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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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>Try to AP
>Get the intense urge to open my eyes and sit up
>open my eyes and sit up


>try to ap
>lucid dream
every time :(


>try to AP
I'm only an armchair expert of astral projection.


I thought astral projection was bullshit?
I meditate and do yoga but AP seems meme.


>ap seems meme
>immediately assumes that because /cringelords/ are sarcastic fucks they're just trolling

pls go


>start practicing accumulating the four elements
>ignore bardon's warning to balance the elements within oneself beforehand
>four days later I'm having the worst mood swings of my life and am generally exhausted

tl;dr listen to your teacher dumbass


>be in the astral
>talk with someone in the astral about getting a job


>know about AP
>decide not to do it
>decide to drink chocolate milk instead


>want to ap
>have to imagine getting brushed and pumped for the second week
I-is Robert Bruce grooming me?



kekkin 4 dayz

be your own teacher

listen to knowledge. Bardon speaks knowledge.


>hand out my email to cute girls in the astral
>no replies yet
really embarrassing


You should ask for their's instead, or their phone number. Women don't like to initiate contact.


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serves you right for being a whiny faggot.



Try crossing your arms and legs.


What for?



I read that it disrupts the etheric body, making it easier to AP. I've tried it too, and have had closer calls with success attempting like that.


Cross arms and legs to what position? Can you draw a picture?


I some times reach this "whole body orgasm" state, where it feels like my whole self is about to shatter. Always snapping back at this point because im teffified.

afterwards allways mad at myself for beeing a coward.


Sometimes when I lie still for a while I reach a point where 1. I feel very detached from my body, not so much "numb," but like my body becomes irrelevant to me. 2. I feel this sometimes very intense sense of wobbling/vibrating, like I'm a massive subwoofer thumping up and down, up and down, and it at times becomes so crazy that it feels like with each "up" I'm blasting up into the sky and with each "down" I'm falling out of an airplane. It feels like a really rapid bungee jump. Does this seem like the right track to projection or some sort of OBE?


yes, it's the final stage


i used to ap naturally until my father attacked me with mo own gun now i cant even lucid dream anymore


And the stage that you feel your bodu expanding and heavy and some vibration is the stage before it?


Out of Body experiences are not a rare phenomenon and not only fringelords have encountered them.

The controversy is whether it is a legit supernatural phenomenon or just a bizarre neurological blip.


>try to work enochian
>nothing happens


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>Try to AP
>Getting close to any result gets me excited and wakes me up


You've gotta master those trance states, mate



>astral projecting

>montalk advised against it
>being this pleb
>not knowing astral projecting is dangerous and gets you nowhere

you guys are the cancer thats killing fringe gtfo


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I do not remember wholly montalk's opinion on the astral quite enough, so correct me if I'm wrong, but

Wasn't the point of him suggesting against AP'ing too soon because most beginners rush towards the astral not being capable of control of neither themselves or external spirits, just opening themselves up to more influences in the shape of whoever demon notices them prancing around the astral?

A complete ideological dismissal of AP'ing seems just wrong since it has a lot to offer for the practitioner.


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Yes, it was along those lines. He suggested lucid dreaming as alternative method for those who wish to meet entities.

He also mentioned soul-decay as possible side-effect of projection; he said he knows people who feel "off" after having spent time on astral planes. I wonder what this is. . .


Is there any truth to this?


>Astral Projecting
>Not Lucid dreaming on multiplayer


Montalk is gay and a fag and needs to source his work.

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