getting grills with magick Curls !!YAVz6tuk1I 01/03/15 (Sat) 09:04:07 No. 16169
have you ever used magick to impress a girl, /fringe/?
SAGE! 01/03/15 (Sat) 09:21:32 No. 16179
questions to the questions thread shitposts to the shitposting thread pick one
Curls !!YAVz6tuk1I 01/03/15 (Sat) 09:23:24 No. 16180
>>16179 what the fuck?
what do you autists even talk about on this board then?
I was just joking when I said you all jack off to copy-pasted obscure texts but I guess I was right on the money. fuck me. yes, I am mad. take my loosh
SAGE! 01/03/15 (Sat) 11:04:00 No. 16210
>>16180 No seriously pick one. This sort of post is very welcome in the question thread and will probably get replies.
SAGE! 01/03/15 (Sat) 11:05:19 No. 16211
>>16180 No seriously, this sort of post is very welcome in the question thread and will probably dget replies. It doesn't need it's own thread unless you are posting info with it.
SAGE! 01/03/15 (Sat) 11:06:57 No. 16212
the fuck is this, it rejected my post first time i look like a neophyte or something
SRS !SLlpWddohQ 01/03/15 (Sat) 12:10:26 No. 16218
>>16169 >implying frangible's misinformed style of "magic" is effectual enough to impress a grill
01/06/15 (Tue) 02:47:02 No. 16732
>>16169 I sure have and it was highly effective. I possessed her with a thoughtform.
01/06/15 (Tue) 02:47:39 No. 16733
>>16218 >says the neophyte who does not have anywhere near the supernatural influence of Fringe Wizard on women
01/06/15 (Tue) 05:35:07 No. 16771
>>16740 Curls just accept the greenpill man and you'll never have trouble with women ever again.
01/06/15 (Tue) 06:28:28 No. 16787
File: 1420525708853.jpg (52.13 KB, 554x431, 554:431, surya-namaskar-sun-salutat….jpg )
Yeah one time when I was scanning groceries, I was gathering loose energy from around me and after banishing negative from it I charged it with intention of summoning my tulpa and cast it into the astral. Minutes later my target entered the store: a tall, young woman with blue eyes and curly, light-brown hair. I locked eyes with her and willed her into my line. She erroneously entered my express lane with too many items, but didn't realize because she was probably hypnotized. We had a good conversation, though she didn't know much about fringe topics I pointed her to yoga. Oh, and my tulpa is much stronger to boot. She even invaded someone's dreams last night.
01/06/15 (Tue) 06:32:20 No. 16789
>>16787 But as for impressing her, I just said I foresaw her coming to the store and into my line.
01/06/15 (Tue) 09:03:41 No. 16806
>>16787 so let me get this straight.
You meet a girl and the first thing you talk to her about is fringe topics?
Who the fuck does that?
01/06/15 (Tue) 09:31:34 No. 16810
>>16806 Yeah don't do this guys.
01/06/15 (Tue) 09:32:43 No. 16813
>>16806 >Who the fuck does that? Wizards, that's who!
>>16810 Silly mundane, I'll talk to women about anything I want, and they will respond however I want, because I am a master of reality manifestation like that.
01/06/15 (Tue) 09:35:12 No. 16816
first rule of magic is don't tell people you got magic.
01/06/15 (Tue) 09:49:33 No. 16825
>>16816 No it's the Fourth Law… not the first.
>know>will >dare >keep silent In that order.
01/06/15 (Tue) 09:56:53 No. 16827
well its my first because it makes people think you're a retard.
01/06/15 (Tue) 10:04:18 No. 16829
>>16827 What are you even trying to say mundane? Speak intelligibly.
SAGE! 01/06/15 (Tue) 16:32:11 No. 16855
>>16829 It's his first personal law, because not keeping silent makes you look like a retard.
Don't call people mundanes without good reason.
01/06/15 (Tue) 20:04:08 No. 16873
>>16855 >makes you look like a retard >makes people think you're a retard Silly mundanes can't even control and predict the reactions of others. I can say whatever I want and get whatever reaction I want.
Curls !!YAVz6tuk1I 01/07/15 (Wed) 05:29:56 No. 16977
File: 1420608596718.png (205.13 KB, 680x597, 680:597, 4207731 _1d7d7054a484cfb5c….png )
I would like to formally apologize for the autism I unleashed by starting by thread. I-I was only trying to shitpost.
01/11/15 (Sun) 02:44:03 No. 17334
grilld some gills with my pyrokinesis skills
01/11/15 (Sun) 06:11:28 No. 17364
>>16169 I've used autosuggestion to generate sexual attraction. Cory Skyy's affirmation program works really well. Download all this shit and listen: Affirmations are very powerful.
MoldyMarshmello !jtNHi350fI 01/11/15 (Sun) 06:24:29 No. 17367
Tulpa waifus: Good Idea or Bad Idea?
01/11/15 (Sun) 06:47:14 No. 17369
>>17367 Good if done right.
If done wrong, you've just made some kind of succubus.
01/11/15 (Sun) 07:22:33 No. 17373
I always do being my grandiose self. Never had a prob with the ladies. Girls dig demigods.
☻ 01/11/15 (Sun) 08:14:21 No. 17376
☻ 01/11/15 (Sun) 08:15:16 No. 17377
☻ 01/11/15 (Sun) 08:16:13 No. 17378
☻ 01/11/15 (Sun) 09:12:47 No. 17382
Is the CSS ok now or should I keep autisming a way at this until I find something better? I could copy Montalks theme.
