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File: 1423426515977.jpg (21.47 KB, 460x460, 1:1, babalon_seal_rectangle_sti….jpg)


Hey, guys. I rarely stop in here.

I've been updating this library again, it's getting really big. 3500 files, 20 gigs, and recently added scans from the Yorke Microfilms of the Warburg Collection (huge amount of unpublished Crowley material, around a quarter of the whole collection - in the folder A.'.A.'.>Crowley>Yorke Microfilms).

If you hate Crowley, that's fine too, there's PLENTY of other material in there.



Is this a different library from the ones already added in the sticky?


Mega Libraries:

Fringe Wizard's Library: https://mega.co.nz/#F!6kJzEIJb!aVVgmWAM-aP_bU_8Co43FA
Huge Occult Library: https://mega.co.nz/#F!C5wQ1JqZ!ics3BJ1RrVWtCOpA1XZyqw
Brazilian Occult Library: http://minhateca.com.br/Aprendiz_de_tudo


Downloading a few books I see and that look interesting to me already.


Do you have a book on asanas in your library?

>tfw downloading all these books

Maybe I should just download your whole library.


File: 1423428927827.jpg (171.55 KB, 662x960, 331:480, En_Sof.jpg)

Yes. "Huge Occult Library" looks like it at least has my academia file.

In any case, there used to be a torrent of this thing, but I've added like ten gigs since said torrent was posted, and TPB is down (don't know if anyone is still seeding the magnet, it was in someone else's seedbox).

Glad to be of service.

Depends on what context you're asking about; I've got Crowley's admittedly flawed comments on Yoga, but as far as the stuff in the Eastern folder is concerned, it's mostly Kaula/Vamacara/Sexual Alchemy.

My goal has always been to hunt down and present the hard to find shit; you can learn about asanas all day from various outlets, but not exactly the esoteric perspectives in the Tantras I uploaded.


I just need a book on the actual positions so I can fix my posture and be more comfortable while meditating.

>you can learn about asanas all day from various outlets

Yes but whereas there is a very huge pile of shitty material on the subject, I need something complete, accurate, and high quality. High signal to noise ratio. A good book. I don't want to go through piles of shit to find that one gem of an Asana book that must be out there.


You can't really go wrong with Raja & Hatha Hatha Yoga or Patanjali's Yoga Sūtras.

^Hatha Yoga Pradipika on Asana.

^Illustrated Asanas in Raja Yoga (it's old, an not always accurate, but the asana section ain't too bad).


Sup K, cool of you to stop by.


I'm just going to add your library to the sticky.


It is updated now. I added your library to >>1


Goodness, thank you.

Eh, I try.
My first priority is distributing things like all this unpublished Crowley material as widely as possible. Anything I can do to keep this shit out of the hands of a few A.'.A.'. lineages and the IX & Xth Degrees, and in the hands of the Aspirant (you).

It's a fucking travesty that until a couple weeks ago, this stuff was only accessible via expensive/lengthy interlibrary loan requests or by sucking the Caliphate's dick.


File: 1423437493100.png (10.54 KB, 460x179, 460:179, Screenshot from 2015-02-08….png)

Please find more William Walker Atkinson books for our library if you can, especially ones connected to the arcane series.

Pic related, I am missing two of these books.

Also I hear the copy of Initiation Into Hermetics that is widely available as a PDF is incomplete; do you have the complete version?

Btw, is there anything of interest in this Thelema material? I personally despise Thelema and think (more like KNOW) Aleister Crowley sucks dick.


Yeah man we gotta make occult info available as widely as possible. It's the only way the mass populace is going to even have a small chance of waking up.


The Mystery of Sex and The Psychic Plane are the books I'm missing.

Might be a few more in the series I could be missing too.

All of them are by "Anonymous" (really William Walker Atkinson).


>Also I hear the copy of Initiation Into Hermetics that is widely available as a PDF is incomplete; do you have the complete version?

