>>16689I would not say it was an accident, but neither was I trying to have this specific experience. There were deliberate actions I was taking in order to achieve some vague spiritual purpose, I really had no idea what I was doing but the important this is I was doing things. In hindsight, maybe the highest part of my consciousness was guiding me to exactly this end, but there's no way I could have known what I was going for. In fact, if I would have known what I was going to be like I might not have wanted to do it.
This is why I know I can't tell people how to replicate what happened to me. There's no way I can indulge in being a guru or a teacher, something I flirted with for a few weeks. Everyone will have to deal with this in their own way because it involves very personal things, like facing your most deep seated fears.
>>16690Indeed it does have many benefits. In fact, weeks after it happened I started writing something up for one of the forums I posted on (totse, in case anyone cares) about "The Perks of Expanding Consciousness". You're able to experience everything much more deeply. Joy, pleasure, love, etc. You're able to step away from the bad things more easily as well. You don't fall prey to your foibles. You're able to see cleary.
However, clarity is the second enemy of a man of knowledge.
>>16691An exercise? Sure. I can come up with several. They're not going to be pussy-whipped, spoon-fed, new-age SJWesque, super easy bullshit. It's actually going to challenge you.
We'll start with walking. After that you can get into deeper forms of meditation & lucid dreaming and such. But to start, you need to work on your energy and you need to walk. Walk and walk and walk. Walk for an hour a day. Walk for two hours a day. Walk six miles. Walk twelve miles.
Don't listen to music. Don't stare. Notice everything around you.
Although now that I think about it, there are a lot of smaller things I can recommend that won't be a direct cause of awakening but might help. For instance, do not let time hold you down. Don't look at clocks, or do like I did and set clocks to purposefully wrong hours.
Question everything that you do and believe.