_I_by_Elegant….jpg)

File: 1420035253433-3.jpg (213.76 KB, 790x1010, 79:101, samael_watercolor_and_blac….jpg)

File: 1420035253433-4.jpg (43.33 KB, 300x274, 150:137, samael1.jpg)


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File: 1420037892653-2.jpg (483.99 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, satan_concept_art_w1.jpg)

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File: 1420039232940-0.jpg (166.19 KB, 975x1210, 195:242, Satan rouses the Fallen An….jpg)

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File: 1420039232940-4.jpg (219.26 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, The_Incubus.jpg)


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File: 1420057989257.jpg (283.66 KB, 752x1000, 94:125, 1420041772936-2.jpg)

whats the title of this? what it means? I've seen this image before, but don't remenber where



That's a seraphim.


I've actually got loads of occult art and wallpapers, but they all are not like these.

Mine are more RHP.. yogis, naked hippes in the woods, wiccans, occult diagrams with lots of bright colours, etc. I do have a few with slight LHP overtones though.

I don't want to pollute your LHP picture thread with that, unless you're fine with it!


You could always pollute my yoga thread with the yogi/forest dweller type art!


File: 1420086274725-0.jpg (527.54 KB, 950x1230, 95:123, The Great Red Dragon.jpg)

File: 1420086274725-1.jpg (34.26 KB, 500x683, 500:683, ancientofdays2.jpg)


Ahh yes,

The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun, part of William Blakes etchings that were to illustrate the book of revelations.

I've attached the other (better IMHO) painting by Blake.. Blake is fucking genius..

You know Hannibal? The first in the novel series, Red Dragon is about a psycho who is obsessed with this Red Dragon painting and wants to turn himself into the dragon.

The other painting by Blake that I attached, a personal favourite, is The Ancient of Days.. it depicts Urizen (one of Blake's godforms in his mythology)


File: 1420087218376-0.jpg (633.68 KB, 1922x2880, 961:1440, 6VAT4KA.jpg)

File: 1420087218376-1.jpg (555.86 KB, 1292x1567, 1292:1567, 021.jpg)

File: 1420087218376-2.jpg (162.86 KB, 1000x1006, 500:503, maxine sanders 3.jpg)

File: 1420087218376-3.jpg (970.79 KB, 1460x956, 365:239, 60918_Winter_Ritual_4.jpg)


I'll pollute your thread, once I find it!


First is, from a reddit user - in his words; Summoning the dead. It's the goetia (lesser key of solomon) style ritual with some artistic creativity.

Then, next is who I think is Anton LaVey.

This well-asseted lady is Maxine Sanders - the proclaimed Queen of the Witches back then.

And next, her King, I think - doing some ritual.


File: 1420087515656-0.jpg (72.96 KB, 500x367, 500:367, 0051.jpg)

File: 1420087515656-1.jpg (237.12 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, DDynzMk.jpg)

File: 1420087515656-2.gif (115.12 KB, 500x281, 500:281, constantine.gif)

File: 1420087515656-3.jpg (273.25 KB, 1192x904, 149:113, LBRP.JPG)


First picture - flat battery ritual

2nd pic - self explainatory

Constantine's tattoos from the comic series. They better not cancel the television series !

The LBRP scene from a comic book covering Jack Parsons autobiography


File: 1420089087557-0.jpg (152.54 KB, 640x480, 4:3, tumblr_l8jktmqBPy1qzcab6o1….jpg)

File: 1420089087557-1.jpg (107.85 KB, 500x677, 500:677, opening a gateway.jpg)

File: 1420089087557-2.jpg (68.59 KB, 480x640, 3:4, orthodox schema monks.jpg)

File: 1420089087557-3.jpg (46.22 KB, 410x601, 410:601, Rosicrucian Symbols.jpg)

Fuck, I've been posting without a flag. It's set on 'none' by default, why not set it to one by default?


first up - bohemian grove

then - source unknown - looks pretty lovecraftian though. OH that reminds me of an animated GIF I made .. I'll upload that last, it's a fun one.

these are christian schema monks - they are the shit. "He is a monk who has aspired to a spiritual level that transcends worldly desires. It is a life of constant prayer."

And here's some sort of painting, i dont know anything about these symbols

Finally, my GIF. it is 15 mb, the board did not accept it, so I provide a link instead…



File: 1420093883440-0.jpg (581.59 KB, 1395x1600, 279:320, 132397-050-7A8BE1AB.jpg)

File: 1420093883440-1.jpg (199.71 KB, 591x800, 591:800, 341899735502630474e1b.jpg)

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File: 1420093883440-3.jpg (59.59 KB, 500x524, 125:131, j67atYNLuoq2yry4MTCleFPAo1….jpg)


more. Misc..


