>tfw received a thought that this alien grey in the pic is actually a reptilian upon viewing 02/05/15 (Thu) 01:12:49 No. 21074
Are you an alien abductee? 52 indicators of UFO encounters or abduction by aliens Many people do not realize that they are having abduction experiences because of suppressed memories. Their awareness is limited to an occasional paranormal incident that seems to confuse them more than anything else. Some people are not ready to know for sure, others feel a deep need to know if they are involved with 'the beings.' If you are in the later group, read on. This is a list of 52 common indicators shared by most UFO abductees. It is based on known research on the subject and on personal findings. It has been compiled to help you determine if you are an abductee. Of course there may be other explanations for these occurrences and this is in no way an absolute means of knowing if you are an abductee. If you or someone you know does fit many of these traits listed here, PLEASE seek the help of a qualified abduction researcher/therapist. It may be a good idea to see your physician and find out if you have ALTERATIONS IN BLOOD LEVELS: Alterations in levels of Dopamine, Potassium, and Serotonin, as well as lack of enough vitamin A, C, an array of B Vitamins, Pantothenic Acid (B5, a special B Vitamin), Iron, and Trace Minerals have been noted in many cases of alleged abduction. Investigative research in Alien Abduction is expanding rapidly. The following list is not in any particular order. Ask yourself if you . . .
02/05/15 (Thu) 01:15:40 No. 21075
1. Have had missing or lost time of any length, especially one hour or more.2. Have been paralyzed in bed with 'a being' in your room.3. Have unusual scars or marks with no possible explanation on how you received them. especially if you have an emotional reaction to them. (i.e. small scoop indentation, straight line scar, scars in roof of mouth. in nose, behind or in ears, or genitals, etc.4. Have seen balls of light or flashes of light in your home or other locations.5. Have a memory of flying through the air which could not be a dream.6. Have a "marker memory" that will not go away (i.e.: alien face, examination, needle, table, strange baby, etc.)7. Have seen beams of light outside your home, or come into your room through a window.8. Have had dreams of UFOs, beams of light, or alien beings.9. Have had a UFO sighting or sightings in your life.10. Have a cosmic awareness, an interest in ecology, environment, vegetarianism, or are very socially conscious.
02/05/15 (Thu) 01:16:15 No. 21076
11. Have a strong sense of having a mission or important task to perform, without knowing where this compulsion came from.12. Have had unexplainable events occur in your life, and felt strangely anxious afterwards.13. For women only: Have had false pregnancy or missing fetus. (pregnant, and then not). Or, had extreme vaginal bleeding for no reason.14. Have awoken in another place other than where you went to sleep, or don't remember ever going to sleep. (i.e. upside down in bed, or in your car).15. Have had a dream of eyes such as animal eyes (like an owl or deer), or remember seeing an animal looking in at you. Also, if you have a fear of eyes.16. Have awoken in the middle of the night startled.17. Have strong reaction to cover of Communion or pictures of aliens. Either an aversion to, or being drawn to.18. Have inexplicably strong fears or phobias. (i.e. heights, snakes, spiders, large insects, certain sounds, bright lights, your personal security or being alone).19. Have experienced self-esteem problem much of your life.20. Have seen someone with you become paralyzed, motionless, or frozen in time, especially someone you sleep with.
02/05/15 (Thu) 01:17:21 No. 21078
21. Have awoken with marks, burns or bruises which appeared during the night with no explanation on how you could have possibly received them.22. Have had someone in your life who claims to have witnessed a ship or alien near you or has witnessed you having been missing.23. Have had, at any time, blood or an unusual stain on sheet or pillow, with no explanation of how it got there.24. Have an interest in the subject of UFO sightings or aliens, perhaps compelled to read about it a lot, or an extreme aversion towards the subject.25. Have been suddenly compelled to drive or walk to an out of the way or unknown area.26. Have the feeling of being watched much of the time, especially at night.27. Have had dreams of passing through a closed window or solid wall.28. Have seen a strange fog or haze that should not be there.29. Have heard strange humming or pulsing sounds, and you could not identify the source.30. Have had unusual nose bleeds at any time in your life. Or have awoken with a nose bleed.
