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When i physically change your brain by cutting pieces from it, your consciousness changes. This disproves any "greenpill" accounts of the mental being above the material, since the mental is wholly a product of the material. Discuss.


The idea that consciousness can be affected by the physical is not equivalent to the idea that consciousness is the physical.
I could affect your face by throwing a custard pie at it, it doesn't mean your face is a custard pie.



Symmetric post number 11/10

Take that mundane


Hey Nietzsche, whats the problem?


I can disprove your notion easily OP by suggesting the brain is a thoughtform and you just damaged that thoughtform and without creating a backup for your consciousness in another thoughtform.


the only consciousness that exists is the fundamental I AM that resides beyond thought. everything else is an illusory trapping of the ego.


The Kybalion tells us that to regard this reality as an illusion is only a half-truth you know.


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The brain generates the consciousness, your analogy is shit. This is why some fucks with different brains have different properties, like Kim Peek. This is proven, since you cannot escape the brain. The brain like everything else is just the sum of its parts. You are deluding yourselves because you live in a meaningless reality in a material flesh-prison. I will start beliving this gnostic freemason new age bullshit when you can point to someone that sucessfully escaped their material body by use of mind alone, and that was observed in doing this by a brain scan or something to show that it wasnt just an illusion like "astral projection" on the part of the gnostic freemason newage hippy fuck.


No, my consciousness remains the exact same, what changes is the ego which is not me.



sure, because we're trapped in the illusion, and if someone starts cutting up our brains, it's going to fuck us up. But ultimately it doesn't matter.


Think of your brain as a TV antenna and your mind/soul as the signal. If you fuck with your antenna, you affect the picture quality.

Does that analogy make sense to you?


Check out the Tibetan Llama


pls be more mad. your loosh fills me with life-energy you weren't putting to good use.

your futile keyboard clacking here will echo throughout eternity, nourishing the cyberwizards forever.

Your first mistake is trying to use material means to prove something material. Consciousness is immaterial in the same way an operating system in memory is immaterial.

Just because you can alter the medium it's stored on and destroy a fragment of it to change its function does not make the consciousness a material phenomenon. Though the expression in the physical may be altered, the nature of it is unchanged.

You may destroy the order of a thing, in the same way a ceramic mug can be destroyed, thus shattering its "mugness," its virtue beyond the material, but it can be put back together. Materially it may be altered but its mugness may be remembered and recovered.

On that topic, there is the Ship of Theseus - If a ship is repaired so much over time to the point where there may not be any material parts remaining from the original ship, is it still the same ship?


If your body sheds all of its original cells and physical materials every 8 years or so, are you still the same person?

The most well-known teaching of Hermeticism posits "As above, so below; As below, so above." Destroying part of the brain only alters the physical and hinders the expression of the physical. Higher orders may largely be unaffected, much like how information (the matter destroyed) can actually be retrieved from a black hole.

You (or anyone else interested) may want to read "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot, it explains how all of this is possible.



>falling for a false dichotomy

There is clearly SOMETHING here. What is the illusion based on? No man. The relative is NOT an illusion. There is the absolute and the relative but it is folly to regard them as mere illusion. It is but half illusion.

"Matter is none the less Matter to us, while we dwell on the plane of Matter, although we know it to be merely an aggregation of "electrons," or particles of Force, vibrating rapidly and gyrating around each other in the formations of atoms; the atoms in turn vibrating and gyrating, forming molecules, which latter in turn form larger masses of Matter. Nor does Matter become less Matter, when we follow the inquiry still further, and learn from the Hermetic Teachings, that the "Force" of which the electrons are but units is merely a manifestation of the Mind of TILE ALL, and like all else in the Universe is purely Mental in its nature. While on the Plane of Matter, we must recognize its phenomena — we may control Matter (as all Masters of higher or lesser degree do), but we do so by applying the higher forces. We commit a folly when we attempt to deny the existence of Matter in the relative aspect. We may deny its mastery over us — and rightly so — but we should not attempt to ignore it in its relative aspect, at least so long as we dwell upon its plane."

"The half-wise, recognizing the comparative unreality of the Universe, imagine that they may defy its Laws — such are vain and presumptuous fools, and they are broken against the rocks and torn asunder by the elements by reason of their folly. The truly wise, knowing the nature of the Universe, use Law against laws; the higher against the lower; and by the Art of Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable into that which is worthy, and thus triumph. Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against the lower — escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher. Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master." — The Kybalion.


The brain generates the consciousness? No anon. You are wrong. The universal mind does that. We are the children of the mental universe. …and the brain is but a thought in the mind of God.


