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Esoteric Wizardry


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Being a resident of WA state, the following is a missive that was posted on Slashdot, and later removed at the behest of a corrupt LEA.

Thallium is a poison that women (demons in clown suits) like to use to assassinate men they don’t like. The evil that females are capable of is in a class by itself. Dating, or attempting to date, any female from/in WA state is the equivalent of signing your own death warrant. I say this because, at least in WA, there is a latent feminist movement that is picking up steam, and, at some point in the future, gender-based civil conflict will be the result. There might be a multitude of reasons the Bible doesn’t place females on pedestals to be worshipped, like females would prefer that pussified men do. They were intended to be subservient to men, not the other way around. Females tend to preach how they want equality, when in reality, they want superiority. If they actualize they’re desired superiority, which they’re presently doing, society itself will become hosed.

As a single, law-abiding male that's never been arrested and has no criminal record, when I go take a walk at the local park by myself, I get one “dirty look” after another from almost every female that is present. I assume it’s solely because I’m by myself; there is no female accompanying me. Also, while at the local park, I frequently observe “barbie dolls” (undercover female cops) posing as everything from college girls to hookers, trying to roundup all the dregs of humanity (men) that they can; I can always spot the barbie dolls’ backup within the vicinity. The same kinda thing happens in various downtown areas and residential neighborhoods; barbie dolls trolling around for whatever scum (men) they can ensnare; I think the local po-po calls it “creepstalking”. Gender-based persecution of men is already happening, and it will get worse.

I enrolled in a tech. school several years ago & achieved a 2-year degree in an electronics discipline. Not long after I started attending, I discovered to my dismay that the “creepstalker gestapo” was present. There were two barbie dolls present that worked at this private institution, and two of their backups (male undercover cops) were in the same class I was in; they didn’t have to pay tuition. I can almost always out undercover cops (including decoys, or barbie dolls); they have a propensity for displaying an unusual level of stupidity, and they’re very poor actors. One of the barbie dolls (decoys) tried trolling (expressing an interest in) me, and her method of expression was way over-the-top, ahem…; she had just outed herself as a decoy. I was/am an ugly SOB; I’m repulsive to females, but animals like me, though. One guy in my class disappeared under suspicious circumstances, never to return. Not much later, another guy in my class vanished, only to return a few months after his disappearance; the reason he gave for his disappearance never did make much sense, and his personality had changed slightly. I have always suspected the creepstalkers got ‘em. I can’t say this enough, STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM FEMALES IN WA STATE. IF YOU’RE A GUY, YOU COULD LOSE YOUR LIFE!


OP unless you're going to explain how this serves the alien agenda or what occult organizations are behind feminism this thread doesn't really fit here?

Did you know that ONA was subverted by feminism?

Lets try to make this a proper /fringe/ thread…


crazy shit1


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I'm not OP, but I believe that keeping men and women in a state of perpetual conflict serves the matrix's interests.

If you've ever been with a woman, no matter how one-sided it could've been; you surely must know what I'm talking about. There are powerful spiritual forces involved that aren't in line with what they want out of us, the positive stuff is detrimental to their plans.

This is why they would ideally want all women to be feminists, and all men PUAs. The controllers want us to reproduce but not to love. There's a reason why almost every single religion in the world pushes for monogamy, and there's tons of scientific and anecdotal evidence out there supporting the same, if you're willing to search. (meanwhile, the opposite view has nothing but biased tabloid articles with flashy headlines to support it)

To put it simply, people born to dysfunctional families and people that don't form families the right way are much, much weaker and easier to subdue.

I'm afraid that OP fell for the other side of the same bullshit. Females are not your enemy, whoever is responsible for raising them the way they are is.

I can't stress it enough, do not drink either side's kool-aid.



Predicting Programming? Look at how it promotes women acting like filthy disgusting degenerates and beating up males.


>Females are not your enemy, whoever is responsible for raising them the way they are is.
that is, femaIes.
Argument cIosed, they ARE the enemy.




Agreed with all of this. Just yesterday I was having a nice, open conversation with a girl about wisdom, intuition, conditioning, and learning to be honest with yourself to progress spiritually, and it was a very connecting experience. She felt enlightened to all her complexes and emotional blockages after that.
If there's any kind of sex-based conspiracy, it isn't going to be that either sex holds the blame, but some kind of Matrix-controlled push that tries to further fragment people through neurosis and exploitation. Abhorring women is not going to help anything for anyone.





>Did you know that ONA was subverted by feminism?

Would you elaborate on that? I'm really curious.


gnng hnng ugh


ugh fuck fuck fuck ugh big boyz nasty

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