No.17625[Last 50 Posts]
Control your emotions.
Take a deep breath and look at all the facts. Go through that silly exercise they taught you in school, Who, What, When, Where, How, Why.
Do you need to get to her home? Are you able to?
I would suggest replying back normally and coding a message into your reply the same way she did. something like HOW or WHY. You need more information if you are going to help her.
>>17648Also why do you make the board's layout more obnoxious and silly every day? Are you trying to loosh farm or trying to encourage mundanes to not take us seriously?
>>17650It seems to be a good idea.
>>17625I got a good rush of shivers from my head to my spine when I read the message.
If this is a woman, it could be a typical cry for attention
Message her back similarly saying "OKAY" or something
maybe something as simple as JUST putting "OKAY"
something like that
testing if 8chan is still down
>>17660basically acknowledge her
>>17662damnit.. it didn't keep my flag, CURSESS!!!!
>>17625Holy shit dude, I have the chills.
I am presently uploading ALL of my folders onto mega and will give links when it's ready and probably will upload videos too.
I want to get everything up before I proceed.
I don't know what exactly is going on but something very fucked is happening and I'm still trying to make sense of it.
If Nathaniel Greene's words are correct I will commit Mahasamādhi.
The number of really fucking strange events happening around me are accelerating into overdrive.
I must be careful, I am also under very intense attack by something dark, and which has more domain whenever I leave my room that is completely shielded.
When I do leave my fucking face starts swelling and bleeding, it is the most bizarre thing.
Right now it forms a crescent moon across my face of pus and blood.
It is really disturbing to see and I look undead, my skin is pale like a corpse, with dark black circles under the eyes like the Pope.
When I get back into my room I begin healing rapidly.
Weird things have happened in the astral too, I forget who I am, and begin talking in several other languages (I think Latin, German, and French) fluently and casting long and complicated qaballistic spells (like IAO, you get the idea) despite not having properly studied Kabbalah.
I keep getting possessed repeatedly and having thoughts that aren't my own and are distinctly someone elses but then whatever tries to possess me tends to lose its grasp at some point. My voice and attitude and everything changes, sometimes it's like I'm a man much older than right now, with a deeper voice or a different accent.
Sometimes random other entities keep interrupting things them, attacking them, and imbuing me with qualities that are of a light nature instead of darkness but it's fucking strange.
Weird shit is happening in third density as well. Lots of weird shit that all ties into these 4D happenings. People relating to me strange stories, certain events in the world corresponding with shit that happens to me, etc.
I don't understand it all. It's fucking crazy. I don't know what I'm part of, what is happening, and why I am being used like some kind of decaying puppet.
<Kyrios> No, I want to know the bloodtype of you all
<Kyrios> To understand where you will go
<Kyrios> Do you know where we as humans came from?
<Kyrios> Not where our greatest ancestor came from, but how they came to be humans?
<Kyrios> Do you know?
<Kyrios><Kyrios> The final phase is setting in.
<Kyrios> In april we will celibrate the last phase.
forksmoker seems to be encountering an entity I've seen before, the one with the toohtpaste, and it's tormenting him, night after night… he can not sleep any longer.
>>17666When you were required to look for a pastebin, I found one about the origins of humanity. It was about reptilians attacking the original star system where humans lived. Also dealt with Illuminati/NWO stuff. I didn't care much about it because it seemed to say only things said several times before, and it was already expired when the stranger announced he had a pastebin, I read it through Google cache. Is is possibly relevant? I can find it back.
>>17668Maybe? I don't know.
Who made those two posts on /4chon/ btw and what the fuck do they even mean?
Just spooked a certain someone who was fucking with me badly and he appears he's noped the fuck out of here. Everything Nathaniel Greene has said now is caste into doubt and highly suspect. I may have to stall any plans to an hero… and get back to saving her.
* okay has quit (Quit: Leaving)
just waiting her for my angel.
<blue> As she said to come here and wait
<Fergus> Acchan is your angel?
<blue> if I ever needed her
<Joseph> so the jews won
Nathaniel Greene you fucking prick I'm onto you now.
I'm not even going to tell you how badly you fucked up because I don't need you learning from your mistakes but my goodness have you ever fucked up hard and many times over.
I now know without a doubt what you are a liar and would ruse me to death for your entertainment.
On the other hand this investigation is not over.
19 and 3 were your fatal errors Nathaniel Greene.
I do not know your story, but I feel the need to say this.
Your life is your own creation. You have free-will, just like everybody else out there. Do not mistake their will for yours.
Surround yourself with what you want in your life, down to every tiniest detail, your thoughts, your clothes, your phone wallpaper, your friends, your internet forums, your habits, even what you say and think.