It's just a matter of different editions in different size books with different typeface.

>William Walker Atkinson

Not the biggest fan of New Thought, but I can keep an eye out for folks. Next update should be David Chaim Smith, complete Illuminati rituals, and maybe (hopefully) more Yorke Microfilm scans.

>is there anything of interest in this Thelema material?

That's entirely up to you to decide.


Do you read all of what you collect? At least skim it?


Can't thank you enough, I have been looking for a library like this, I never dreamed of something this great.


I'd be lying if I said I did.

But I've read a LOT of it, most of it before I even posted, it's a personal collection going back to 2008. I can honestly say I've read close to 4/5ths at this point.

I'm particularly proud of the Thelema, Freemasonry, and Cultus Sabbati/Chumbley folders. As for the Thelemic material, between unpublished diaries, the Yorke Microfilm, the copy of Liber TROA, and the cOTO internal administrative documents, you could start up your own OTO or A.'.A.'. tomorrow.


Just stopping by to say thanks. I need to clear some space on my hard drive.


>I can honestly say I've read close to 4/5ths at this point.


How come you haven't ascended this plane already?

At this point you ought to be a keeper of records in the akashic records right now.

I guess you're studying for now and will practise more of it later on when you actually do finish reading it all?


It's rather more like I only have time for so many modes of practice. A.'.A.'. gradework takes up the bulk of my practical daily routine, and though I add some practices atop the basic yoga/ritual magick program, it's hard to juggle Hindi tantra, Kemeticism, Thelema proper, Merkavah mysticism, and grad school…let alone tacking on more modes of practice, like Buddhism for example.


Holy shit, Frater K, long time no see, nice to see you're still around.



Where would you recommend a newcomer to Alchemy begin? I want to read Fulcanelli and the Chymical Wedding and not be totally lost


Here you go Smiley


For someone really really new?

Probably Jung and Manly P. Hall.


Any recommendations for works of Crowley? I've been reading through Magick Without Tears but so far it has been painfully boring. Very low level shit that I already know


What the fuck is wrong with your broken link?


Do you have "The Psychic Planes"?


MWT is probably his clearest most accessible book, though I must say there are a few gems hiding in those letters.

Crowley's collection is so large it's hard to recommend anything without knowing what you're after. Magick in Theory and Practice is more technical, but if you already have a handle on MWT, M:TP will probably only have a couple chapters that you really need to look through.

The Holy Books (Class A texts, Liber AL, Liber LXV, Liber VII, etc.) are really fucking good poetic explications of attainment of various mystical states.

The Class B material can be hit or miss depending on if it's an article or a straight out instruction…that said, he's got some really staggeringly good essays, like Berashith or Soldier and Hunchback.

Also, Book of Lies (Liber 333) essentially lays out the entire plan of Crowley's mystical intentions so it's probably worth the read.


File: 1423493359525.pdf (486.4 KB, YogaIts_method_and_practic….pdf)

Smiley, here's a good "book" on yoga and asanas.


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Also, a great library. I'm getting myself all the Fourth Way, psychology and Enochian books.



Anything more specific would be greatly appreciated. I'm more interested in the symbolism of mercury, sulpher, the elemental signs, etc etc. Not really about turning lead into gold, more about mental and spiritual transmutation.



Not him, but I highly recommend Burckhardt, it's truly a great introduction.


By the way, the book is called "Alchemy: Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul", just to clarify.


what site is your AA practice linked too?

theres so many fakes



Thanks man! Much appreciated


My instruction is linked to a person with no affiliation with any public lineage website.

I am more or less convinced that the A.'.A.'. as a temporal Order no longer actually exists.

There were only two people to emerge after Germer died with a remotely legitimate claim, but neither of those people were given the authority to continue the Order by Germer.

I'd also suggest Matrikabheda Tantra if you're going that route.


Ok, so we just got a rather huge fucking update here:

I uploaded microfilms 12 and 14.
They're in the usual spot in the Aleister Crowley folder.