02/05/15 (Thu) 01:18:07 No. 21079
31. Have awoken with soreness in your genitals which can not be explained.32. Have had back or neck problems, T-3 vertebrae out often, or awoken with an unusual stiffness in any part of the body.33. Have had chronic sinusitis or nasal problems.34. Have had electronics around you go haywire or oddly malfunction with no explanation (such as street lights going out as you walk under them, TV's and radios affected as you move close, etc.).35. Have seen a hooded figure in or near your home, especially next to your bed.36. Have had frequent or sporadic ringing in your ears, especially in one ear.37. Have an unusual fear of doctors or tend to avoid medical treatment.38. Have insomnia or sleep disorders which are puzzling to you.39. Have had dreams of doctors or medical procedures.40. Have frequent or sporadic headaches, especially in the sinus, behind one eye, or in one ear.
02/05/15 (Thu) 01:18:17 No. 21080
41. Have the feeling that you are going crazy for even thinking about these sorts of things.42. Have had paranormal or psychic experiences, including intuition.43. Have been prone to compulsive or addictive behavior.44. Have channeled telepathic messages from extraterrestrials.45. Have been afraid of your closet, now or as a child.46. Have had sexual or relationship problems (such as a mysterious "feeling" that you must not become involved in a relationship because it would interfere with "something" important you must do).47. Have to sleep against the wall or must sleep with your bed against a wall.48. Have a difficult time trusting other people. especially authority figures.49. Have had dreams of destruction or catastrophe.50. Have the feeling that you are not supposed to talk about these things, or that you should not talk about them.51. Have tried to resolve these types of problems with little or no success.52. Have many of these traits but can't remember anything about an abduction or alien encounter.
02/05/15 (Thu) 01:22:19 No. 21083
This book is in the /fringe/ library and I highly recommend it for understanding the alien phenomena.
Btw, it is EXTREMELY easy to evoke negative aliens, and basically anyone can do it with only a year of dedicated occult training.
02/05/15 (Thu) 01:24:32 No. 21084
02/05/15 (Thu) 01:25:22 No. 21085
TFW….goddamn Aliums. How do you deal with this issue? How do you undo the damage they've done?
02/05/15 (Thu) 01:42:40 No. 21088
>>21085 It's hard man, you got to work at it steadily, removing all poisons from your body and then drawing the negative shit right out of your soul and processing it and destroying it. There's a ton of things we can do to block them, cut-them off, and start removing them but they also manipulate people near us to harass us further. It's tough man…
02/05/15 (Thu) 01:55:25 No. 21092
02/05/15 (Thu) 04:21:33 No. 21101
I don't think so, no.
02/05/15 (Thu) 05:32:29 No. 21108
>had a dream last night about being abducted by aliens. >see this thread. Man, fuck aliens.
02/05/15 (Thu) 06:02:18 No. 21110
3 8 9 11 19 21 24 27 29 30 32 33 34 36 42 43 49. Hm.
02/05/15 (Thu) 16:30:00 No. 21139
I saw a grey through a telepathic link (or some shit like that) and the eyes were way more pushed out of the head and had those lines on it like a flies eye. Anyone else seen them look like that?
02/05/15 (Thu) 17:45:49 No. 21145
>>21108 That wasn't a dream bro.
02/05/15 (Thu) 17:46:30 No. 21147
Millions of people have been abducted, and the numbers of abductees are growing everyday. The information on this Web site,
was written because whether it was known or unknown, many have been involved in a special goverment project. Some voluntarily participated, but were never sure who was conducting this research. Others were totally unaware of anything. The US Air Force began an official UFO investigation in 1947. Its purpose was to see if UFOs posed a security risk. The operation was named Project Sign. In 1949 it became Project Grudge and, in 1952, was renamed yet again to become Project Blue Book. By 1969 about 40,000 reports had been investigated. Most were explained; some were guesses; and some remained unsolved. Then the US Air Force ordered a special study of its collection to determine the value of further research into its UFO files for the advance of 'scientific knowledge.' This was called the Condon Report after Dr. Edward Condon who headed it. Dr. Condon concluded that the evidence did not justify further study of UFOs, and although his report came under considerable criticism, Project Blue Book was closed in 1969. Since then, so many UFO events have occurred that the Air Force is believed to have reopened its files once more, this time as Project Old Blue Moon.
