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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1421934670822.pdf (2.06 MB, GreaterCommunitySpirituali….pdf)


Who here has read this book?

Lets discuss this book ITT.

It's one of Tom Montalk's top recommended books and has nothing but 5 star reviews from everyone that has read it and reviewed it (18 reviews total).


I shall add it to the /fringe/ library.



It's narrated by an artificial voice.


File: 1421935811675.png (27.13 KB, 1386x191, 1386:191, Screenshot from 2015-01-22….png)

One of these should be deleted… but which one?


The one at the bottom.


>tfw that MASSIVE filesize difference

Why is the first one so much bigger?


I wonder if I should purge my chaos magick folder… even though I've actually read most of what's in there. I could cut it down to some good texts perhaps and get rid of the superfluous shit?


Just added a new image folder to the images pack called "Demiurge". It's a bunch of anti-demiurge propaganda.


There's already that huge Mega with occult material, you might make this one just a "/fringe/ essentials".


Just added an Irlmaier image pack too.


It should contain all the books worthy of a Fringe Wizard to read though. Sometimes megas go down and when that happens you lose everything. Maybe I'll make a second thread just to discuss what books should be added and which removed from the library and hopefully get people talking.


Should we add all the Lobsang Rampa books the library? What about theosophy?

>tfw we don't have a New Age or Theosophy flag

Someone make and submit one for each.


Just reorganized the New Thought folder. Now the books are under each pseudonym of Atkinson.


Yes to Lobsang Rampa. Theosophy might be interesting, I have yet to read the Secret Doctrine though.

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