There wages a great battle - but you know this, I think. There are two sides.
One side is concerned with hate, using people, self-gain, separation and schadenfreude. The other is more interested in helping people, altruism, truth and acceptance. Sometimes it is difficult to see the line, I think.
I'll leave you with this here awesome prose - Invictus.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
apologize is misspelled
Tossed a thoughtform out there for ya bud, predicated on truth of course.
All the stuff I search seems to just random garbage and is possibly just people trolling me. Should I just go to bed until I think of a better plan to get answers?
Did you try Greater Banishing Ritual of pentagram
Or maybe use NAP??
Well I am always ok with using spirits when dealing with "Dark" entities
You can use this summary of NAP Pillar Ritual→NAP RELAXATION RITUAL-→DEE-HAY THOOTH EVOCATION-→ BORNLESS ONE INVOCATION-→(Just choose one per day)
CHANT TO BRING HEALTH(For getting rid of the bleeding)
This Ritual should be used when you know who you enemy is, but not
where they are.
The thought occured to me that this could be a clever attempt at your loosh, smiley. That this master ruseman is playing to your emotions, your desires. It's a trap, and I hope you see it.
I know nothing of this Jenny story, but I had a whisper that this is one trial you must overcome, and not allow yourself to be kidnapped, heart, mind, soul or body, by those plotting on your downfall. Stay strong and ascetic Smiley.
Nathaniel Greene?
>>17673Quit leaving what? Quit planning suicide, maybe?
>>17625Smiley, those are clearly automated messages, that's a bot. Notice how everything she says is not related to what you write to her at all, and how she only posts a couple of things every now and then - that is in order to hide the fact that she's a bot.
A couple of bots added me on skype in the recent past so I'm pretty sure this is a bot. Probably someone knows about this Jenny girl and is fucking with you.
>>17699Also notice how she never greets you, like people normally do on an IM.
>"Hey">"Hi, what's up">"Fine, how was your Christmas"That's how a normal conversation works.
Instead she writes everything in a big message, giving you no chance to interact with her, so you can't understand whether she's a real person or not. Basic bot tactics. Dude, have some common sense, magic being real does not mean that everything's out to get you and that enemies are lurking in the shadow, that's paranoia.
U gettin rused smiley
>>17699>>17700See, double dubs confirm my point.
Smiley has an angel as a friend?
Just how deep goes this go?
>>17665I had a dream last night where there was this animal whose name was Kaaba. And you mention Kabbalah here. . .
>>17703Pic related is the Kaaba, anon. You're dreams want you to become a muzzie. Don't give in.
my third eye is detecting a bot,
Hahahahahahahahaha you bloody autist!
Hi I'm new here
What the weiner is this thread about and who is Nathaniel Greene?
>>17711Find for yourself, also you forgot your flag.
Is not this just distraction Smiley? I mean, there is so much stuff in your life that you need to improve, if you are still living in the same place you can not go there because it is expensive, are she really worth what you are giving? The puzzles that they are giving to you are not just a ruseman's work trying to stop you? Can not you just tell to someone that lives near her to check her home?
sounds like Smiley is getting trolledtrolled by a Jewish>>17717
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](//
>>17625Your in the wrong timeline man>>17625
>Smiley will NEVER upload his secret files
>>17717>Can not you just tell to someone that lives near her to check her home?Tried that and nearly got rused to death until I realized he didn't actually check. I need someone to ACTUALLY do it and who can be trusted to report back with truthful results and proof of visitation.
>>17699>>17700She used to talk like a normal human from her account. I think those messages were pre-written and then pasted quickly by her or maybe a script. If you want I can copy even older conversation (I've been talking to her for years) and you can see the moment where her writing style and manner of speech completely changed to this bot like way of talking from her previous much more real mode of communication.
>>17746You can call to the condominium where she lives and ask if someone know if she is still there. I think it looks like one, at least in my country it looks.
Have you tried just calling her place if you have an idea of what building its in?
Polfag here, I saw Smiley's post on /meta/ and decided to come over and see what this is about. TBH I'm not really sure what this board even is. Could you guys fill me in? It may also be useful to make a board info sticky.
>>17801>It may also be useful to make a board info sticky.Did you even look at
>>>/1/ ?
i think you're just getting trolled bruh
or this is an elaborate scheme to troll all of the people interested in this
or you're just bored and want to RP psychological adventure
Go outside
>>17802sincerest apologies, i missed it when scrolling through the first page. my eyes keep getting drawn to the rolling pentagram
>>17803Do you know nothing of my history and the history of 4chon? This is very real and not a troll. This concerns an actual person who has gone missing and nobody can find her anymore.