File: 1420093946804-0.png (1.04 MB, 1200x803, 1200:803, 3894508513_d16221e1df_o.png)

File: 1420093946804-1.png (248.24 KB, 509x379, 509:379, Picture-4.png)

File: 1420093946804-2.jpg (237.75 KB, 603x571, 603:571, kPapptmMIky3i5zaHQGjncpYo1….jpg)

File: 1420093946804-3.jpg (79.93 KB, 600x800, 3:4, tumblr_kq4xzmzuYy1qzx7ano1….jpg)

misc 2


File: 1420094006103-0.jpg (155.41 KB, 600x537, 200:179, tumblr_l4mu9jnGAp1qzx7ano1….jpg)

File: 1420094006103-1.jpg (340.08 KB, 500x694, 250:347, xRcl1HZYhkhegufpEY5bOLBGo1….jpg)

File: 1420094006103-2.jpg (113 KB, 500x611, 500:611, kPapptmMIksu91or9SLghcFWo1….jpg)

File: 1420094006103-3.jpg (60.64 KB, 600x1068, 50:89, 2a.jpg)

misc 3


File: 1420094164642-0.jpg (41.88 KB, 354x453, 118:151, 489988258.jpg)

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File: 1420094164642-2.jpg (61.23 KB, 351x550, 351:550, 1.jpg)

File: 1420094164642-3.jpg (154.52 KB, 511x800, 511:800, Eliphas Levi.jpg)

misc 4,

and a card by eliphas levi..


File: 1420094287447-0.jpg (19.49 KB, 440x320, 11:8, 1916valeska4.jpg)

File: 1420094287447-1.jpg (84.83 KB, 670x800, 67:80, 51093274.jpg)

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File: 1420094287447-3.jpg (23.81 KB, 395x339, 395:339, kPapptmMImjj9dnujqie1OFao1….jpg)

now onto the spoopy skulltastic pictures…

featuring ladies and their shiny dead knobs


File: 1420094364517-0.jpg (73.48 KB, 450x600, 3:4, 450px-Santa-muerte-nlaredo….jpg)

File: 1420094364517-1.jpg (52.45 KB, 480x384, 5:4, 5139d308cabea7c57e428d14d1….jpg)

File: 1420094364517-2.jpg (51.33 KB, 443x580, 443:580, 41409156_l1.jpg)

File: 1420094364517-3.jpg (192.36 KB, 500x383, 500:383, 3266448079_b6e71ca1e0.jpg)


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File: 1420094435261-3.jpg (43.46 KB, 800x538, 400:269, tumblr_kz1o9qQyJ11qz6f9yo1….jpg)


File: 1420094672116-0.jpg (162.3 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 2-3.jpg)

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File: 1420094672116-3.png (4.9 MB, 1511x1600, 1511:1600, ital017.png)

aw, it said I'm a flooder.


File: 1420112381796-0.jpg (443.49 KB, 1280x914, 640:457, tumblr_m7k3s78SEG1rp2wx5o1….jpg)

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File: 1420112381796-4.jpg (82.42 KB, 628x900, 157:225, tumblr_m9qbnqNH6c1r7rzxjo1….jpg)

OP here.

Glad to see some people contributed after i passed out last night.

Continuing file dump… Now.


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File: 1420132291529-3.png (29.11 KB, 411x279, 137:93, 6dutzAY.png)

Sorry, I rarely use zergbook and have only this lel

Had some art of devils and demons before format, but it was mostly from SMT


File: 1420132593109-0.png (136.86 KB, 253x290, 253:290, r u le fuging dyings me.png)

Always found Goetic Demons as too grotesque, wonder how much of it is bullshit and which ones are real (ie like Astaroth or Baal)

Isn't the second "Great Architect" of Freemasonry? Not sure if fit within the thread, maybe if you see him as the evil Demiurge


File: 1420135650924-0.jpg (241.6 KB, 568x800, 71:100, Marchosias 3375732_orig.jpg)

File: 1420135650924-1.png (1.65 MB, 1024x1448, 128:181, FURFUR slumberworld__furfu….png)

File: 1420135650924-2.jpg (13.88 KB, 268x300, 67:75, 37Phenex-01.jpg)

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File: 1420135650924-4.jpg (205.32 KB, 575x800, 23:32, Astaroth 9509439_orig (1).jpg)

>Goetic Demons
>wonder how much of it is bullshit and which ones are real (ie like Astaroth or Baal)

I personally had exceptional results from Astaroth. Gremory has also been excellent to me, as well as Marchosias. Furfur was a little bit sketchy, but it's probably because I screwed something up.

They're as real as an egregore can be, and each has a unique energy. Depending on your energy, they may find you useful too.


KC tier.


File: 1421804330119-0.jpg (135.29 KB, 532x752, 133:188, ama.jpg)

File: 1421804330119-1.png (111.19 KB, 483x683, 483:683, Qayin Baaltzelmoth.png)

File: 1421804330119-2.png (219 KB, 477x673, 477:673, First Killer of Man.png)

File: 1421804330119-3.png (164.26 KB, 428x673, 428:673, Qayin Cemetario.png)

File: 1421804330119-4.jpg (152.5 KB, 900x748, 225:187, Dance of the Hanged Men by….jpg)

A lil baby bump of my own.

Ama Lilith, some Qayin and "Dance of the Hanged Men" by Antoine Bourdelle


File: 1421807750076.jpg (43.21 KB, 552x464, 69:58, 1421613031064.jpg)

Tell me of ur success and summonings plz

Marchosias and Astaroth look hot

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