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Esoteric Wizardry


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Fear is the first enemy of a man of knowledge and after two years of sustained spiritual & personal inquiry and a couple of adventures, I laid down one night to die, confident in the knowledge that I had reached the end of my quest. Being plagued with existential questions all my life about the meaning of who we are and why we're here, I came to a satisfactory conclusion based in pure reason and then felt that life held nothing else for me.

I awoke the next morning a completely different human being. First and foremost I no longer reacted to adrenaline in the way I did before. After confronting my fears over and over again, I had come to know the primal & bestial nature of it. However now it no longer clouded my mind or gripped me. It was a rush of energy and nothing else.

In the same instant I knew that, I also knew that my third eye was open. From that day forward I was able to constantly see prana, the vital life force of the universe. That prana exists is a basic fact of life for me.

Before my "transformation", I thought that I might be hallucinating or crazy. Now I know I'm much further down the rabbit hole than I thought.

Anyway, I normally don't talk about my experiences with a lot of people, with my close friends it takes years for me to become comfortable to talk about something so alien. Not very many people comprehend what I'm talking about or think too much of it. For some I've helped jump start their evolution.

Now I'm not trying to preach to anyone or scam anyone or start a cult or anything. I just figured some people here might find me of use.



oops, I'm drunk and forgot the most important part of this post. I didn't just "evolve past fear". The most important change was that since then I've been able to stop my thoughts at will. Before then I had been harassed by my "mind" constantly.

That's why I'm reaching out. Your mind is not your own. Some of you may suspect this. I can't change you but I am here to tell you change is possible


What practices do you do? What is your routine?



Seconding. I need a good routine


The routine of no-routine! Okay, bad zen joke. But really, the way I like to describe it is that my "working philosophy", the ideas I believe in because their actions have produced results, can mostly be derived from the teachings of Don Juan.

For instance, one of the big events in my journey leading up to my "awakening" was when I was kicked out of my parents house at 16, went to my best friends house in another town, and then walked back to my town. It was about 18 miles and it took from dusk till dawn and my feet were completely destroyed. Since I had absolutely no distractions and was completely alone with a cel phone or anything, I ended up running out of things to think about. My mind started lapsing into silence.

The reason I bring this up is because walking is one of the most important practices you can have. Walking, by yourself, for hours on end.

Without opening up the conduits of energy through your feet, you will never truly awaken.

That aside, you really should never have any routine. You should constantly trying to be breaking OUT of a routine. You already have a routine and you think your problem is a better one, but the problem is being routine and having habits.

Your consistent self of sense is supported by routines and habits.


So are you saying you had this experience on accident?


What other symptoms did you have to know that it opened? It is supposed to have many noticeable benefits, right? Do you see spirits and other things? I have been able to see 'prana' or etheric energy, since I was a young child. As I began making attempts to open it this energy became more apparent as did astral lights. I believe you should begin attempts to extend vision close to 360 degrees when your third eye is open.


I forgot the flag

Also can you come up with an exercise for us so that we can experience what you are experiencing? Maybe you'll figure some thing out?


I would not say it was an accident, but neither was I trying to have this specific experience. There were deliberate actions I was taking in order to achieve some vague spiritual purpose, I really had no idea what I was doing but the important this is I was doing things. In hindsight, maybe the highest part of my consciousness was guiding me to exactly this end, but there's no way I could have known what I was going for. In fact, if I would have known what I was going to be like I might not have wanted to do it.

This is why I know I can't tell people how to replicate what happened to me. There's no way I can indulge in being a guru or a teacher, something I flirted with for a few weeks. Everyone will have to deal with this in their own way because it involves very personal things, like facing your most deep seated fears.
Indeed it does have many benefits. In fact, weeks after it happened I started writing something up for one of the forums I posted on (totse, in case anyone cares) about "The Perks of Expanding Consciousness". You're able to experience everything much more deeply. Joy, pleasure, love, etc. You're able to step away from the bad things more easily as well. You don't fall prey to your foibles. You're able to see cleary.

However, clarity is the second enemy of a man of knowledge.


