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Esoteric Wizardry


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As we are steadily moving towards spring, I thought it was time to create a thread dedicated for this magickal herb.

I beat a flu in under 24 hours with mugwort tea, binaural waves and meditation.

You can smoke it or you can make tea of it. Some might even chew on a leaf. Others can stuff some of it in your socks if you're on a journey.



Here's a banging power-drink recipe I've used for 2 weeks now;

10 cups of water
Grab a neat handful of chopped mugwort
Add blueberry herbal tea with it.

Boil tea from that. Pour in to a cup.

Add a tea spoon of raw cocoa powder with a bit of lemon juice. Mix 'n sip.

The taste is bitter as fuck but it will get you places while meditating. And if you're a pussy ass bitch, you can drop some flower honey to relieve some of the bitterness.

Fuck yeah.


One of the dreams I had after sipping and smoking.

I was in Duckburg and I was riding a pogo stick/bicycle hybrid. I would jump over obstacles and peddle for speed and sun was shining and dog-faced cops were looking at me slightly pissed off. Just doing nothing but riding around and enjoying the sunshine. That was a fun dream.


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How about we dedicate a whole thread for this type of discussion, i. e. seasonal herbs and plants, where to find them, recipes, etc?

I'm going to try out making nettle tea when it is available, plus I'll pick some mushrooms when they can be found. When it's warm, I'll go take a bike adventure and pick some plants.

Man, anyone planning a plantation? I think I might want to grow some carrots and strawberries of mine. What else should I grow, I wonder.

Too much DuckTales, man!



DuckTales is a cheap copy. The comics are the real deal. The shit I was seeing was the Don Rosa version of Duckburg.


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Hm, I have a lot reading to do if I want to grow me plants. Nordic weather is not optimal for such but I'll do with it.

Don Rosa's great, though I'm more Barks fan myself.


Motherfucking dandilion root. Make sure its from an unfertilized natural location tho. The tea is amazing.


I'm thinking of later on accessing the akashic records and creating a thoughtform that helps me know and understand any plant and be able to make anything with them for any situation.


i have been rolling mugwort with lavender and tobacco and some bud, but even alone is a smooth smoke. how are you guys tapping into this plant?




Where do you find the shit?


Can it be found in Australia? i'll go out after finishing dinner and try find some mugwort, for /fringe/!



It's practically everywhere. By the side of forests are usual places for it to grow. Side of roads.


I found something which looks like it, has tons of the buddy looking bulbs everywhere and lots of little spiked leaves, hopefully it's the right one.


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Much appreciated, that's a fine price.


This is so strange, I was just thinking about what herbs I wanted to grow as spring crawls closer. Rosemary helps with nasal clearing, helps a ton when you're meditating (especially if you have allergies, poor inferior). Rosemary looks nice and is a good plant to just keep around, also honey. Honey honey honey. Best thing to farm, ever. Make a bee farm right the fuck now, it helps so goddamn much. Spearmint is something I want to grow just for tea.

The only thing you should 'smoke' is marijuana, and only thing besides tea you should drink is ayahuasca. Call me degenerate, but there is literally no downside to them. Helps with anxiety and sleep and relaxation, smoke a bowl before meditation and smoke another one in about an hour. Also ayahuasca is just fun to open your mind the easy way, but if you're a h4rdc0r3 wizard then do it the hard way through vigorous amounts of visualization to achieve such extravagant hallucinations/OBEs.



>Also ayahuasca is just fun to open your mind the easy way

>the easy way

Really? I was under the impression that it involved lots of puking and was pretty intense.

I'd go with mushrooms.


No no no, you're thinking of the ancient Aztec rituals that involved ayahuasca. They puked to cleanse themselves after drinking the spirit molecule. Now you can smoke DMT (dangerous as fuck, I have a friend that now resides in the crazy house because he got holes in his brain from smoking DMT and will forever believe he is a glass of Orange juice) and drink ayahuasca with no problem, bulimic-ing it is your choice

Ayahuasca brings your soul out of earth into a strange place, you will most likely visit aliens, they'll touch you, and you'll go on a trip.

>no pleidean alien or however the fuck you spell it flag


A lot of people puke and shit a lot on ayahausca, its not just some ceremonial obligation.

Not sure if it is the active ingredients or something else in the traditional plants.

It may be worked around be seeking out other plants which contain the MAOI and DMT qualities maybe.


if you can control yourself then keep hydrated and eat saltine crackers. When I drop acid I drink pineapple juice mixed with coconut water, it's the healthiest drink on earth pretty much and 1 glass keeps you super hydrated



It should have a silver underside on the leaves and fairly mossy/flowery scent. OP pic is pretty close to what it looks like where I live.


Your DMT friend story is bullshit. That glass of orange juice is just an old bullshit tale so stop spreading it. Smoked DMT is safe, it's the most intense experience any human can have, but it's not mentally or physically dangerous.

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