The study described here was created for the uncovering of secrets involving "inter-dimensional / inner-terrestrial and extra-terrestrial beings." These beings cross over to our dimension and carry on their secret activities or abductions. Most are NOT of a positive nature, and at some point the government wished to know what these activities involved and deal with them if possible. Eventually, the only way to do this was to observe people that had been selected by the inter-dimensional beings for experimentation. The ones heading the study project learned to recognize certain signs indicating which civilians were in close contact with the beings.
People all over the world became participants in this secret study. Certain ones witnessed top-secret activities, and have since gone into hiding for what they know.
The ones that 'volunteered' to endure the dangerous job in the beginning, often wished to end their involvement once the curiosity wore off, but were forced to continue to the point of exhaustion or death. Yes, people have been traumatized by the inter-dimensional beings, with brutal attacks, rapes, and mental/emotional torture.
When the abductees’ involvements came to a close, they were hypnotized so that the memories would be covered up or erased from their minds. It was hoped that if remembered at all, they would be more like dreams. For the majority, much of the recall was not sufficiently erased; consequently, the images remained very clear and disturbing in their minds. Once they were turned back out into society, they struggled with knowing it had been real but questioned their own sanity. These individuals were left without so much as a 'thank you' or an explanation of what good their time contributed to the study, or anything else in life for that matter. Many of the subjects are still out there needing release from these memories.
Now that abductees are making contact with each other and sharing information, they are realizing all have recollection of extremely similar experiences. Some individuals even bear physical scars as proof of their ordeal.
This site is a way to heal. Reading stories paralell to their own has already helped numerous people find release from the trauma. They have found that it helps to relate with someone else that has survived the same things, and rest assured that what they saw and experienced was real. They need to be confident that they are NOT mentally imbalanced!
What is the point to all of this? We as humans have no power to control these types of inter-dimensional abductions, but it's never too late to call on a higher power that can! It's time to take back our peace of mind…and more importantly, send the inter-dimensional beings away forever.
The information here may not be for everyone to understand. I am Thunderhead and I understand…with God I have endured.
02/05/15 (Thu) 17:49:53 No. 21148
http://www.angelfire.com/ak5/rim/siteindex.html I've got a lot of reading here to do. Aliums are a constant in my life now.
herd you could get b& for posting here 02/05/15 (Thu) 20:18:31 No. 21157
>>21074 don't know why
(OP) pic is drawn art not photo so can not have special attributes
2] Brianna Wu = John Walker Flynt & Never had a Sex Change Operation
>that's right virginia - s/he's a MAN ! ! !
02/05/15 (Thu) 20:55:24 No. 21163
>>21157 What are you going on about and why don't you have a flag?
02/06/15 (Fri) 06:16:36 No. 21206
Many of your signs of alien abduction are shared by christian views of demonic attacks, whether oppression or possession. They could easily be one and the same.
02/06/15 (Fri) 07:17:50 No. 21212
>>21206 I know that and I agree that there is overlap. Some of the ones doing abductions are also 4D humans like us that just beat 3D and started operating on 4D.
tipp 02/06/15 (Fri) 08:54:40 No. 21228
>>21212 nice palindrome
so the greys want our DNA, to integrate in their genepool - will this up them or is it a deliberate dumbing down so they can integrate with humanity?
if its an upgrade, that would imply nordic aliens are far beyond greys, a few sources support this, greys can't just blast a nordic colony to pieces and gather the meat slab left overs but they have to go knocking door to door picking up vital DNA from the lab monkeys of the nordics - what is the nordic stance on this?
do greys work on behalf of the nordics? an ongoing project spanning millennia?
02/06/15 (Fri) 09:00:55 No. 21229
>>21228 Greys are usually just a kind of remote probe used by other factions and not a distinct race in themselves. They are more like robots.
I think greys are being used by many negative factions for many terrible purposes. I don't think DNA is a top concern though.
I think you are thinking of the different alien races as if they all agreed with each other btw and didn't have internal divisions. You should know better. Nordic aliens for example align themselves in many different factions just like how humans on Earth all have different agendas. Some Nordics are positive and others negative.
Greys seem to be overwhelmingly involved in negative hyperdimensional activities.
tipp 02/06/15 (Fri) 09:27:13 No. 21232
>>21229 >They are more like robots from our perspective
not confirmed
but yes there are tales of how liz or nords possess them instead of traveling the universe to personally go somewhere
>not a distinct race in themselvesbut what if they were?
what if they're the rebels the texts write of? would they be capable of rebelling?
