Nichiren Daishonin 01/21/15 (Wed) 03:38:30 No. 18946 [Watch Thread]
I see that there are some Buddhists (like actual ones as opposed to the white liberal hippieshits) on /fringe/ so I was wondering what you guys think about Nichiren Daishonin? >Recognizes the primacy of the Lotus Sutra >3000 realms of existence in single moment of life >Realized we live in the degenerate time of mappo >Foresaw calamities like the Mongol invasion and the gods abandoning Nippon >Called Pure Land and Tien Tai Buddhists out on their bullshit >Was saved by what looks like divine intervention >NAMU MYOHO RENGE KYO Sounds like a based buddha to me.
01/21/15 (Wed) 04:16:50 No. 18952 >>18954
subhuman gook gas the kikes race war now gtfo JIDF
01/21/15 (Wed) 04:22:53 No. 18954 >>18955
>>18952 >Thinking I am a gook>MUH RACE WAR Tip-top kek, snow nigger.
01/21/15 (Wed) 04:24:29 No. 18955 >>18962
>>18954 JIDF gook gtfo im telling smiley on you hes an aryan warrior he'll blast you with magic just you wait
01/21/15 (Wed) 04:58:53 No. 18962
>>18955 >Being this butthurt >I-I'm t-t-telling smiley on you! Seriously cannot tell if troll or 8 year old.
01/21/15 (Wed) 05:53:21 No. 18971 >>19010
I know the mongol invasion was a calamity to whites but why does he consider it a calamity?
01/21/15 (Wed) 15:33:32 No. 19010
>>18971 Because they were going to pillage Nippon. And he (Nichiren) thought that it was divine punishment b/c the Japanese followed false doctrines.