>>17746What if you call for a pizza to be delivered there and tell the guy to call you when he get's there?
You can tell him to call you to open the door or something like that.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
[10:21:02 AM] Fringe Wizard: *poke*
[10:21:21 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: I failed my exam. I failed it. I failed. I didn't fail but i failed anyway. Why is nothing good enough? Failure. Why is everyone so Cruel, most Of all the people i Love and rely on every Day? I am a failure. I AM A FAILURE.
[10:21:48 AM] Fringe Wizard: Ah well, it happened to me too.
[10:22:00 AM] Fringe Wizard: How come you failed your exam?
[10:22:08 AM] Fringe Wizard: Also how badly did you fail it?
[10:22:44 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: I did not fail. But i failed anyway.
[10:22:57 AM] Fringe Wizard: How does that work?
[10:23:05 AM] Fringe Wizard: Also why are you cold?
[10:24:27 AM] Fringe Wizard: What people have been cruel to you?
[10:25:14 AM] Fringe Wizard: What was your exam about?
[10:26:39 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: I need privacy, too much pressure. Everyone is pushing in each direction and I can't hold it all back. Too many eyes, too many hands, they know me in and out. Close the window please.
[10:27:33 AM] Fringe Wizard: The windows in my room are all closed.
[10:27:55 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: Close it please I'm cold.
[10:28:05 AM] Fringe Wizard: Jenny want to talk on tinychat?
[10:29:37 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: What is trust, what is true love? I need privacy. A secret is not a secret once you've told.
[10:30:03 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: Stop pushing me, I'm weaker than I used to be.
[10:30:13 AM] Fringe Wizard: How come you're talking like Nexx?
[10:30:40 AM] Fringe Wizard: In what manner am I pushing you and why do you talk cryptically?
[10:31:03 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: I
[10:31:15 AM] Fringe Wizard: Are there any secrets that have been told that you would not like told?
[10:32:10 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: What's a secret and what is trust? Can they compare or are they opposites?
[10:32:17 AM] Fringe Wizard: Hmmm
[10:32:30 AM] Fringe Wizard: I don't think secrets and trust are polar opposites.
[10:33:00 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: Water kills fire.
[10:33:05 AM] Fringe Wizard: A secret is something known only to a select few people and which is generally not shared.
[10:33:29 AM] Fringe Wizard: Trust is a status between two people where they know they can rely on each other or keep their word with each other and so on.
[10:33:52 AM] Fringe Wizard: Elementally, water is opposite of fire, and when combined they become air.
[10:34:09 AM] Fringe Wizard: At least in alchemy that's how it works.
[10:34:20 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: Fire melts ice.
[10:34:35 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: Close the window, please.
[10:34:45 AM] Fringe Wizard: What window are you referring to?
>>17855She might be refeering the window as the fact you're sharing your conversations with fringe I think.
>>17856[10:36:13 AM] Fringe Wizard: Jenny where is the window you want closed?
[10:37:20 AM] Fringe Wizard: Jenny, how many tulpas do you have in total?
[10:38:25 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: There are four elements and we like to say that some are opposites. But how can fire and water be opposites when one kills the other, and the other changes one?
[10:38:46 AM] Fringe Wizard: They exert opposite forces.
[10:39:06 AM] Fringe Wizard: I have some notes I have written down about them I could show you
[10:39:15 AM] Fringe Wizard: there's also a description in Initiation Into Hermetics
[10:39:22 AM] Fringe Wizard: fire imposes, water attracts.
[10:39:54 AM] Fringe Wizard: I'm not sure why you'd say one kills the other.
[10:40:05 AM] Fringe Wizard: If you heat up water with fire long enough it becomes vapour.
[10:41:04 AM] Fringe Wizard: Want me to copy some passages out of Initiation Into Hermetics?
[10:41:09 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: When there's nothing left what else is there?
[10:41:46 AM] Fringe Wizard: Have you read the Corpus Hermeticum? Anyways, if you strip away all the phenomenal things, what your find is your true self.
[10:41:57 AM] Fringe Wizard: Conscious egohood.
[10:41:59 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: What else is there?
[10:42:09 AM] Fringe Wizard: Spirit.
[10:42:14 AM] Fringe Wizard: The All.
[10:42:24 AM] Fringe Wizard: Have you read The Arcane Formulas?
[10:42:27 AM] Fringe Wizard: It answers your question.
[10:42:52 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: What Alse Is There? For Me?
[10:43:08 AM] Fringe Wizard: For you specifically?
[10:43:23 AM] Fringe Wizard: Well same as everyone else I suppose, infinity.
[10:43:44 AM] Fringe Wizard: It never ends for any of us.
