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Esoteric Wizardry


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just found this 4chan and what to know what people think.

Apparantly a lot of people don't like them? The information, meditations look pretty good.


It's nothing you couldn't learn from any other discipline and more in depth. check out the sticky on this board and dive in.

The occult significance of "satan" is not very much at all and is mostly edgy t33n reaction to mundane christianity. but if it suits you go for it.



Didn't even realize there were stickies (i usually go right to catalog as it looks way more organized).

appreciate the courtesy, thanks man! I'm definitely interested in this shit. And no I don't fit the teenage goth kid with fucked up piercings sterotype either hahaha.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They're shit is pretty "basic" and without any in depth useful theorizing. They act as if all knowledge is already there on the site and don't encourage you to read and experiment as much as you can, which is a good sign it's full of shit. A lot of stuff they wrote are lifted off Initiation Into Hermetics and some have been written better elsewhere like The Book of Knowledge. Needless to say it's rather shitty.

If it works for you, sure, but I'd like to agree with the other anon and say you should read the books in the sticky, because that has some really nice stuff which can guide you for further development.

>Satan is cool you guys!
>Nazis are ebil doe!
Damn, what a cunny



The JOS leader is the wife of an american nazi party head. If you go deep enough in what they teach, you'll notice it is mostly anti-semitic. But if you're ok with that, go nuts.

The meditation section is the only thing that has any merit.


No, never heard of it, you fucking idiot


100% of everything of value they took from Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon. Look this fact up for yourself and also make sure to actually read IIH (which I have in my /fringe/ library). I've read the JOS PDF too but it's just a ton of garbage added in with the actual useful stuff.


butthurt anti-whites lol



butthurt illiterate lol


It is mentioned in the book that Satan says Bardon got his knowledge from Satan.

"I recently found though Bardon claimed the work was his and the teachings of the "divine providence" (the enemy), in truth, he was a pupil of Wilhelm Quintscher who was a member of a 99 lodge (Satanic) and invented the tepaphone. Bardon passed the teachings off as his own. "Frabato" was a partial biography pieced together by his secretary, but is an important read to understanding the rest of the texts.
Information therein was twisted and it was the Satanic Lodge where the teachings in "Initiation Into Hermetics" originated. Bardon took the teachings and made them into RHP. I see errors in Bardon's two other books and the beings in the Evocation book are of the enemy from what I can see and are enemy thoughtforms. The exercises and instructions in "Initiation Into Hermetics" are actually Satanic and from Demons. I believe this was why Satan led me to this information."

Wouldn't surprise me tbh. The man died eating pig, literally smoked cigarettes (spiritual poison), had ridiculous excuse for being overweight, liked Christ the deceiver, helped Hitler lose the war, couldn't do all the things in IIH, and has written inaccurate information (even if Frabato is disregarded).


butthurt non-flag user lol


What do you guys think about this shit about reptillians and greys? Sounds fucking far-fetch'd but I want to approach this shit with an open mind. I notice there are even flags for these lol.


Mostly misinformation and nonsense. Money hungry 'truthers' would rather point the fingers at shape shifting reptiles and other things with no evidence, than the jew and freemasons, where there is an abundance of evidence.

Better to be labelled as insane than evil, namsayin?


>They don't know they are being farmed for LOOSH by reptilians RIGHT NOW
>They don't realize that the jew is a natural parasite and most of them align with the reptilians
>They are on /fringe/ not having read montalk

It's like disinfo only more retarded.


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>He is unable to provide sufficient evidence
>He expects to succeed into passing on misinformation to intelligent men
>He is yet to surpass Montalk in understanding


If you don't know already, Hegel was Hermeticist.


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He was an Illuminated Wise Man of the highest degree.

Phänomenologie des Geistes is perhaps the greatest public Hermetic text of all time, even greater than The Corpus Hermeticism… unless you still believe in nonsense like creator gods, having to hate your body + sing hymns to the father and the greatest misfortune and impiety is when someone departs from mankind without children, for he suffers punishment after death from the divine powers.


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That's what interests me the most, and I wish to study the book in-depth when I have more understanding in philosophy.

This person with his articles got me into Hegel. He also has other great articles, though I think you are aware of it, yes? http://armageddonconspiracy.co.uk/Hegel-and-Hermeticism%281530810%29.htm


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Yea I've linked that site here a few times, the first time a few months ago.


This book is quite good and comprehensive. Most of it is on that site I think, though there may be some added info.

It is a pretty difficult work to read and understand, however with those great introductions you'll have a much easier time than most. Best to start with his lectures to get get into Hegel.


Thank you, I shall. Hegel's philosophy is so charming, I cannot quite explain it. It will be satisfying to understand it at last.


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>helped Hitler lose the war


That's some interesting shit, is there more on this?


Dion Fortune helped Britain using her occult powers. If Bardon, who was supposedly the most advanced adept of the century helped Hitler, as he was supposedly asked to do, we could all be speaking German right now, in a highly advanced aryan world without jews, freemasons, or degenerates.

Quote is from page 556 of the Joy of Satan pdf in sticky.

292 is also interesting as cuck, though seems kinda wacky…
"Satan and the Original Gods are from Orion. The IGF is at war with Orion. The IGF works through many of the “New Age” people and mystics. The IGF aliens do not bother to help their human lackeys when they are having problems and in addition, they are sadistic and tell them of their is fortunes before they occur. Gifted humans such as Franz Bardon who worked for the IGF are prohibited from using their powers freely, even if this means saving their own lives or the life of a loved one. Upon their death, they are absorbed into “the light.” The light is also called “The One” and is a mass of harvested human souls used by the alien greys. There have been reports the Vatican made a deal with the greys- wealth and power in exchange for souls. This explains why the Catholic Church works relentlessly to suppress human spiritual advancement and is nothing but dead materialism devoid of any spirituality."


That's spooky.


You've got the wrong flag, that's not the fedora friend.
>post Hegel (idealist)
>use trite materialist arguments

To quote RAW "The Thinker thinks and the Prover proves". As long as you don't want to believe in the ET presence on this planet, you won't. You will purposely engage in tunnel vision and block out any information that may go against your currently held beliefs and opinions. As a contactee myself I have to shake my head at people like yourself. If you lived ten minutes in my shoes you would shit yourself. Thousands, or maybe millions, of others have had similar experiences to myself. Are you really going to tell me with sincerity this multitude of independent accounts is not sufficient evidence to give legitimacy to this phenomena?


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A few of us /x/philes with /b/tard tendencies waged a small troll campaign against them back in the day.

They aren't supposed to be able to look upon a Jew so this was one of the images that was used at the time to break their balls.


umm where did I state I don't believe in the ET presence on this planet? I believe there are many races living in caverns beneath the surfaces and have had multiple experiences with mostly rascal ETs. I just don't believe I'm being "farmed for LOOSH by reptilians RIGHT NOW" because that sounds retarded and has no proof. I do however believe most of us are being farmed for CASH by jews & co RIGHT NOW because there is plenty of evidence showing this occurring.

Even Montalk says "I think reptilians are a decoy or at least subordinates that answer to a higher darker power." Sounds like you've been tricked by Icke lmao.


Oh, I misunderstood you. I actually agree with you. The Reptillians are definitely not the only part of the control system.

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