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Esoteric Wizardry


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ANIME THREAD part deux
14 year old mods suck edition

>if a question thread receives many replies leave him be

>this thread has got too many replies, I'm locking it!
-underage faggot


How do I evoke my Waifu? How do I visit her Astral Plane?


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The Monogatari series is mostly about the characters and the lies they tell themselves but I think it's pretty fringe otherwise.


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>14 year old mods
fug thanks for reminding me how shit this board has gotten. Have some best girl


but that's not Saori


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There was a board for anime on the old fringe, I posted my ideas about gen'ei wo kakeru no taiyou there and 4/a/ ages ago. Seeing the thread made me want to dig it up, but unfortunately some degenerate shitposter (like curls, nigerian prince or provur) decided to fill the board with pictures of fat niggers thinking it was funny. I tried going through /a/'s archives but couldn't find it.
Gen'ei wo kakeru no taiyou, while not really a masterpiece, does have hermetic and qabbalistic influences, simplest and easiest example being a character in that show directly quoting the principle of correspondence.

Another magical girl show is madoka, which shows deeper buddhist themes [1] mixed with western esoteric myths such as walpugrisnacht or the tale of Faust (parts of the work are quoted in parts of the show, either in plain text, or within a special code)
[1] http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:94D2kyOWU1QJ:https://listlessink.wordpress.com/2011/04/23/birth-of-a-goddess-madokas-path-to-nirvana-a-study-of-buddhism/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=il

If we're going by obvious, let's add evangelion, which shows pretty overt abrahamic symbolism and was made by the author while he was depressed.

We've also got sasami-san@gambaranai, lighthearted and fluttery, it's also chaotic and postmodern, among the inspiration it draws from is shinto (funny to note is how the various planes submit to one another, eerily similar to the teachings of Hermes).

NOTE: these aren't the most greenpilled anime, or the only greenpilled anime, it's just some anime that show overt or covert esoteric(and exoteric!) symbolism


That /anime/ board was very shitposting-only. Were you the guy who posted about some character being taoist?

Anyway, I feel that many anime have straight out occultist themes, but don't carry occult meaning in themselves, as the Fate series for example, there's a general mystical overtone and use of symbolism, but is not an occultist anime.

The ones I've found to have a bigger relation to occult practices are those based around oriental folklore and mythology, the most blatant of them being xxxHolic, that I posted in the previous thread, which comes to the point of just delivering direct occult teachings in some chapters. It's unfortunate that it had to crossover with Shitsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.


Learning about the occult and then thinking back to anime I have watched I noticed there is a lot of occult in anime, some seem very green pilled.

This season (winter) has 13 anime with occult references in them. The most interesting and occult of them being death parade.

Makes me wonder just how much some of these authors know about occult, or if they are just piecing together random occult shit like evangelion and somehow make it seem coherent.


How do I summon 2D waifu?


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I'd like to see occult-oriented analysis of various anime.
It'd make for a good youtube channel or something like that.


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Can you force creation of Dragonball AF by magic?


If you manage to reach an extremely high level of adepthood and still retain your childish desire to recreate shit out of a dumb comic/film/whatever DB is than yeah.


>tfw I bet someone posted a pic of Kirino here and it's too bad I can't see it


I wonder who smiley's waifu is


>highly greenpilled means mature srs discussions of assbergers
the most mystically aware people I've heard of, have always had a childish and innocent outlook on the world, oftentimes muh maturity is proof that you ain't worth shit.


He really needs to not suck at being a janitor.

When a lot of people reply to a thread it means people are interested in it and want to discuss it and it's best to just leave it alone and not get in the way.

Shit threads have to be locked right away but if one fails to do that then just leave it alone.

>tfw the anti-spam filter pretty much does all the mod work needed anyways, by purging every shit thread with less than 10 replies when it gets to page 5


*butthurt pedophile detected*

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