[10:43:52 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: It never ends.
[10:44:13 AM] Fringe Wizard: Every personality is a vessel that we wear for awhile, it is like a dream.
[10:44:20 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: I'm waiting but it never ends.
[10:44:37 AM] Fringe Wizard: What exactly are you waiting for?
[10:45:07 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: Please close the window, it's so cold
[10:45:28 AM] Fringe Wizard: You'd have to tell me how to close this window first.
[10:45:39 AM] Fringe Wizard: I could try to use a thoughtform to accomplish the task.
[10:45:52 AM] Fringe Wizard: I'm not sure where the window you refer to is or how to close it…
[10:46:12 AM] Fringe Wizard: Do you want me to try using a thoughtform to close your window?
[10:47:10 AM] Fringe Wizard: Have you ever listened to The Kybalion?
[10:47:17 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: Can i trust You? Will you help me Erase? Keep my Secret?
[10:48:10 AM] Fringe Wizard: Yeah you can trust me.
[10:48:16 AM] Fringe Wizard: What is your secret?
[10:48:24 AM] Fringe Wizard: Also, what do you want me to erase?
[10:48:52 AM] Fringe Wizard: Also, can I comment on the other thing?
[10:48:59 AM] Fringe Wizard: Directly ?
[10:50:33 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: I must go I must not fail my exam.
[10:50:39 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: I can't fail.
[10:50:44 AM] Fringe Wizard: You've said already that you failed your exam though.
[10:50:58 AM] Fringe Wizard: What is your exam about and why would you fail it?
[10:53:28 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: What exactly are you waiting for?
[10:54:37 AM] Fringe Wizard: Just waiting to understand why your manner of speech is so odd lately.
[10:55:46 AM] Fringe Wizard: I'lL send a thoughtform to try and clOse any windows near you if possible and maybe you won't be Very cold anymorE.
[10:56:55 AM] Fringe Wizard: Tell me if it worked.
[10:59:10 AM] Fringe Wizard: How do your surroundings appear Jenny?
[10:59:27 AM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: I Do not like it when all Eyes are on me and I'm the center of attention. It makes me nervous and I don't know who i can trust and reLy on. Erasers are nice, because when you write Too much or incorrectly you can just remove it. Anyway, now i have to go. My Exam is waiting and i have to study, I dont want to fail.
[11:01:50 AM] Fringe Wizard: Didn't you have exams already quite a few months ago? Also you started this conversation saying you failed but did not failed. You really have me confused.
[11:04:14 AM] Fringe Wizard: I don't know What it is or How come you keep repeATing yourself ?
>>17860>tfw don't know what to do with this or what it means No.17865
There is something seriously fucked with my Skype right now and I am seriously doubting at this point that every single contact I have on there hasn't been hijacked, tons of random accounts on there are all talking fucking weird now and sending coded messages.
>>17865I have you as contact. Zosimos, it was. I can't access Skype, the program freezes for me, but let me see if someone's hijacked my account. . .
>>17865If you think you're being hacked right now I can help you finding what's happening on your pc. Excuse me if I'm bothering you.
>>17867How do you intend to do that?
>>17866I really fucking wish I knew what is going on. This is a complete chaos mindfuck that just gets stranger by the day.
>>17869I don't know your knowledge about Computer Security but I'm studying CS right now and I think I may give you some tips of what's happening on your computer.
If you're on linux mint you could
# lsof -la
to see every connection from or to you, in that way you might find if somebody cracked into your PC (for example).
I can give you more things to trace him/her/it but I think you may already have a better knowledge about computers than me, so just tell me if you want to try something and dont figure how.
>>17869Also I suggest migrating your fringe group to Retroshare, as it's a good software for F2F secure communication.
>>17869I checked it out, no one had at least used my account.
Could you post some examples of the coded messages?
File: 1421257330773.png (121.12 KB, 637x593, 637:593, Screenshot from 2015-01-14….png)
>>17874I posted some already in here.
Here's some more weird shit.
>something knocks Smiley out of the astral whenever he tries to connect
>his Skype seems supernaturally fucked up
Did you piss off anyone important in the cosmic hierarchy?
>>17876Maybe it's STS entities. Don't know who, though.
>>17876>his Skype seems supernaturally fucked upSearch for virus and rootkits
sudo apt-get install clamav rkhunter
sudo freshclam &
sudo rkhunter –check
sudo clamscan –remove=yes -r -i /
This will scan your pc for rootkits and viruses, show them and remove them.
Also you should check /etc/passwd for strange accounts.
sudo lsof -ni
I told you the wrong command, sorry.
lsof will check for connections and list with associated program, so if somebody is connected to your computer it should appear here.
