>>16182pls be more mad. your loosh fills me with life-energy you weren't putting to good use.
your futile keyboard clacking here will echo throughout eternity, nourishing the cyberwizards forever.
Your first mistake is trying to use material means to prove something material. Consciousness is immaterial in the same way an operating system in memory is immaterial.
Just because you can alter the medium it's stored on and destroy a fragment of it to change its function does not make the consciousness a material phenomenon. Though the expression in the physical may be altered, the nature of it is unchanged.
You may destroy the order of a thing, in the same way a ceramic mug can be destroyed, thus shattering its "mugness," its virtue beyond the material, but it can be put back together. Materially it may be altered but its mugness may be remembered and recovered.
On that topic, there is the Ship of Theseus - If a ship is repaired so much over time to the point where there may not be any material parts remaining from the original ship, is it still the same ship?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_of_TheseusIf your body sheds all of its original cells and physical materials every 8 years or so, are you still the same person?
The most well-known teaching of Hermeticism posits "As above, so below; As below, so above." Destroying part of the brain only alters the physical and hinders the expression of the physical. Higher orders may largely be unaffected, much like how information (the matter destroyed) can actually be retrieved from a black hole.
You (or anyone else interested) may want to read "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot, it explains how all of this is possible.