> I don't think DNA is a top concern thoughI think so.
How close to perfection are the nords? Disregard that we are all perfect in Gods image, how far beyond the other races are they?
what if they're the apex, who is?
>I think you are thinking of the different alien races as if they all agreed with each usually comb things over as the jews or aliens, but no, i'm well aware they're not some collective hivemind.
>hyperdimensional activitieswhat do you mean by that?
from what ive come to gather, they are as much of the material as we are, but their minds and brains are better, more advanced trancievers and emitters, always connected to the astral with organs humans don't have able to pitch out high freq vibrations throughout the universe, the source of their telepathy.
>Nordic aliens for example align themselves in many different factions just like how humans on Earth all have different agendasthose who mean well for humans are a minority, space liberals. alien SJW's. some meager ten percent.
Anyone have something on the mantids?
Also, lets talk about why.
We were created workers but they still stick around to manage us, that costs resources, who would invest, do they go with profit and just how valuable is DNA?
are we just incubators?
How close are humans to the apex perfection? Its obvious the mind is lacking but the vessel seems to be divine.
02/06/15 (Fri) 12:12:18 No. 21241
>lack of enough vitamin A, C, an array of B Vitamins, Pantothenic Acid (B5, a special B Vitamin), Iron, and Trace Minerals Most people are lacking in vitamins&minerals you fucking goy
02/06/15 (Fri) 20:01:01 No. 21263
>>21232 I'd say that the ETs that mean well for humans aren't in the minority, but that they are just incredibly indirect and non-intrusive. So yeah if you're abducted then chances are it's by a group that does not have your best interests in mind. We can attain "apex perfection" through epigenetics, it's all a matter of turning on shut off DNA.
02/06/15 (Fri) 21:22:06 No. 21267
>>21263 Some DNA is shut off with good reason you know. We've got AIDS virus in our genome for example.
I don't know if you've comprehended the significance of the principle of resonance but Earth has a lot of negative energy in it and many of its inhabitants thus resonate strongly with negative hyper-dimensional forces that they attract. Until Earth is cleansed massively of much of its negative energy and its inhabitants raise up in the scale of consciousness, the frequency of visits from positive aliens probably won't be that great.
02/07/15 (Sat) 02:02:23 No. 21283
>>21267 As far as the AIDS thing goes, I'm pretty sure that's disinfo dude. AIDS doesn't even exist as far as I can tell. The people that die of "AIDS" actually die from the "treatment". Same with cancer "treatments" (though obviously cancer exists), chemotherapy kills people. Actual cures for cancer are: fasting, cannbis oil, vitamin B17, raw veganism (specifically fruitarianism), ketogenic diets, and various herbs.
The second part is very interesting and I totally agree with you. I personally communicate with two fifth density STO beings every day due to my resonance. I heal people by just being around them (or forming a psychic link through internet communication) and can change the structure of people's bones with thoughtforms.
Earth will most likely go through various cataclysms soon to cleanse it of all this filth. It doesn't have to be this way, but people simply do not want to change.
02/07/15 (Sat) 13:14:11 No. 21322
>>21283 depending on your gender i would kiss/hug you.
02/08/15 (Sun) 20:16:21 No. 21451
02/08/15 (Sun) 22:50:50 No. 21480
alien abduction is an artificial experience
02/08/15 (Sun) 23:53:23 No. 21501
2 years ago I dreamt that I was in a weird place, I was adopting a kid, I couldn't see anyone even tho I was talking to them, suddenly a woman came to me and asked if I was there to see our child, I looked at her but it didn't matter how much I tried I couldn't see her, and she was in front of me. A doctor came to us and took me to a room where he asked if I was there for the child, I answered yes cuz I was just told that. He told me to sit on a bed I was cold I jumped and noticed I was naked, the woman laughed it did sound like a screech but I knew she was laughing and I felt happy, I went back to the bed and the doctor placed a metallic sort of pen with a rounded flat tip, it was cold as well he left it there till my dick went numb, he took that thing with him, the woman started to touch my dick and I panicked a bit, I looked down and there was mark where the doctor put that thing on me, It was still cold so I let her touch me more. suddenly I heard a loud screech again, I found myself walking towards another door, half way in a halfway somebody called me to room the woman grabbed me and pulled me to that room, I was handed a baby, probably 3 months or so, the woman the started to repeat over and over and over It's yours she kept repeating it as I glanced at the baby, he was pale, not like pale but dark pale, hairless, no eye lids, no nails, I turned to the woman, who at this point was repeating it's ours I made an effort to look at her and I woke up scared, still not sure if I was finally able to see her face or not. Weirdest shit, is that while peeing I found some dark purple marks on my dick where the doctor put that metallic thing, I still have the marks to this day. (excuse my english, not my first language)
Swiss Expat: Namefig Edition !TPCZ5yhJiI 02/09/15 (Mon) 01:00:47 No. 21510
>>21283 That's some real tinfoil tier shit
02/09/15 (Mon) 05:15:40 No. 21524
I once had a dream where I picked up a grey like a baseball bat and bashed his head against the side of a car repeatedly. Maybe that means the abduction went wrong.
