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Reposting from /pol/…thought this needs a look out from the in house wizards.

Is this legit? Are these ritual crimes perpetuated against children? I'd appreciate your help in this case.

This came up in the pedowood thread but it deserves its own thread entirely.

Shocking first hand testimony by child victims of systematic, ritual satanic abuse.

in this video two british children describe with perfect clarity systematic ritual abuse and child/baby sacrifice

>abuse by social workers, their biological father

>on wednesdays as many as 100 people abused them
>social worker put dildo up boys ass until he could feel it in his stomach
>eating babies
>cooking babies
>wearing baby skin shoes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtncDnCRPYo&feature=youtu.be [Embed]

there are many more videos recorded of the two kids here


reddit thread

articles here



the school involved, the videos implicate the female principle as being an abuser



I'm going to try and give you as much information as I can.

I'm unsure if /Baphomet/ is on the case yet.


For the record, in case it disappears:

Christ Church school, Hampstead NW3 1JH UK who's who

Katy Forsdyke Headteacher
Jennie Kirby PPA and SEN teaching (Senior leadership team, Arts Project)
Louise Parsons Y6 class teacher
Tom Burnett Y5 class teacher
Lewis Hollings Y4 class teacher (Senior leadership team)
Annie Calkin Y3 class teacher
David Polidano Y2 class teacher
Melody King Y1 class teacher
Anna Lawrence Reception class teacher
Sarah Shaw PPA cover and SEN teaching, Inclusion leader

Nick Pegden Music teacher

Robert Spadaccini PE coach

Katie Watson-Steward, Teacher
Teaching Assistants

Hulya Bettle
Nina Mardon
Zarina Shail
Kim Carn
Josue Fornoni
Anna Maguire
Taja Essor
Jonathan Gordge
Support staff

Janet Stokes Senior Administrative Officer
Ann Connock Administrative Officer, Clerk to the Governors
Aaron Morris Site Services Officer

Red Highlights are names I recall from the three videos.
video titled "09 Sep cutting heads off" = Mr Morris.
video titled "231 Papa kills babies" = Forsdyke and Hollings

2 more - Mardin and Shale named in the "lots and lots of sex video:
Nina Mardon
Zarina Shail

09 Sep - School,women, Sheffield.mov
names police from Hampstead police station:

Dave Williams
Simon Pincen ??
Alice Singleton

Child names their abusive father as:
Ricky Dearman, aged 44 (on 9 Sept 2014).

Also says Ricky Dearman's mother is into it and she lives in Sheffield.

In video "236 SS and Cafcass.MOV"
Child names:
"Spike" and "Richie" from Social Service, who comes to the school.

Cafcass: child names as abusers
"Holly" and "Ella".

Not to forget:
Here is a link to a governors info sheet:
[link to www.christchurchschool.co.uk]
it names "Reverend Paul" named as an abuser by the children as Reverend Paul Conrad.

Named in video "304 Tattoos.mov"
Mr Fornoni
Mr Gordge
corresponds to Teaching Assistants
Josue Fornoni
Jonathan Gordge
All the teachers have "Devil Tattoos" or "Monster Tattoos" on their privates. Pictures drawn by the childen of these tattoos exist.

Named in Video "303 Killing Babies.mov"
"Clarke and Leon's fathers killed babies"
"Also Max and Mia and Ella 'from my class' their fathers killed babies"

Other schools:
Hampstead Parochial School
is involved.

Named in "302 Distinguishing Marks.mov"
Vanessa Fitzpatrick (Clarke's mum) - also called "Shepherd's Bush" due to being hairy.
Mr Hollings (teacher) has little red dots on his willy.
Mr Burnett has tattoos, and is shaved.
Corresponds to:
Tom Burnett Y5 class teacher
Miss Unwin has a tiny wart - Probably corresponds to
Kate Unwin (Deputy Head Co-opted) from this Governor's info websheet: [link to www.christchurchschool.co.uk]

Named in "33 Supply of babies.mov"


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>seeking to empower oneself
>torturing and murdering children for some reason
Fucking pick one

I never understood the appeal behind SRA, and that's probably a good thing. But just how widespread is it?


>that feel when my parents never loved me and always hated me and tried to get me to die from food poisoning, neglect, starvation, etc. and I've never ever got help and still have to lift with them to this day because I could never finish education shit or get a job due to them

Next summer I intend to try running away again and hopefully beg for enough money for food to get well and then start doing some sort of work.


top kek just finish middle school first bud


Why do retards like you always assume I'm a fucking child when I'm an adult man who long ago, if all went to "the plan", should have already finished university and be working a good job right now?


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We need to know how the power is acquired.

This isn't the thread for that


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baph doesnt want to touch this because reddit/le legion has found out.


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which is a shame, because i think its still worth pursuing as we are more capable and have access to a wider scope of knowledge.


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Listened to all the Malachi Martin /art bell interviews recently

Sra/pedowood shit is definitely real and creepy

>mfw he was talking about rituals involving cannibalizing baby bones and ritualistic killing of children to send them to hell with you


wut am i lookin @


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There's blood sacrifice and then there's killing and fucking human babies. It's possible. But I wouldn't pin this on traditional satanism based on monster tattoos.

There's tons and tons of spiritual belief systems where blood and sex are a thing. Anyone have a better clue of an entity that could possibly suggest this kind of shit?


This whole thing smells like some sort of saturnian cult bullshit.

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