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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1423347427099.png (51.66 KB, 444x465, 148:155, Ei86wAs.png)


>typical anti-/fringe/ scientist


File: 1423347535248.jpg (43.33 KB, 600x991, 600:991, alien.jpg)


>implying humans are all one species


Not even your average materialist gives a shit about Tyson anymore.


>Implying they aren't
>Implying subspecies isn't a thing
>Implying abos are human


File: 1423371009326.jpg (119.61 KB, 685x490, 137:98, Abba111113.jpg)

if abbos are a subspecies of the human race that technically makes them human


>>implying *humans* are all one species
836 is saying that they aren't the same species but all humans are.


What is it with cultural marxists always fucking assuming that aliens hold their ideals?


the millennials aspire to be saved by something higher than them, It's reflected in their constant need to be taken care of, Like are pretty much adult children. But aldo they fail to realize that aliens are just a biological android being controlled like a rover. It's a shame that the people with the loudest mouths don't know anything.


the mass of adult children are pretty afraid of taking the next step themselves,
always blaming people around them for problems they themselves create in scenarios that they call being offended.

When they in the moment hear something that challenges their world view that springs an instant reaction to try and silence the dispersion of the disillusion that is their reality.

It's like when you meet someone at a party and they start arguing with other people over the rights of groups of people, or communities they are not even part of.
as if they have any truth in their personalized reality tunnel which is mostly constructed by an apparatus of noise by way of abusing technology,and I think that is what is preventing people from thinking with clarity about what really effects them and the people close to them.
on top of the substance of choice that is influencing them in that moment.

In retrospect the issue of being influenced by drugs in water, and in food you are subject to many things outside of your control when you chose to live in cities and 'on the grid'

In a summary, they are unable to think clearly in most scenarios that they live in at the fault of being bred to be utterly ignorant.


And pop-science culture doesn't help at all either. It brings up issues of fatalism that the proponents do not really wish to address. The most common counter-argument is that scientific culture does not mean that you cannot be a 'good' person, wrongly confusing fatalism with morality. The fatalism of modern neuroscience is that it promotes laypeople to be apathetic towards their own mental development.
Nature and Nurture are not the only two options.

I had a discussion with anon on another board about philosophy. He claimed that philosophy must be empirical and linear like mathematics. I didn't feel like it was worth expending energy on the topic after that.


posts like this confirm that Smiley has an IQ of 187


It's just a thinly veiled appeal to authority, characterized as reductio ad absurdum. Think of his post as just another lefty political cartoon; a paltry conveyance of a concept so hackneyed and tired, it succeeds in only underscoring his subscription to a decade-old stereotype he's trying to pass off as renewed and hip.


No; he just has some common sense. They can be mutually exclusive, and one is certainly of far greater value than the other.


don't mind me


You say that like there is a pro nutjob scientist


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>tfw my mind split again while reading your post

shittt, I can not into third density right now


Didn't aliens divide humans up into "artificial boundaries" in Sumeria or something?

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