>>17876If I did, I don't know who the fuck I pissed off. I did fuck up a lot of entities in the astral though for a long time.
>>17882There's a shitload of stuff going on when I did
sudo lsof -ni but I don't know what to look for. Should I post a screencap of terminal or would that compromise me?
>>17884Don't screencap as in that way you'll be revealing your IPs. Just post the names of the first column, the program names. In that way you're going to show some of the programms you're running on your computer.
>>17890What is skype target??
Skype is very unsecure if you're messing up with global groups. It's known of be compromised by the NSA so they can peep on your conversations don't find anything else strange besides that "skype target" Are them two different lines? Or just the program name?
>>17891The "target" may be one program, and it may be a virus because its name seems suspecting. Check it's pid (second column) and kill it if you don't know wtf is that.
sudo kill [pid]
>>17892iscsi-target (ESTABLISHED) ?
Target does not appear to be a program to me.
>>17896Ahh if it's iscsi-target it might be some kind of utility to connect to external network storage, like a home server or something like that.
If you don't have that kind of thing, it could be the problem.
iSCSI is an internet protocol for linking data-storage devices. It could be somebody connected to you. If the ip before iscsi is not yours, geoip it and you may find the fucker.
>>17897>>17897Ignore that. It's just where skype is connecting to. I don't know if its a domain of them.
>>17896Also try searching for hidden processes or connections with unhide
sudo apt-get install unhide
sudo unhide.rb
>>17896Didn't you say you were gonna upload all upu files? Could you do that please
What are the most reasonable non-retarded ways we can figure this shit out?
I'm thinking…
1. Wait for the master ruseman that might be behind this all to just come out with it, meanwhile ignore the whole thing, and keep studying magick.
2. Get someone from Norway to go visit her and provide proof of visitation and to confirm what happened. We don't need another lying Nathaniel Greene though sending me on another ruse cruise making up a story about it though that never happened.
3. Find out her phone number and just call it.
4. Check the local psychiatric hospitals, as she may very well be held in one of them right now, and it wouldn't be the first time either.
5. Find out if there's a single person that ever knew her that knows if she's visiting any chats or playing any games any longer. Nobody can find her though, everyone that knew her doesn't know what happened to her.
Any other ideas?
I know approximately her home location, I know her full name, and I have lots of pictures of her.
>>17967First thing I would try is the phone number route, if you get her on the phone just say what you've been worried about and see how she reacts.
If that doesn't work find out about the psychiatric hospital angle.
After that, just ignore it. Sending someone to check on her is just asking for trouble/ruses.
>>179741. What if her parents or sibling answer first?
2. How do I get her phone number? I know her full name, I know roughly where her house is but I'm not sure if I'd accidentally call her next-door neighbour's house….
Not sure if this phone number thing is tenable.
There might however be someone from
>>>/4chon/ who'd know her exact phone number.
Anyone that could hack Skype easily could also figure out what's going on probably by just getting onto her account and getting all her messages.
>>17975If anyone else answers you can just ask if you can talk to her. Like you said though, her phone number might just be out of your reach.
If you're really intent on investigating further, you can snoop around Skype, /4chon/, etc..
But really man, in my real opinion. This whole thing stinks, by that I mean its real suspicious, and not in a "oh shit she's in danger!" kind of way either. I'm more worried about you getting dragged into something ridiculous than I am about this girl.
This isn't the movies, like someone said up there somewhere, her messages are not normal. And if there really was something awful going on, she would probably take the chance to just say something, instead of turning a message into a word search (that still didn't give you any info or ways you could help).
Just my two cents.
Okay smiley. I may not be into magic (though my copy of liber null and psychonaut did come in the mail today), but when it comes to divine intuition im pretty damn good. Take my opinion or leave it, idc
>Please close the window, it's so cold
Shes fucking dying, and your magic is only making it worse. Your connection to whatever the fuck you want to call whatever the fuck hierarchy you believe in is seriously fucking this whole situation up. You need to take a seriously conservative approach to this.
Continue attempting to learn things with magic, but focus on studying the facts, and meditation. You need to be patient, remember, everything is within you. Your panic is only feeding this. CALM DOWN, take things slowly. Your rushing will only blind you (as im sure it currently is) causing you to make reckless mistakes and miss important information.
Also, on a side note, all of these events really make those black desires that for many years have layed dormant swell up to the surface
>>17975You have a great number of tools to aid your search at I were you I'd start looking here.
There're a tool called Maltego which you can use to organize your info about her and discover more things. You already have many accounts, nicks, webs all related to her, so maybe you should try that.
