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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1420090111784.png (23.51 KB, 356x794, 178:397, orangepill.png)


>tfw you reach orange pill mode

Feels good man


File: 1420090160594.jpg (577.27 KB, 2800x830, 280:83, pills.jpg)


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Brown pill because "Good" and "Evil" are relative terms and one cannot exist without the other, as a matter of fact, if both of these forces did not exist we would have no free will.
In the end, what matters is balance, that is why I am not a "light worker" nor an "agent of chaos" but instead, somewhere in the middle.


i don't really trust pharmaceuticals


File: 1420131472933.jpg (2.84 MB, 6624x3024, 46:21, pill.jpg)

>My pill threada got deleted
>Just another one is made not long time after



File: 1420131562110.png (82.78 KB, 501x797, 501:797, atomic pill.png)

Guess I'm a mundane redpill, you knoew /new/-type.


>parades his orange pill status
>pic specifies "speaks only when necessary"


I thought the same thing.
OP is most likely a delusional faggot who listened to a couple of Alan Watts lectures and thinks he's some highly evolved soul or some shit.


If you can't see past the pill then it is pointless.

I see myself as a traveler drifting from place to place, helping those who cannot help themselves.

I just want to have everyone give peace a chance but most people only respect peace over the barrel of a gun.

That is why an armed society is a polite society


This is pretty much my favorite meme. Thanks OP. :3


Wtf I just deleted a thread like this not too long ago. You shitposters just don't give up. I guess I'll just leave you to your poorly made pills thread for now…


I am not any pill because I am not an autistic redditor


Kek at the unnecessary BG signature


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Sounds like the Buddhism pill there.


why do buddshits try to work their new age religion into everything?


lol you forgot your Master Ruseman flag.


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Aristotelianism/Rothbard Pill is something that is opposed to platonism/neoplatonism, yet rejects positivsm. You should look into it. Here is a pic i found on pol.


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Aristotelianism/Rothbard Pill is something that is opposed to platonism/neoplatonism, yet rejects positivsm. You should look into it. Here is a pic i found on pol. I think that the rejection of apriori knowledge in modern philosophy is catastrophic, and in many ways mathematics and mathematical logic is the best proof of idealistic platonism having having merit to it.


>be purple/indigo pill
>haven't read a single book there



Yellow pill is pretty much a category of blue pill, one who rejects the small Leviathan in favour of the big Leviathan.


Would Thelema or Anti-cosmic Satanism be the best way to start indigo pill? How do I empower myself in a spiritual regard? How do into indigo pill?


I consider myself Indigo Pill and no, none of those things are good for it, just study all the standard /fringe/ stuff but choose to use it for edgy purposes. The only true texts or at least the ones most spot on about the truth recognize that magick is a neutral force that can be used either way. Get into astral travel and evocation and resonate at a very low vibration and eat guts and bones and blood like me and fill yourself with hate to be indigopill.


>le edgy animay pill
I want kids to leave

>everything I don't like is a ruse


>New Age


> older than jesus
> new age


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And that's the way it is.
Brown or maybe Iron.


nonalignment is the only true path


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>Grey Pill

Surprised that there isnt more greys about on here. I enjoy my occultist studies, but as such I always walk with a sense of general skepticism and attempting to understand the truth in things.


File: 1422117627890.jpg (25.22 KB, 198x255, 66:85, 1409187182704.jpg)

>be me
>not take any pills
>realize that all the pills are but different parts of the same spectrum
>be a part of the full spectrum without any pills
>be truely enlightened and not foolish "pill" taker


File: 1422122952935.png (7.21 KB, 500x479, 500:479, all-is-oneis-all.png)

Believe nothing, be anything; be nothing, become everything.


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>be me

>understand the pills are not literally real but represent narrow perspectives and means of approaching truth
>pills are aspects of truth refracted
>like literal pills, you can take all, some or none of them
>pills are only humorous cartoon representation
>appreciating the pills means appreciating how we approach our own understanding of truth
>over time you create your own "pill" or approach to truth
>without properly understanding the pills or being unaware of their own, some insecure people may try to push their own pill onto others
>you may realize their pill is similar to one of the generic-brand ones that do the same thing and a lot cheaper too
>only autists take the pills literally
>humorless autists may also reject the pills based on this misunderstanding and consider themselves enlightened by their own intelligence
>if you have autism it's because you eat GMO soy and corn

I call this the pill pill. it's pretty cool IMO


I'm the Saved Pill. Praise be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


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>be me


>See Rothbard pill
>Lemme guess "The machinery of freedom"
>Be right


File: 1422657140502.jpg (48.21 KB, 600x468, 50:39, 1417234197973.jpg)

2D Pill


>telling people you're enlightened


File: 1422719577987.jpg (93.38 KB, 619x509, 619:509, 2dpill.jpg)

Muh nigga


File: 1422720466837.gif (247 KB, 269x350, 269:350, giphy.gif)

Top cake.


One day i will achieve such enlightenment


Atomic Pill
-still in middle school
-psuedo intellectual
-memorizes trivial science facts to show off to friends
-militant atheist
-"I can't see it, therefore it can't exist!!!"


Oh, man. I miss the Atomic Pill on /pol/.


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Formerly brownpill, discipline, mind control shield and otherworld exploration and all. Somehow fell off that mountain, now somewhere between there and whitepill. The sensory world is ridiculously hollow but I'm tired of seeking an exit even though it's what I really want, so I'm trapped in a nutty place. I need to regenerate my mana mang.

I don't believe in balance or whatever but dislike dualism in its entirety, as it is an obstacle to achieving free will. Both the positive and the negative are just compulsions. I think it's a pretty silly concept but a part of me thinks they're there as training wheels, or that we're in a celestial prison and we're being "rehabilitated" or "trained" for whatever reason. Either that or it's just a venus fly trap. I'm not sure which, but I think transmutation is one of the primary reasons for the existence of whatever this is.

The truly maddening thing is that all of that is vastly irrelevant in the face of infinity, though, so I don't really know what I think anymore.

The rules that govern -this- and the rules that govern the things that govern -this- (god, angels, jews, whatever) are just an abstraction of the infinity so I can't really bothered to allow them to get me all wrapped up in their bullshit, yet I am so it's frustrating. Wish I knew -how- I got here.

Yeah I guess brownpill. Oh who am I kidding, Emerald the Pillhog.


>intense aura from perfectly inter-synched chakras thanks to optimum balance of meditation and physical training
all. my. yes.


…do you seriously have an assumption based on your certainty that when people talk about dualism, they're talking about moral dualism?

Sorry man, but you're an idiot and have no clue of what you're talking about. Maybe talk about this on the shitposting generals


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It's not like The Wine-heads distorted, burned, and destroyed the Egyptian roots from which they sprang. The autism is so strong here…



not to mention the mispelling on "descrimination"


File: 1423078728349.jpg (127.52 KB, 1462x894, 731:447, desk.jpg)



all non genuine pine must burn in the oven.

death to ikea


Damn that's a nice desk. I want to make a desk similar to it but with rounded edges. How do I do this and how much will it cost me?


> /fringe/ - esoteric carpentry


Strangely enough I can't will myself to participate in anything religion based


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