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Esoteric Wizardry


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I am trying to generate as much love and fun loosh as I can for myself, what are good ways to do this, especially alone?

I am extremely deficient in love and need more of it. Normally you'd get love from other people like parents, girlfriend, wife, pets, whatever but I have none of these things.

I am trying to generate tons of love for use in my magick. I am exploring its potential for healing and the creation of stronger thoughtforms and as a supplement to my diet so I don't have to eat as much food every single day.

If you know any meditations, techniques, or have any advice of your own to generate love please tell me. My heart chakra is shut the fuck down and the most neglected of all my chakras.

I've spent quite awhile in the astral just playing games and looking for fun stuff to do so that has helped.

I want to create some thoughtforms for fun and love too and just play with them alone in my room.

ITT: Let us brainstorm how to generate love and fun loosh for magickal purposes.


Watching cute girls doing cute things animu.

>tfw no cute girls doing cute things animu flag



>We begin with one of the most profound sutras of Gautama the Buddha:

>Love yourself and watch — today, tomorrow, always.



Look into Bhakti Yoga, cultivate a love for the absolute! Let tears of pure joy stream down your face as you contemplate being nestled in the bosom of the divine mother! Or god, creator, whatever floats your boat.


I suppose I do something like this but it might be a bit different

just get comfortable with who you are
understand yourself in all ways

after that, love should be easy to generate and you don't need some ritual to generate, just feel it


For me, just taking a moment to acknowledge that God (or whatever representation of your choice) has instilled in us this beautiful pervading phenomenon called "love" that binds souls together as a kind of glue - that in itself makes tears well up and fills my heart with incredible joy, love, relief, and an almost maternal-pacifying sense of comfort. It's like a reminder that no matter where you are and what your circumstances are (well, for the most part I guess), you are encouraged to experience love in all its various expressions. It's as if the universe/divine/God finds glee in seeing you in such a state, as though it's our destiny. We're all in this together and we can do so merrily and in love with one another, and it feels so "right," like this is and always has been how we should be. Unconditional love. A lot like what >>22263 said. At times it's difficult to put into words, but I hope you understand what I'm getting at.


Right now, I'm getting hit up with an overwhelming, intense, absolutely potent flow of love loosh. FeelsGoodMan.


Resonate with love and the universe rewards you with more love and the experiences that correspond with love.

Like begets like.


>tfw it only took approximately 24 hours of willed intent to take me from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other and to manifest a whole bunch of positive synchronicities

Now to stabilize it all at a high vibration and keep it this way.


sent you some loosh bro
good luck


Are there any good books or something for cultivating this for the Divine Mother (Shakti?) or for something impersonal?


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requesting loosh for today


>tfw missed both my chances to get food, now I've been starving for about 4 days, and will continue to starve for at least… I don't know… have severe mental fog and headache though and can't do shit right now


>tfw text practically have my face pressed to the screen and can't get anything into focus

I got so angry the first time I missed my food and now it has happened again because nobody is going to drive me to the food terminal and nobody cares. I think if it happens a third time I'm going to start smashing shit.


I am so sorry this is happening to you. I wish that I could help.


Isn't there anyone you can contact for assistance?


Leave the computer, anon. This is your crisis opportunity.


Vivekananda wrote a text on Bhakti Yoga, you can start there. He was a disciple of sri Rama Krishna, and that dude was pure Bhakti 24/7!


Here's a quote from the book I just mentioned:

>Bhakti Yoga is a real, genuine search after the lord, a search beginning, continuing, and ending in love. One single moment of the madness of extreme love of god brings us eternal freedom. "Bhakti is intense love of God" says Narada in his bhakti aphorisms. "When a man gets it he loves all, hates none; he becomes satisfied forever." "This love cannot be reduced to any earthly benefit" - because so long as worldly desires last that kind of love does not arise. "Bhakti is greater than Karma (action), Greater than Jnana (knowledge), and greater than Yoga," because these have in view the attainment of an object, while bhakti is its own fruition, "its own means, and its own end."


That sounds lame as fuck.


It probably is! You'd probably be more interested in the sexy, rad, super cool types of mysticism. Whatever those are.


Hatha Yoga > Bhakti Yoga


Does he get specific about what "God" is? I want to do it towards Divine Mother cos I seem to hear female voice in moments of guidance and I asked for it to show form or something the other night and saw some stuff coming together, among other reasons. I've read it is Shakti and Shakti and Shiva is the same though so..

Why limit yourself to one aspect?


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I've understood that you can confess your love to whoever/whatever your God happens to be. You could praise Jesus, Krishna, Shiva, Amaterasu, Odin, etc.

Why not both? Why not all the yoga?

