>>21584Yes I believe the events are scripted by secret societies. These events are hoaxes (the assassination of Obama will be a hoax too.
Consider the Michael Brown of Ferguson, MO Shooting Hoax:
Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
Brown = 2+9+6+5+5 = 27
33 = 3x11
27 = 3x9
Three times nine, three time eleven
Think of 9/11, or New Year's Day on the Coptic Calendar, the Egyptian Calendar
Coptic = 3+15+16+20+9+3 = 66
This story pertaining to Michael Brown, reminds of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin already, or GZ and TM.
GZ = 7+26 = 33
TM = 20+13 = 33
Trayvon Martin was buried on March 3, or 3/3- another tribute to "33".
Michael = 13+9+3+8+1+5+12 = 51
Brown = 2+18+15+23+14 = 72
Michael Brown = 123
Conspiracy = 3+15+14+19+16+9+18+1+3+25 = 123
Also notice how the name Michael sums to 51…
Conspiracy = 3+6+5+1+7+9+9+1+3+7 = 51
Ferguson = 6+5+9+7+3+1+6+5 = 42 (The meaning of life number)
Missouri = 4+9+1+1+6+3+9+9 = 42
War = 23+1+18 = 42
Gun = 7+21+14 = 42
Sick = 19+9+3+11 = 42
Sin = 19+9+14 = 42
Or consider with regards to 9/11 that it took place in New York
York = 7 + 6 + 9 + 11 = 33 (notice the 911 encoded in there)
Or consider the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown where 26 people were shot
NRA = 14+18+1 = 33
Newtown = 5+5+5+2+6+5+5 = 33
Notice the "26" coded into Newtown surrounded by 5s
26 is the "God" number in Gematria
God = 7+15+4 = 26
Our alphabet is "26" letters
Also Police = 33
>>21603Other possible dates include February 13 (44th day of the year), March 3 (3/3) and April 4 (4/4).
Obama, Biden and all the "left" and "right" politicians all work for these secret societies, either knowingly or unknowingly.