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ITT: We renounce the skype chat as long as we can until withdrawl symptoms make us come back.
1) Pledge an amount of time. A few days, maybe a week if you're feeling heroic. Post it in this thread.
2) If you break your pledge, you must also confess your transgression in this thread.
3) If you keep your pledge you may reward yourself… with more time pledged!
4) For purposes of this thread, "skype chatting" is defined as being in or thinking about the Order of Fringe Wizards Skype Group when you should be doing more productive things.
Let us abandon this time sink and make good use of our time. Curls will be joining me in trying to renounce the Skype Chat.
I pledge a week.
That also includes a pleadge to not shitpost on here as well for one week :^)
>I'm enlightened and more advanced than you goys! My ego is immense and I won't share my capabilities with you since I don't want to waste my time!
>I-i can't quit a skype chatroom by myself without begging others to help me! Please help me end this circlejerking!
>>20189Jokes on you Smiley, I've never skyped before in my entire life.
I pledge a decade.
>>20200We're all imperfect, impure
19 years, because I've already gone that long and I'm sure I can again.
>>20200Ego Hater Detected, Grow Them Egos Man.
>>20189This makes me wanna join, but it wouldn't work… did the pool close already….
Pledging 12 hours away from Skype.
Can you still join? Joined a few /x/ chats back on the chon, but they were pretty eh.
Pledging 4 hours while I play ArmA 3 :^)
>>20210>claims to have a "grown ego">can't use said ego to do a simple thing like quit a circlejerk>can't use said ego to stop from getting butthurt at internet posts (muh loosh DDDDX) No.20300
>>20263Quitting Skype
is a joke and not a high priority for me.…and getting butthurt by posts is actually a source of power if used wisely as any thing else that generates emotion.
The really bad thing is becoming emotionally dead and non-responsive and low consciousness.
High emotionality + high concentration together can do wonders.
>>20240>tfw already completed more than 12 hours away from Skype>tfw in overtime right now No.20338
>>20301…but then you'll have to pledge moar o-O pls don't leave us! =\
>>20338tfw abandonment issues lol
>>20338>>20339*dwarf detected*
I'll be back eventually (probably tomorrow) to talk with you again.
>tfw well over 32 hours away from Skype and don't want to go back but should go back
>>20496I keep it always closed and check it every few hours. Works pretty well for me, I'm never on it for more than 30 mins at a time.
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Should I add him back?
What sort of sorcery do you suppose Billiam Gate(keeper)s as added into Skype since the May 2011 acquisition of skype by M$? Has anyone noticed that the power of Skype's magnetic attraction to it's users has been more powerful since then? I considered downloading older versions of skype and installing them all on virtual machines, in hopes that their combined force would reveal to me the pure and unbridled magic that has made Mr. Gate(keeper)s who he is today. I later realized that my powerlevel wasn't even close to being high enough for such an undertaking. So it is now that I beg Smiley to do the task that I am unable to complete. Please Smiley, study the skype source code and break the monopoly that M$ has on the dark magic confined within it's mystical programming.
>>25771Have you tried making a tulpa tasked to go over the source code and figure it out?
Can I get in on this skype chat
The chat still wastes my time.
>>33537I don't know what to do with this
>>33550You meditate really hard on it and you will be projected to the skype chat.
>>33550You check my trips, then you take that message there, and you post it into a random chat on skype, then you click on the resulting blue text you see to get into the chat.
what is the consensus on using Tox instead of Skype?
This; I still don't entirely into Skype. I've used it once. IRC was tough, but I gave it up cold turkey.
I really hate it how we're apparently spread throughout different chat rooms. There are two irc chatrooms, one tinychat and the skype group.
Can it get more disorganized?
If you want I can make five different magic boards. /majyk/ /majus/ /neojhyte/ /jnitiate/ /jewumaniti/
It can get much more disorganized.
We already have about 20 different magick boards for every little subtopic of /fringe/.