>>17861wait fm = wait for me
i think?
anyways i wish the best of luck and hopefully she isn't roleplaying/rusing you
learn bokmal/nynorsk/svenska/dansk and move to norway and live in a secluded mountain with wifi with her
>>17967Read barely anything in the OP and other posts, but I think you're dealing with something bigger than mental hospitals. What if she's an escaped MKULTRA/Monarch slave? That'd explain all the harassment you're getting.
>>17665>When I do leave my fucking face starts swelling and bleeding, it is the most bizarre thing.
>Weird things have happened in the astral too, I forget who I am, and begin talking in several other languages (I think Latin, German, and French) fluently and casting long and complicated qaballistic spells (like IAO, you get the idea) despite not having properly studied Kabbalah.Holy crap. You're possibly the most possessed guy I've ever heard of. Whatever you do, don't mess with that stuff anymore.
>Sometimes random other entities keep interrupting things them, attacking them, and imbuing me with qualities that are of a light nature instead of darkness but it's fucking strange.It could be so serious that even
angels/God are intervening (or demons masquerading as angels). I know this is no place for preaching, but repent of your sorcery and turn to Christ.
I for one would really like to support Mr.Smiles in whatever Astral adventures he happens to find.
You've got an ally, mate.
>>18107Fuck that. Sorcery is all that's keeping me alive and giving me any hope for improvement, as I am stuck living in extremely adverse conditions both on a physical level and with the abusive people I'm surrounded by and so on, as well as the various entity attacks. I don't trust Christ either although I've thought of evoking him before and I've seen someone healed in the name of Christ… sometimes I think about evoking Christ but I'm not sure I want to fuck around with Jesus.
>>18097Well it wouldn't be MK Ultra exactly as that's old but it could be the new CIA mind control program, I forget what it's called, but from everything I know about her and her history it's extremely likely. Have you read Chasing Phantoms? There's some stuff relevant in there and it's more up-to-date with the most recent stuff.
>>18014That's what I reckon. How could I ever move to Norway though short of hitching a ride with Nordic aliens (which is growing to be an increasingly likely possibility btw, but I still have a ton of mundane bullshit to deal with like food shortages and other crap)?
>>17981Dude, I struggle to panic, even when the police arrived I didn't manage to do anything more than think "it's happening!" but other then that I don't really have the loosh available to waste on panic. It's been several days and really the only thing is I need to just learn to relax and sleep rather than ruminate on the problem while I can't do anything about it but other then that I really do need to find out what's going on.
There have been entities that have attacked her many times before really terribly btw and one entity that used to attack her also tried attacking me before in the astral and to play tricks on me. When I told her about that entity, she told me its name and her own history with it.
>all of these events really make those black desires that for many years have layed dormant swell up to the surfaceMeaning?
>Continue attempting to learn things with magic, but focus on studying the facts, and meditation.I know a fuckload of magick and have texts I want to read but recently my tablet has completely died and now I don't have a tablet so my reading is delayed a lot. I've been using magick to enhance my reading capacity too, increasing my ability to read fast and absorb a lot quicker, but sadly the tablet's dead now.
My major limitation is food and my lack of mastery over relaxation. I'm really trying to brush up on muscle relaxation and so on so I can sleep. It's something I don't know enough about and need to find out more. Speaking of which…
Does anyone have any advice as to what is the best surface to sleep on? Beds don't seem so great. I want perfect posture and health and good rest and not sore muscles.
I haven't slept in many days and nights so I just spend a lot of time in my room fully awake spending the entire time just doing magick to repair my body and do a few other things and it works incredibly well though leaving my room puts me in danger of attacks again.
>tfw only browse fringe part-time
>tfw don't know who any of these people are
>>18168>I'm not sure I want to fuck around with Jesus.jesus is a pretty laid back guy.
he likes to help where he can if people allow him to.
>>all of these events really make those black desires that for many years have layed dormant swell up to the surface
>Meaning?hue,nothing of much importance. Just that lately, and this thread in particular, feelings of pure euphoric evil are being reawakened within me. Shits cash (also slightly worrisome though)
>>18274Pure euphoric evil directed at whom though?
ITT: le epic trolls, attention whores, and kids
>>18319Have you anything useful to say to actually find her?
>>18277He's talking about shooting up his school or local Hot Topic; don't place every post you read here on a pedestal without appropriately discerning its value. It's understandable you'd be concerned with *where* he's channeling his flagitious conniptions, but I'm sure you're well above worrying over some edgy rando directing misfortune your way, or to anyone you care about for that matter. [Do] be concerned with unintentionally encouraging those sorts to do anything that would reflect poorly on you here or there, though.
>>18286>Hair Colour>Eye colorim confuse
>>18666>that GET>that pic>that advice>>18667She changes both of them constantly and drastically. She's practically a shapeshifter. Just look at pic related, look at how much she changes.
