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Esoteric Wizardry


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think about that

>Behold! I saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven. Satan is the prince of the power of the Air and he travels over electricity.

So all this tech… the effect it has on us, it's not a coincidence.


Shitposting degenerate. Sage.


Lucifer literally translates into the word light.
Some people even believe that the snake gifted us with knowledge so that we wouldn't be "God's" slaves.
I'm not sure about the bible but if the story of Adam and Eve are true (most likely an allegory though) then Lucifer is actually the hero and "God" is actually the villain.


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I think it's deeper than that.

>mfw you realize satan/lucifer and yhwh are two sides of the same coin

>it's an illustration of the good cop bad cop relationship meant to keep you entrenched in this plane - neither side is good nor bad


YHVH is the tree of life, Shatan a more distinct entity. Goddamn it read the Talmud or the Sepher Yetzirah people….


Actually it's "light bringer" meaning the Sun.

Christians are actually Luciferians, as Christianity is a sun worship cult. It's pretty funny to think of the irony in that.

Freemasons are also luciferians because Hiram Abiff is also a "sun savior" (if you notice the stories of Hiram Abiff, Horus, and Jesus, Zoroaster etc. are all very similar).

Lucifer/Luciferianism is not inherently bad. It has a negative connotation due to centuries, maybe millenia, of disinformation.


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so you fags skimmed over my point

- electronic technology is keeping us sedated, unplugged from, nature, sterile, festering in front of screens
- Satan is the prince of the power of the Air and he travels over electricity.
discuss this link
stoopid faggots going on a tangent about "satan and lucifer arent bad hurrdurr satanists told me so i'm an idiot please rape my face"



Satan has improved the quality of human life throughout our existence. YHWH has pitted his own people against themselves for endless war.

It's not even a close tie which one is working for your benefit.


You're fucking autistic… The 'god' deity that interacts w/ people in the bible is jehovah eloheim, the fuckwad of chokmah. YHVH is the all, the existence, yggdrasil. It's like you people haven't even learned Hebrew…



Of course it's not a coincidence. We are Lucifer.


like ww2 the bad guys won.

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