This text: is also in the satanic bible is very known and says in the last paragraph:
the reasonable Creatures of the Earth let them vex and weed out one another, and the dwelling places let them forget their names: the work of man, and his pomp, let them be defaced: his buildings let them become caves for the beasts of the field. Confound her understanding with darkness.
Video, documentary about the writers: is not intended to say that there is no option to weed out. The reader is supposed to go against it and to things that lead to the opposite.
Other: In the beginning of the documentary it is said that Dee would be risking his soul. That as well: He could see that that was not what was happening. In truth that was clearly not an issue. He was just doing something new. Being a pioneer.
2other: Dee committed suicide. If he would have been more careful from the beginning this wouldn't have happened.
What is interesting about Dee and Kelly is that they were one of the first or the first to approach the subject of spirituality in a more scientific way. And be officially sort of recognised and a record of their doings.
They did it with a mindset that was not pragmatically enough. They let it become unstable. Like with other things that are new and big: The first try can fail or show some results but unusable. Or unstable. That is a typical mistake in an understanding about this story. The next one to look at this matter can improve the results and do come up with workable conclusions.
Dee made an absolute mistake by killing himself. It has to do with how contact with spiritual beings as angles works. Someone that does that knows what is going to make happy, what is safe, what prevents or causes the opposite of financial disaster.
Circumstances that are best describable as a very good measure of "work safe" in contact with angles as Dee did is enormously important. And to make sure finances and other important matters are stable and safe. Doing that sort of thing must suit. It must be kept pleasant as a rule of thumb. Like how a household is run. Or someone would do his work. That sort of realistic circumstances and dealing with whatever comes up is very important in doing what Dee and Kelly did.