Detox journal. Learn from eachothers mistakes on the path to purity. Novice 02/15/15 (Sun) 09:20:43 No. 22536
I have taken note that it is the chemical MSG that crystalizes the pineal gland or third eye which is the principle prism which magic and sorcery is unfolded and employed. I have also noted that this chemical, along with a great deal of others and many other substances, blocks, destroys, calcifies, crystalizes, and shuts down the pineal gland function. These substances are rife and populated in the diet and air and living spaces of every american and civilized man, anyone above the level of a mudhut can scarcely say they are free from these chemicals. I have also noted, that my ability to think and my thirst for reading snd knowledge has come back with a vengeance due to my bodies purification from these elements and compounds and substances. I think that the decline in intelligence and reading and general ability is due entirely to the poisoning of the food, water, and living space of society and not to the poor quality of education or the lack of good breeding, those final two can be factors, however I believe they are not the primary, as they take much time and energy and poisoning is easy and quick acting within only a few minutes to hours. I have noted again that I may now be infected due to "organic" eggs bought from bills that were using a label called "old fashioned farm organic eggs" to mislead good men that their eggs were genuinely safe to eat amongst the sea of poisonous food we consume. It was one peeked looking egg in particular that may have doomed me, I will try to resist but If I fail I will swear vegetarianism and to become a strict dietist and vegan. These chemicals kill our ability to do magic, talk to the gods, love, learn and be human. It is purposely put in our bodies and living space to enslave us by the wicked international jew. The most evil race to ever live. Jan 16 8:08 am
02/15/15 (Sun) 10:18:02 No. 22539
>>22536 This knocks a lot of Asian food out because of soy sauce wouldn't it.