It is but beneficial to know something of all the yoga there is. Be it Bhakti, Karma, Jnana or Raja, all yoga is good and beneficial. Pray your god in the morning and evening, so that you may live a virtuous day, and that your practice will be fruitful and your knowledge of God more perfected.


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Bhakti is pretty based and easy.

Whatever the object of worship the idea is that the target is the eternal Brahmin (ultimate reality) while simultaneously breaking down the ego and attributing all your actions to the object of worship (through you not by you), until the only actor is the ultimate reality.

The process and result is very similar to other traditions which seek the higher self, or true will through practice.


fasting really helps…


But in the Gita Krsna says He is the target and all paths lead to him in the end…

Can you do it to multiple Gods at different times or even at the same time?


If you are into alchemy and crystals, you can make a crystal elixir using crystals that represent the heart chakra such as: Rose Quartz, rhodochrosite and morganite. While you're at it, you can use the Vitriol Alchemical Method for infusing the energy of the Sun or Venus to your elixir


Haha dumbass love is just a feeling people feel differently and express differently, no binding of the souls bullshit, where all alone, and the more intense you feel this feeling, it just makes you believe lies and love people that hate you and only want to harm you and use you for everything you have haha!

Its an evil feeling and you must do all you can to break free of the chain. its a chain, thats all it is man, if you feel the feeling more, your at their mercy and want to do everything to make them happy cuz your chained to someone else and they can do as they wish with that chain so be careful who you let hold the chain man LOl.


lots of people with fucked up problems here wtf why is your (family?) having you starve?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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>But in the Gita Krsna says He is the target and all paths lead to him in the end…

He/It is the ultimate reality, the eternal brahmin, names are only important for those performing bhakti to the target.

Krshna Bhakatas will proclaim Krshna is the ultimate reality, Shaivas will claim Shiva, Shaktas will claim Shakti.

Unless you are dealing with a dualistic paradigm like the Hare Krishnas were Bhakti leads to a more Chrstian like heaven with Krshna and the other deities are subordinate.



Infatuation, careless love, and lust are that way, you're completely right.

The love that isn't that way is really just reciprocated trust expanded into the point of two bodies with one mind.






Agape, eros, philia, store.

Having different words for different types of love would help a lot I'd imagine. It'd help people delineate their experiences and tell the difference between infatuation and "realer" love. I guess you might still get philia-zoned.


Your just creating a definition that does not make sense.
Love is about what 1 person feels not both of them you dumb cunt lol ive never seen this two bodies with one mind thing in my fucking life its like bullshit, the one who feels it less dominates the one who feels it more, thats all there is to it. im a love pro and know all there is to know about love and life and all that shit, i bet you never even had the gf experience and u just get it from your faggy hindu shit crap where the parents pick who marries who but it still turns out the same as any other relationship.



People can share minds you know. Regardless of relationship or not.


Hindu happier and less divorces, arranged marriages superior.


Thats cuz the dude is in his 20's while the girl is 16 and does all the sick shit he wants so go get raped

Well your talking about something completely different.



"happiness is only real when shared"


>Thats cuz the dude is in his 20's while the girl is 16 and does all the sick shit he wants so go get raped

Actually it's because the two people aren't blinded by lust. Excepting cases where the families were motivated by financial gain or marrying into a prestigious family, arranged marriages are successful because the two people learn to love each other.


The inferior western mindset is that love should be "fated" rather than cultivated. For people who are unaware, the allure, the brain chemicals wear off and you see the person for who they really are, and you don't see whatever you thought you saw in them.

When you are in an arranged marriage, you grow to love the other person for who they really are.

The major difference between the two is conscious choice. The former has none, while the latter the parents were conscious of what would be best for the bride and groom to be.


lol. luv u.




u said dat 2 tiemz bby


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You just punched me really hard in the feelz.


People must learn to cultivate love consciously. Choose to love and to increase love instead of just letting subconscious take them along for a ride.


I know it's late, but isn't this Smiley asking?

Can't you just make a tulpa?



I'm not smiley. That's an annoying as fuck way to suggest something. You can communicate without entrapping others into thinking one way or another. Are you a woman? You sound like a manipulative, suggestive speech using cunt.


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Is your butt okay? Did you get anally assassinated? Did a butt pirate hurt you?



That sorta lame ass reply doesn't work on my you little insecure bitch.



I hope you feel better.



Fuck you you little bitch boy.






But fun is disgusting



Loosh isn't trasmitted over the ether. Not from me its not. You're a dick.


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You keep focusing and directing energy at me! Deep down inside you like when I rustle your jimmiez! Is it an itch you can't scratch? Let it all out grumpy! lol

>gotta vent some where



That attention pic. /fringe/ is so bad at it.



You're wrong. I'm not focusing any attention on you. I'm typing from trance. Right action is my being. Faggot.






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