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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1422380029589.jpg (944.84 KB, 840x1200, 7:10, the-moon-through-a-crumbli….jpg)


I am looking for a teacher that expounds real dharma, not the watered down therapeutic pseudo-religious crap peddled by white liberals. Any good 'red-pilled' teachers out there that I can listen to (links appreciate)?




You're going to get the watered down crap for a while until you achieve higher ranks and higher attainments. You can't jump right into tantric practice.


File: 1422398522531.pdf (218.11 KB, MultidimensionalMagick.pdf)

Don't mind me, just leaking a book I got by accident, and which the author doesn't want me leaking lol.


Don't you mean greenpilled?


File: 1422401178982.jpg (724.6 KB, 1265x1728, 1265:1728, yamantaka.jpg)

Read the Dhammapada, Pali Canon and similar books. Those are the pure verses. Also search for Tibetan Monks explaining it, they are quite alright if you dig into a bit. Also the Bhagavad Gita, it may be a central Hindu book, but also has a lot of teachings relateable to Buddhism.


File: 1422412151956.jpg (66.33 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1409584840937.jpg)


Well, this is going to lead to a happy ending, isn't it.


Try actually going to places where the dharma is part of the religion and chill with some monks.


Forgot flag.


File: 1422539377981.jpg (135.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, yuttadhammo.jpg)

Here you go. This guy is legit Theravada.


He is orthodox and tells it like it is. Monk Buddhism (not lay Buddhism) is very difficult.




>is a monk
>can't heal his eyesight

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