Does fringe do dream interpretations?
I had a very strange dream, I was seeing fire and hearing a loud crackling burning noise, I got scared and I thought I was dead in hell, but I didn't feel anything. Then there was this scene where there were two people, one was kneeling on the floor and the other was laying there while the kneeling person was holding the lying person's head. I walked into a corner and I shot them with a shotgun, there was a loud shotgun noise. I came back to seeing fire and hearing the loud burning noise, and suddenly I heard a voice that said "I am hell", I think the voice was mine. Then I got "stuck", the dream suddenly stopped at the burning fire and noise, so I did what I always did when I get "stuck" in my dreams. I try to breathe deeply and quickly until I wake up gasping.
I also get some dreams where I'm fighting or beating the crap out of people, just a few hours ago I had a dream about grappling someone and headbutting them. Also there are times where I get stuck in dreams, where the dream won't proceed and there's just darkness, and I get a vague sense that I'm in a dream, then I just try to hyperventilate until I wake up gasping for air.
Pic unrelated.
Why are there so damned many threads on this EXACT TOPIC?
FFS, look in the catalogue.
I dreamt btw that I killed my father, than I killed my mother, than I killed my father again. Each time killing them and running from home. It doesn't mean anything. It just happened, just like life happens.
>>207833 different dreams btw, back to back, I wake up and then go back to sleep and kill one of my parents again
>>20784I also nearly raped someone before until I remembered I had more important things to do than raping.
>>20785…and overall it wasn't too bad. I don't want to think too much about it, I don't want to dwell on it, it just happened.
>>20786I keep dreaming fucked up things but I am used to it. It's just my desires to kill and torture and rape and destroy and burn everything around me coming out along with feelings of inadequacy, infantality, etc. fuck it all though. I am fine. These thoughts are just resonating with me for the time-being. I will be cured. I am not my thoughts.
From this dream i can tell you are a teenager, probably in high school. your parents are suffocating your mental space.
also you have deep-rooted that you don't love your parents.
you're right not to be worried it's just your psyche trying out the scenario . i suggest you take the dream for what it's worth and nurture your independence and try to spend a lot of time without your parents in your mental sphere
I had a dream where a shopping mall was being run by lions that looked like people till you noticed they were lions. they forced people to work for them and never let them leave, the slaves lived off old fly-ridden meats and had learned to enjoy it.
There was a person called pear-lime-mint, or they were called parliment but with a thick irish accent. I can't tell. This person danced upon water and pulle a white orb from the liquid saying repeatedly that I must learn…I can't remember, but it was something to do with two opposite states being the same thing….Then a ghost appeared and when i tried to banish it it flled my consciousness and bit my finger. I knew that was bad and also that i needed help in focusing enough to get rid of it, it confused me though by singing the theme for southpark. Then it poked me in the side so that i felt ticklish and woke up. I have had very bad luck since.
>>20850I suggest you don't give me a dream interpretation, fuck.
I am not in highschool faggot.
Dreams are literal, they are real, and just like the day.
It wouldn't matter if I escaped my parents in the material plane or not, it's just some faggot elementals trolling me.
>>20889They troll me in this way because it's extra disturbing and confusing.
>>20890…but if they keep it up I will punish them and they will switch tactics in fear.