Swiss Expat: Namefig Edition !TPCZ5yhJiI 02/09/15 (Mon) 05:26:41 No. 21528
>>21524 I once had a dream where I fucked the neighbour and went on a train to the alps but that never happened.
02/09/15 (Mon) 06:05:13 No. 21532
ayy lmao
02/09/15 (Mon) 08:50:09 No. 21545
>>21322 Thanks, friend.
>>21510 Which part? Go ahead and go on chemotherapy if you get diagnosed for cancer bro, I'm not stopping you.
02/09/15 (Mon) 09:49:16 No. 21552
>>21524 I like what I'm reading.
02/09/15 (Mon) 22:23:15 No. 21621
>>21283 If I told you that horse manure is a miracle cure for all major illnesses, published my "research" on a site called "shitcuresallforreal.com", and copied that site under a hundred individual but similar domain names (ala "muhcandidacures.com"), would you add it to your list? I've a feeling you would.
This isn't to say that mysticism cannot be employed in the alleviating and outright curing of terminal patients, but you've gone pretty deep down an empty hole leading nowhere, fellah.
02/09/15 (Mon) 22:59:36 No. 21628
>>21621 You have got to be fucking with me dude. If you do 10 minutes of research on cannabis oil (known commercially as Rick Simpson Oil) you'll find it is a cure for many illnesses, cancer being the most notable. The same can be said for the other things that I have listed. These are real quantitative results.
This is pretty god damn hilarious coming from a Christrian. Fuck off back to your sun worship,
slave .
02/10/15 (Tue) 01:17:51 No. 21643
>>21628 >Evil Christian! Pig! Slave! Sure thing, fellah.
>Results, man! So many results! SPECTACULAR results! Research! I can't provide them, can't bolster my claims! As per the norm, much lauding "results", little sharing accredited information or discussing the subject civilly without degrading into ad hominem. I'm aware of your material; Simpson is no best-kept secret in the medical profession; he's another holistic advocate that resorts to having third-world marketing firms make a hundred or so "cannabiscures.com" type websites all selling the value of a specific product on the virtue that "IT WORKS", with a few anecdotes to support it (look up "holistic Candida treatments" for examples). I support cannabis and high-dose vitamin treatments, but only some holistic treatments work. They are certainly better than chemotherapy, but they aren't magical cures. Magic exists for that.
The cross means many things, my friend.
02/10/15 (Tue) 07:09:34 No. 21688
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>21643 Nothing labeled as Rick Simpson Oil is actually sold by Rick Simpson. He has never sold the oil nor was it his decision that it was named after him. Yes there are a lot of fakers out there that sell "snake oil" under his name and pass it off as a wonder cure. The video on his website
http://phoenixtears.ca/ expounds upon this gross misconception about him, it is embedded with this post. Last I heard, he now lives in Slovenia, or some other balkan nation, and around 50% or so of the people diagnosed with cancer there are now being treated
correctly with cannabis oil.
05/27/15 (Wed) 07:28:27 No. 41337
11 12 17 19 21 23 26 30 33 36 38 39 41 42 43 44? 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
thinking of the Barnum Effect the entire time
05/27/15 (Wed) 07:30:47 No. 41338
I was looking through the catalog a couple minutes ago. Was going to ayyy bump it. Decided against it. Others come along and bump it.
okay lol