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Esoteric Wizardry


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Shieeeet. And everyone thinks her insanity is acceptable because muh POC oppression.

That or she's trying too hard to be like Tila Tequila or whoever.


Cool, should teach that negress a lesson some time, by killing her with black magick after astral travelling to her and reporting I am a Nordic being and magickal as fuck.


She ain't insane, she just doesn't realize aryans have magick, and that is a foolish thing to think.


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She tried to go after king Kendrick, but he was protected by the ghost of 2pac


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>black culture is being romanticized and popularized by a lot of mediums of social media

LOL fuckin' niggers never cease to amaze with the next level ignorance. She must have gotten sunstroke from picking all that cotton with her "wizurd skills".


A few years ago she posted anti-Jewish stuff on her Twitter
she deleted it recently
what is going on with her?

example (that she has not deleted yet):


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>Aryans have no magic
our magic is the gas chamber


Dude, are you smoking the philosopher's stone there?


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>Nigger believes the white man has no magic
>Just because niggas and jews in the music industry have been doing transcendental meditation up the wazoo for X years now
>They think their voodoo is all that's needed

Day of the rope soon, wizards. I feel like it's a challenge, not an insult.




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It's pure concentrated californian cannabis

So yes


created culture is the rope itself

How many nigs have been thrown in a hebrew funded private prison because of Hebrew funded thug culture, in cooperation with zog dea?

That's a lot of loosh. Kanye raps about it in the song 'black slaves', also 'gorgeous'

Penitentiary chances, the devil dances
And eventually answers to the call of Autumn
All of them fallin' for the love of ballin'
Got caught with thirty rocks, the cop look like Alec Baldwin

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