An exercise? Sure. I can come up with several. They're not going to be pussy-whipped, spoon-fed, new-age SJWesque, super easy bullshit. It's actually going to challenge you.

We'll start with walking. After that you can get into deeper forms of meditation & lucid dreaming and such. But to start, you need to work on your energy and you need to walk. Walk and walk and walk. Walk for an hour a day. Walk for two hours a day. Walk six miles. Walk twelve miles.

Don't listen to music. Don't stare. Notice everything around you.

Although now that I think about it, there are a lot of smaller things I can recommend that won't be a direct cause of awakening but might help. For instance, do not let time hold you down. Don't look at clocks, or do like I did and set clocks to purposefully wrong hours.

Question everything that you do and believe.


Do you have an opinion on walking barefoot frequently? Some claim it has great benefits, especially on natural surfaces.


Why do you take mind altering substances still instead of changing your mental states by an act of will? …or are you drunk off of a thoughtform?


I've done walking meditation before and walked from before the sun had even risen, walked all day at random across the city, and returned in darkness again after the sun had set….

I've done it several times for no apparent reason other than that some invisible force pulled me towards doing it.

I also have no routine, I am just chaos, doing what is necessary for the moment, working one moment to the next, and oddly getting a lot of magick done.


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This is me every day and especially on good days. I FEEL EVERYTHING. All people's thoughts that are attracted to me, swirling around me, like a cloud of thought that I am connected to. It's overwhelming almost… in the way that there is so much going on that it's hard to translate it into verbal or text output because it's constantly changing and so rapid and such a high volume of vibes, strong thoughtcurrents, etc. that I am connected to. It doesn't matter if you're in another country or close proximity to me, I feel you, I am part of you and swapping parts with you. I am like… a something that sticks to thoughts, constantly changing parts, constantly catching fragments of your soul, replacing parts of myself, sending parts of myself to you, resonating… copying… merging… projecting… absorbing… and the more it progresses, the more connections that are maintained, the greater the volume, the expanse of thoughts… it feels so free, so wonderful, so elaborate, so promising, so full of potential, so connected. I am like a cloud of consciousness, steadily transcending a fixed point of consciousness, losing my sense of a fixed location in space, boundaries not clear, anywhere. I am anywhere. Not just stuck behind these eyes staring out from them, not just a batch of thoughts bound to one body, I am a collective of thoughts. This is not theory; this is realization, experience, actuality. It will only be more intense as this batch of linear time continues its progress.


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Wrong picture. Here is the one I meant to post. I FEEL EVERYTHING.

(not really everything, but very expanded, and many things I do feel like a big cloud of thoughts like I'm connected to everyone that has thought about me)


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Hey I'm the same way

in fact, you're only feeling this Way cuz I did secret magick for you.

It was only a matter of time before I got the status report on this plane, Cuz you a known flexer


The fears are just indulgences… they are not one's own necessarily or they don't have to be. Devour the fear.

I always avoid clocks btw and have for a long time. I hate clocks, radios, and televisions.


>not connecting to the Earth's energy, Book of Knowledge style, or via an Earth invocation followed by moving your astral body into the ground.




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I wasn't even planning to get trips! I would've claimed it and told ppl to read from this list >>16278

I Dunno Why I used the Christian flag eeither. Compulsion …..

If u wanna know What a flexer is then listen to this WHOLE THING


I'm split on this smiler my man.

I wanna hate those things but I get absolutely ridiculous synchronicity with them (made a post today about 1 , In the questions thread )

BrB, reading What montlak says about synchronicities.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>the top comment on this vid

I still have no fucking idea what a flexer is btw. I can not decipher this nigger babble. Please explain to me what a flexer is.


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Means you would flex your magical muscles, and post about it ( status report)

This absurd music is getting stuck in my head and I've been smoking too much herbal jew, but I've Also been so full of loosh and invisible from the cops

Don't stop flexing BTW. It's a good thing. I'm getting a gold Jesus necklace
In b4>smoking the magical jew

Im Also
smoking native American cigarettes with 'organic menthol '. What the fuck?


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Everyone should own a good pair of headphones ( grado or senheisser)

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