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The thing is not more than the sum of its parts. That is an illusion. This much should be axiomatic. Let's say that you view reality without any 'universal' perception. The world is then, as it truly is: A meaningless heap of atoms. The 'universals' are purely nominalistic fictions constructed for practical use alone.

Of course it does, but then you need to prove that this is the actual case. To be a bit simplistic, we could use Occam's Razor in the case that we can't prove your case and assume mine since it is the simplest one. This is unsatisfactory, however, and obviously so.

Prove it, demonstrate it, recommend some literature, anything! Merely asserting it is not constructive in my search for truth.


How about YOU prove that consciousness is a direct product of the brain?


I think property dualism is the best approach to this stuff. Property dualism is a response to cartesian dualism (the position that mind and body are separate entities mind being non-material and not requiring the body to exist following descartes doubt and indubitability argument). Property dualism is the approach that mind is a non-physical property of matter rather than a separate substance to matter entirely.

Irreducibility of consciousness, qualia and intentionality are good arguments for a non physical mind. Cartesian dualism is kinda weak by comparison but those arguments still undermine materialism/physicalism.


When you cut up the brain, your consciousness changes. It is the same with any other animal. By occam's razor the brain generates the consciousness.


When you cut up the brain, your consciousness changes. It is the same with any other animal. By occam's razor the brain generates the consciousness.


No, that's already been proven as false in another post, try something new


see Hard problem of consciousness


Consciousness is a hard problem in that it contains qualia. Science has never explained qualia and cannot explain qualia.

There have been scientific attempts to explain subjective aspects of consciousness, which is related to the binding problem in neuroscience. Many eminent theorists, including Francis Crick and Roger Penrose, have worked in this field. Nevertheless, even as sophisticated accounts are given, it is unclear if such theories address the hard problem.


My favorite philosophical exercise against a purely physical component is to ask.

If consciousness was purely physical. What purpose does experience serve at all. There is no experience required for the laws of physics to hold. So if the brain operated on purely the principles of laws and physics the individual experience seems to be a wholly superfluous and unnecessary feature. In that we should just be non perceptive zombies. This suggests tat there is a hidden component separated form physics that either underlines or interacts with the conscious manifestation.



>When you cut up the television, its sound and picture both change. It is the same with any other device and its function. By Occam's Razor, the television generates the signal.


As we would say in dank maymay terms,

The problem with your Occam's Razor >>16447 is that it is a means of ending discussion to *feel* right, a typical fedora tactic.

as >>16519 suggests with their television equivalency of your argument, your occam's razor rhetorical device ends further scientific investigation, the opposite of enlightenment and consciousness.

what if there's really a television station making the signal? Can we really be sure the TV is the signal source without being retarded and overlooking anything else?

I suppose we should ask you again >>16447, why do you *hate* science?

Why aren't you open to science and reason like us here at /fringe/?


The antenna model explains more natual phenomena.

Near death experiences
Memories of past lives

Thus Occam's Razor favors it.


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If dubs/trips/quadrupes OP is a fag and the brain is obv. just a perception within the mind


You said what I was thinking. I would like to add to your list OBE's, people who have had personality changes after transplant surgery, and people who after suffering head trauma have woken up speaking foreign languages.

Occam's razor is a decent rule of thumb, but not if you deliberately ignore cases that don't fit your theory.


That doesn't prove anything.

Consciousness and mental is physical. Our brains are simply computers reacting to their environments. I'd go as far to say that there is no free will.


>That doesn't prove anything.
>Consciousness and mental is physical.

Why do you hate science so much?

>there is no free will.

You're speaking only for yourself.


This doesn't even make sense. Consciousness is "you." It's subjective, individual existence bearing witness to thoughts and perceived phenomena. What changes in the case of physically altering the brain is the senses, perceptions, cognition, etc., but not the "you." Is a blind or deaf person any less aware of "I am"?
This is why fedoras are mocked.


Quads of truth.


The living entity is transcendent to both the mind and the body. The idea that the universe is mental is not based in any authentic spiritual tradition.


When religions talk about infinity , they are really talking about imagination ( only infinite thing)


So how does the physical and non-physical interact? And what's the hierarchy here? This seems a lot like the soul debate.


What the heck are you even suggesting? Oceanic shamanism or what? You are discarding idealism and pretty much every spiritual tradition ever by rejecting the principle of mentalism.

There is no physical world it's all mental.


There's no physical "you," either?


Quads of righteousness.

May all the unbelievers be humbled.

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