01/11/15 (Sun) 09:14:43 No. 17384
>>17382 I was going to suggest this today!
☻ 01/11/15 (Sun) 09:27:21 No. 17387
File: 1420968440985.png (717.71 KB, 1679x755, 1679:755, Screenshot from 2015-01-11….png )
>>17384 Do you like what I've made?
Maybe a darker them would be better?
☻ 01/11/15 (Sun) 09:31:26 No. 17389
Someone please upload a wizard hat replacement for the Christmas hat.
01/11/15 (Sun) 09:42:21 No. 17392
>>17391 Ah, too big. Let me resize it.
☻ 01/11/15 (Sun) 09:43:45 No. 17394
>>17392 Your hat looks like a blurry piece of shit kek.
01/11/15 (Sun) 09:45:20 No. 17395
>>17394 Ok, sharpened it. It might be too big.
What's the size?
01/11/15 (Sun) 09:47:12 No. 17396
>>17395 Ah, you got first!
☻ 01/11/15 (Sun) 09:53:33 No. 17398
>>17396 What do you think of my buttons? Maybe I should make this button smaller?
☻ 01/11/15 (Sun) 09:58:48 No. 17401
>>17398 Changed it a bit, might still need to scale this down more.
☻ 01/11/15 (Sun) 09:59:20 No. 17402
01/11/15 (Sun) 10:01:48 No. 17405
>>17402 See if you can scale it just a little bit more.
☻ 01/11/15 (Sun) 10:03:33 No. 17406
File: 1420970613402.png (987.88 KB, 1606x904, 803:452, Screenshot from 2015-01-11….png )
☻ 01/11/15 (Sun) 10:05:39 No. 17407
I'm going to disable hats for now, stuff besides that Christmas hat looks crap when placed on the images.
☻ 01/11/15 (Sun) 10:11:23 No. 17408
>tfw I have now been up 24 hours working non-stop on CSS and I wanted to do magick in this time… Tomorrow I'll start to do a montalk CSS I guess.
01/11/15 (Sun) 10:14:35 No. 17409
>>17408 At least you weren't sick for few days, missing your practice and study.
01/14/15 (Wed) 14:06:07 No. 17844
>>16169 I didn't, but I did use it to find and catch the right girl. I "accidentally" met her shortly after. Four years ago and I regret nothing. I don't really get why so many people say using magic to get love is bad.
01/14/15 (Wed) 14:43:05 No. 17849
>>17844 The problem is in interfering with another's free will.
01/14/15 (Wed) 14:48:37 No. 17850
>>17849 I think its more influencing random chance and increasing the likelihood for something to happen rather than affecting free will, unless you're aiming it at a specific person.
Magic to draw a soul mate into your life can't be bad.
02/08/15 (Sun) 23:01:12 No. 21487
waste of chi you dingus
☻ 02/08/15 (Sun) 23:22:36 No. 21493
>>17844 It's bad when they formulate the request wrong.
>some beta faggot develops an obsession for some random woman >castes a spell to get her >gets her >learns later this was a mistake A more wise wizard would formulate their spell to fetch them "the perfect woman out there" and not a specific one then wait for that perfect woman to come into their life, the one that would truly make them happy, and that they would develop positively with.
The other problem is too many people seeking a GF while not having resolved their own shortcomings as a person. Being vice-filled trash that hasn't yet reached a level of development where they deserve a quality mate. Why even pursue women while you still have yet to reach the apex of your physical and mental/magickal strength?
>>17849 You can't interfere with the free will of a mundane that manifests very little free will to begin with and is subject to higher forces all the time.
05/14/15 (Thu) 17:59:41 No. 38590
>asking virgins how to get girls
Top kek
didi 05/14/15 (Thu) 18:11:23 No. 38594
05/14/15 (Thu) 22:03:21 No. 38608
This is why we have >>>/magick/ now
fringe is ded.
SAGE! 05/15/15 (Fri) 00:13:01 No. 38642
Your board is dead. /fringe/ is alive and well and gets like 200 posts a day
BloodRite 05/15/15 (Fri) 03:48:10 No. 38699
OP this is a natural thing when getting into magick, no you won't impress them, however you can use lesser magick to attract a certain someone and it does a couple things both bad and good, one is it proves magick is legit, only good thing about it, however your perception of said girl gets changed, they don't like you but feel attracted to you like a parasite, they turn out to be psycho, you waste looah or something else like you don't like them anymore. Its better to create a thoughtform of your perfect women and let the thought form find that person and bring them to you. But that's a little more adept. If you want to do it the neophyte way read Psychic Sexual So suction. Its up to you to find it as will acts on desire.
BloodRite 05/15/15 (Fri) 03:59:28 No. 38703
Loosh* seduction* sorry my phone
05/15/15 (Fri) 04:01:18 No. 38704
The adept way is the only way worth doing it. I did it myself.
As for greenpilling yourself so hard you can't doubt magick is real I think the best way is to begin with a general study and then when you feel ready all you got to do is just start reading the Chasing Phantoms book in the library. Doing so is a surefire way to have encounters with aliens.
08/15/15 (Sat) 12:43:50 No. 50081
so you turn any conversation into a circle jerk so you MIGHT get laid?