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Esoteric Wizardry


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How does one become greenpilled?


find yourself 5 grams dried of psylocibin cubensis along with about 2-3 grams of very strong cannabis

go on youtube and find a 2-3-4 hour long electronic chill type song playlist compilation

on youtube find the entire 3:40 something hour long kybalion audio book

play both at the same time so you have a flow going

take the shrooms fully with a empty stomach preferably having fasted for 6 hours

have a notepad,pen, lots of water and make sure you don't make sure of anything because worrying about shit ruins it. Just let go.

prolly easiest way.


By ignoring these mundanes that don't even know the rules of this board and give terrible suggestions and instead reading those books and beginning the long ascetic practise that shall lead you to higher consciousness and reveal all secrets to you.


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>Not taking the saved pill


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I take it this was made shortly after Smiley's recent happening with shellfish?



Sorry, I don't keep up on domestic MURRIFUT MUH CAPITALIST RESTAURANT news


I'm talking about the recent incident on /christian/ not in some stupid restaurant.

Go look through this board for the thread about Satan contacting ☻.



cant find it





O Deus tu es me intus et foris,
O Deus ego amo te,
Invenio in me nova Ierusalem,
Cum omnibus pacem, amen.

Sanctus, immo ad sanctum sanctorum!
Nomen Dei sanctus, sanctus, sanctus!
Sanctus, immo ad sanctum sanctorum!
Nos regnum cælorum. Amen.

O Deus ego amo te!
O Deus ego amo te, amen.


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Grant Morrison claimed he cured herpes with sigil magic but apparently can't cure baldness.


>implying he would ever give up his professor x powers


And he bitched a lot about Matrix being a copy of his work yet wasn't even credited. I'm quite unsure if he has any power at all, together with all these occultists derived from the 70s drug culture.



I only read the first invisibles, it was quite awful, I wuoldn't be proud of creating it.

He did make bank and moved out of a rough area of Glasgow into some degree of wealth and fame though.

Power? Possibly, in the documentary about him talking with gods people he's known talk about him having weird powers like a door closing on its own as if he willed it to and him talking with superman who just showed up as a hallucination by some train tracks.


>He did make bank and moved out of a rough area of Glasgow into some degree of wealth and fame though

Read an interview with him complaining for not receiving any money from Matrix and having to work 12 hours a day to make a living.



The invisibles didn't sell well at all but he made money doing batman comics for a while I think.

I also don't see the connection between the invisibles and the matrix, not even a hint of one.

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