Visited by another initiate, in the flesh 02/03/15 (Tue) 13:27:58 No. 20891 >>20902 >>20946 [Watch Thread]
So I scrawled some esoteric symbols/Kyballion quotes outside my dorm door a few months ago (Mostly just because they look cool). Superbowl Sunday comes around - I'm mostly sleeping it away when I get a knock waking me up. I answer the door. I'm greeted by a strange kid I've never met before. >Whoa, is this… Chaos Magick?!>Me: Yeah… >I gotta talk to you sometime man, sorry to wake you up. >Me: No problem, have a good one… These synchronicities are getting surreal /fringe/. I don't know if chance has brought together two initiates, or I'm being hunted down by the Reptilians, or what. I'm not really the tinfoil type. What should I do?
02/03/15 (Tue) 13:32:19 No. 20894
Give him the GREENPILL. That's what you should do. Show him /fringe/ and the /fringe/ library. Create thoughtforms, do rituals, take things to the next level man.
02/03/15 (Tue) 14:08:55 No. 20902 >>20904
>>20891 (OP) Have astral sex.
02/03/15 (Tue) 19:39:37 No. 20923
02/04/15 (Wed) 00:08:28 No. 20942
See where the rabbit hole takes you. It'll be a valuable learning experience either no matter what happens.
02/04/15 (Wed) 00:36:00 No. 20946 >>20980
>>20891 (OP) >tfw had similar experience >met this kid back in 2012 >sold me some DMT, was a chill dude >eventually would run into him every now and then >would have conversations, he was really into crystals >to the point where it was cringe worthy and embarrassing, but he was still nice guy >eventually take the gr33npill, read a lot of stuff in the fringe library >run into him the night before my father dies >gives me a crystal says here bro you're gonna need this >run into him last weekend >gives me another crystal, then goes on a rant about white privilege >asks me if I've read the emerald tablets i dont know what the fuck he is /fringe/
02/04/15 (Wed) 05:37:32 No. 20980
>>20946 Somebody trying too hard and spending too much time on tumblr.