[3:53:24 AM] Nathaniel Greene: Did anyone else get approached by police?
[3:53:40 AM] Nathaniel Greene: I was just approached by a police officer outside of my home in the same manner that smiley was I think
[3:54:04 AM] Nathaniel Greene: The fuck is going on here
[3:57:56 AM] Nathaniel Greene: I just walked outside of my house and walk past a couple homes and a police officer pulls up right next to me and asks me "Are you okay?"
>>18699>when smiley wouldn't post one pic of jenny being afraid of her being reposted>posts a collage of herwtf man.
>>18699btw, does she listen to metalcore/post hardcore? looks like a scene chick lel
>>18699>She changes both of them constantly and drastically. She's practically a shapeshifter. Just look at pic related, look at how much she changesNow now, no need to be romantic about it; she's just a girl in this here year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Four(Fif)teen. Not unlike my kid sister, she probably dyes her hair different colors/patterns month-to-month and takes photos at different angles.
>Inb4 thanks, Captain ObviousYou're welcome, in advance. She also looks like a teen, so if this is legit and not RP, she's likely just playing games– or ending a long one.
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](//
>>18707>I didn't make the collage>anyone can find it with a little searching>there's something wrong and I need to help her, what can I do?>>18709Not as far as I know.
>>18747Thanks Cpt.
>>18753Sorry buddy, there's probably nothing wrong, she might not need any help, and most likely there's nothing you can do :(
I really hope you get some kind of closure soon!
blubbablehhon skype.
Talk to her if you see her get online.
Tell me if you ever get a response.
There's something wrong man, she's not talking to anyone at all, not just me.
>>18760Yeah I put out a request to add her, we'll see what happens.
If you're really still worried, there's another avenue you could explore. I used to read tarot cards for people online, I've got a real good record too (40-50+ readings with no negative feedback), I've still got the readings and feedback saved.
I stopped doing it because, to put it bluntly: shit started getting too heavy, (contact with powerful entities, finding out about peoples deaths, etc..) but for you I might be willing to do a reading.
>>18774You may as well do a reading.
>>18775why don't I add you on Skype? we'll discuss it.
>>18778Skype: Fringe Wizard
Although I check imageboards far more than Skype. You may as well talk to me here.
>>18782I see. So, first of all.. lets say I do a reading, and we get some kind of negative/not so nice information concerning her situation, how would you react? What if we got info suggesting things were fine with her (despite the radio silence)?
I just want to get a sense of how you'd actually benefit from me doing this reading?
>>18793It will give me an idea as to what to do and what magical operation I should try next to help her.
>>18796Alright, I'll think about it. I just have a lot of issues with this whole situation. But at the same time I wanna help in some way.
So you've been talking to her for years. And you say she wasn't always talking in the "bot" like robotic manner, how long ago did the change happen?
Also, you alluded to her possibly having mental problems, what exactly happened the last time? Her not talking to anyone on the internet doesn't automatically mean she's in danger.
You said she isn't talking to anyone, is there any other clues that led you to believe something bad is happening to her, other than the odd messages and the hidden HELP code?
I don't think you're thinking about this situation clearly. You got involved with someone thousands of miles away, who's supposedly unstable, and now because of tidbits of info, it's effecting your own mental state. This whole thing just isn't healthy for you man.
Cats are cool.
Are you going to eat the cat?
>>29128Smiley, have you given consideration to the idea that the window is her heart and the exams are the trials she feels she faces with you?
>>29169 missing between January 2014 until September 2014.
I think the window was either part of some coded message or quite literal. Right now btw we're sieging her place via the astral trying to defeat the elemental Jack and Jack is beating the shit out of everything we send.
>>29185What's with Jack? I thought he was a nice guy, if a bit rude.
>>29187Probably fears that as Jenny's occult knowledge increases she might cut off the vital supply to him. I think Jack is malevolent or parasitic in some regard. Maybe I'm wrong though to think that.
Whatever, he's problematic, and jealous, and secretive.
Ask about Jack in
A Star with Sixteen Points, some of the wizards there have there theories already about Jack, I guess we'll just have to wait and see though how things progress. So far one guy's tulpa got #recked by Jack.
>>29187Sounds like he's become parasitic, yes. I would like to see if I could help in some regard.
>A Star with Sixteen PointsWhat is this and where is it?
>>29194Just remember that we're trying to detain and question him not destroy him. We need to figure out from him what is going on with Jenny.
>What is this and where is it?A highly secret group for people who are both Hackers + Occultists on skype that is hard to get invited into.
