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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1423657310459.jpg (120.48 KB, 369x489, 123:163, SealSet1.jpg)


Help me out /fringe/ – what are the absolute strongest banishing rituals you know? I'm talking nuke-it-from-orbit level stuff. Spiritual napalm. Whatever you know; throw in the kitchen sink.

I have a Thing to deal with, and I'm only going to get one chance. Gotta make it count.


Rock salt shells or very pointy iron rods easily get red of unwanted manifestations.


I've heard the sumerian ones are most potent. But doesn't that depend on what sort of entity you're working with?


The stregnth of any working depends on he who wields the tools. A master could build a house with a hammer and nails, but give an idiot a full set of power tools and he would be lucky to get one room up.


I know how to use my power tools. I need cranes, backhoes, cement mixers, dynamite. I can't build the Hoover Dam with a hammer and nails.


We need to know what exactly you;re dealing with.

Summoning a pissed off sumerian god will be banished better with sumerian rituals. Whereas if you summoned a pissed off Bugs Bunny, you'd need to craft an appropriate looney tunes esche ritual.

Give us something to work with.




Well, do you care about the surroundings?

Cause if you can skip the spiritual napalm and settle for the real deal, that'd be, you know, real adequate.


Yet a beaver can damn a river with just its teeth…


File: 1423743668453.jpg (1.8 MB, 2157x1877, 2157:1877, 1238381048081.jpg)

Stop buying into the illusion that size matters. It doesn't.
The illusion that you are limited and finite is too an illusion. They are false ideas of reality perpetuated by nothing less than a slew of memetic viruses which take the form of personal self doubts and tiny white lies that prevent you from attempting that which you currently consider to be beyond your reach.


Still if you are cut, you'll bleed.



I'd rather be a hammer than a nail
If I could
Yes I would
I surely would



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