There was a board for anime on the old fringe, I posted my ideas about gen'ei wo kakeru no taiyou there and 4/a/ ages ago. Seeing the thread made me want to dig it up, but unfortunately some degenerate shitposter (like curls, nigerian prince or provur) decided to fill the board with pictures of fat niggers thinking it was funny. I tried going through /a/'s archives but couldn't find it.
Gen'ei wo kakeru no taiyou, while not really a masterpiece, does have hermetic and qabbalistic influences, simplest and easiest example being a character in that show directly quoting the principle of correspondence.
Another magical girl show is madoka, which shows deeper buddhist themes [1] mixed with western esoteric myths such as walpugrisnacht or the tale of Faust (parts of the work are quoted in parts of the show, either in plain text, or within a special code)
[1] we're going by obvious, let's add evangelion, which shows pretty overt abrahamic symbolism and was made by the author while he was depressed.
We've also got sasami-san@gambaranai, lighthearted and fluttery, it's also chaotic and postmodern, among the inspiration it draws from is shinto (funny to note is how the various planes submit to one another, eerily similar to the teachings of Hermes).
NOTE: these aren't the most greenpilled anime, or the only greenpilled anime, it's just some anime that show overt or covert esoteric(and exoteric!) symbolism