>A.'.A.'.>Aleister Crowley

Added the letters of CS. Jones (Achad) and Other's Diaries, a collection of personal records from people close to the Goat.


Added Gunther's "The Angel & the Abyss"


Added a whole chunked out series of folders for the degrees with expanded material/knowledge lectures/more up to date rituals.

>Fraternitas Saturni

Found the rest of their documents and threw them into a folder because fuck it. It's all in German, so good luck. Also moved some shit around given that I had a couple of their files lurking in odd places.

>Golden Dawn

I added so much I don't even wanna index it right now, it's been such a long goddamn day. It's easily 2X bigger, added all GD recommendations, plus a LOT more.

Total size:
25.87 GB
325 folders and 4148 files (We're now twice the size of Grimoar, and some of this was made possible by another hit & run on TO.bz, so fuck you, TO.bz mods)


The library just got ToS'd. Someone should let whoever is in charge of the sticky know.
New link: https://mega.co.nz/#F!r8clUJgA!w9owH7ZHBveClXwTH0vM9w



torrent fully updated? or does mega have some download all feature?


File: 1426056366605.pdf (5.36 MB, Hermetic_Qabalah_A_Foundat….pdf)

Feast my wizards


File: 1426175440136.jpg (8.29 KB, 230x346, 115:173, advanced magick.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 1, 3, 1 = 5 (3d3)

You don't happen to have Advanced Magick for Beginners by Alan Chapman?

I hear its all the rage.

If not, anything else from the gents over at http://thebaptistshead.co.uk/ ?

Your resources are much appreciated.


Would it be possible to find and add John Baines' books? I am interested in his "Hypsoconsciousness". Thank you.


I cannot link it to you, but check out the thread by Sejong, the new janitor, as there was a link to this occult archive, and I believe I saw your book there.



It was there!

Thanks for the heads up.

Download it, it comes highly recommend in magickal circles.

Accessible yet powerful.

I really enjoyed his partner in crime' Duncan Barfold's anecdotal and contemplative work Occult Experiments in the Home.




I swear I got sectioned because of this book.

I put a plaster on the front cover as a joke and scribbled over the pages in pencil as a form of divination while in a trance.

A doctor saw it on my bookshelf asked to look at it.

Then I got sectioned.


Hey dudes, it's been a while.

My library goes up and down. I don't know if anyone keeps the sticky updated around here. In any case I'll be hosting it at 8chan's /occult/ on a semi permanent basis. Just a heads up.



The folder link you are trying to access is no longer available. This could be due to the following reasons:

The folder link has been removed because of a ToS/AUP violation.

Invalid URL - the link you are trying to access does not exist

The folder link has been disabled by the user.


Oh found the new link and added it to the sticky.

I am downloading your entire library as a ZIP right now btw but it's probably going to fuck up and fail mid-download.

Maybe I should DL one sub-folder at a time.




I recommend using subfolders as opposed to trying the whole thing at once. The new user interface for mega may help that a bit, I don't know because I never download my own folders.

Also, I update this thing rather often. And it is prone to ToS violations. Hopefully having ownership over at /occult/ will give me a place to give updates so I don't have to shit up other imageboards quite as often when it happens. Not sure if it would be out of line to ask, but /occult/ is kinda dead in the water, and a link up top here on /fringe/ with the rest of 'em would be appreciated.


93, K. I really appreciate what you're doing. The pack has been a supermassive help and I'm only at the very beginning still.

May I ask what the K stands for?



It was already added before you even asked also you can just update us in this thread, seriously, fuck what most of the neophytes talk here about threads like this where we share knowledge are the most important to me.



My motto.


Thanks, I was actually referring to the board I sort of commandeered. I don't know how much of a community here is truly interested in discussion of fine details, but I notice there are a few boards that may get use. Hell, a Gnostic board might be a way to bridge the gap with some of the weird Christian community on 8chan.



from what I can tell his name is a play on "Frater X"

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