>>29196why would hackers get on a botnet
>>29185The take I have on it was that Jack seemed like a method of guarding Jenny from things Jack sees as destructive. Jenny appears very innocent and Jack may be a method of preserving that until it is the right time for her to blossom and no longer need protection. Your interactions with her were not selfless, nor were they a testament to love. Even if not debasing like gross sexuality, they carry a tone of expectancy and lust (if not for her body, then for her power to be joined with you.) Jack is going to be as powerful as he needs to when turning you and others away, just as 'she' was for me.
I see that you are being a hammer right now, don't let every problem be a nail. Jack may very well be his own entity but he and Jenny are tied together for a reason. Just because Jenny is going through something that she can't or won't share with you, it is not a reason to STALK her in the astral.
This is not a message meaning to imply anything of your morals or true character. You have shown both sides of yourself here and you know yourself better then any other. Those who seek you and stand with you know/empathize/understand inner trials, pain, and suffering because we all see in you part of ourselves yearning for a powerful love. It is difficult to not let yearning become an unbridled lust, if one do not recognize it as such.
Take a step back smiley, Remember "WAIT FM"
>>29234I just want to know wtf is going on, make sure she is ok, and besides there's a big and important chunk of the logs missing that you need to understand the whole situation better still.
You do recall she said "PLEASE HELP ME" as well?
I take that pleading as a sign she wants some sort of intervention.
I feel obligated to try to understand fully the situation and come to her aid if she requests it which she has.
I don't really need any physically incarnate women for anything and can probably transcend this plane of existence in my lifetime regardless of whether I do it alone or with others.
Do people think this smiley person is legit?
"I cast complecated qabalistic spells like IAO"
The qabbalah is an astral map mirrored into macro, and microcosmic aspects of the universe. You don't 'cast qabula" you fucking walk through it. People actually believe this fucking moron practices…
"when I leave muh room i get bloody and cut up but i regenerate as soon as i go in"
Smiley for best NSA shill of all time
You fuckers need to learn how to think for yourselves…
>>29249I don't think he's a shill but I do think he needs to find love etc or might have a mental disorder holding him back, possibly even immaturity.
Brother, do you have any other websites or links for people of liked minds to visit or discuss points? I feel lost here, especially with how LHP everyone tries to be; but I feel there are more here than just me who know this as their only real location to discuss such things and are looking for diamonds in the rough. Any help would be appreciated for us that are less fortunate.
>>29249>You fuckers need to learn how to think for yourselves…
>Coming up with a new theory as to the situation that might possibly help someone as opposed to calling them a shill and dismissing their plight out right.
>MFW>>29242I took that as part of the progression of it, first her heart was begging for help, then she said to wait. The change in demeanor would correlate with the change in a perspective. She feels she has failed exam because in some respects she feels she failed you.
Again, this is only one anons take on the situation, I just pray it can help.
>>29254>attempting to help a NEET whos obsessed with a random Norwegian girl, whilst said NEET is making nonsensical claims and amassing a pseudo-cult following. I dun think so anon. Nice pic tho, Scottish folds are cute.
>>29251Nothing worthwhile is on the internet lol. Maybe read through the entire mega and find what you like. LHP and RHP have been dragged through cowshit so hard in the past year its so goddamn awful. Labeling oneself is the first limitation of growth. "LHP are satanists, RHP are christians" is the single most retarded dogma floating around the OEC. The terms were originally associated with the 2 polar pillars of Kabbalah, but morons don;t realize, the microcosmic Kabbalah is seen from a view of 'backing into it'. The dark pillar would be the right hand lol…
You'll have to find people IRL to have a half decent discussion, or get super lucky. Most groups/forums have a stigma of sorts which cattle-ifies the members. This board, and Bardon being a beautiful example.
Follow your intuition really… The light the hermit is looking for is within him, but he has to be in the pitch black cave to find it. If you cant trust your own senses, what can you trust?
>>29251Does the love of other humans conflict with the love of god?
Lots of people seem to think I should just give up on Jenny.
>>29249Don't dwell upon my past stupidity I've already seen through it my only crime was that I expressed it.
>>29254I seriously need to practise magicks to enhance my information gathering as I'm completely confused as to where things stand and what I am to be doing. Maybe these events all exist purely to pressure me into developing my power by creating a pressing need for its development and exercise.
>>29275That is also a distinct possibility. The sea of causality is not easy to peer into.
>>29275It might be a good idea to do a tarot reading for insight on this problem.
>>29319I was going to do one for smiley, but I didn't want to get involved.
>>29319I don't know any divination and don't have the required confidence for it.
>>29324Go ahead and do it. Also are you afraid of getting #recked by elemental Jack? Why do you not want to get involved?