Ive learned pretty much everything here, a lot of stuff is hidden or just bullshit. Learned a lot more than most people here know, Ive mastered the trivium and quadrivium, I have studied everything under the sun and more, what else is there for me to learn?
Make the philosophers stone then come back talking shit you theory loving pleb.
>>22577>theory loving pleb>doesn't understand the real philosophers stone>he thinks you can "make" it No.22580
bump teach me something
>>22578>understands it is a transformation of the self into an adept>understand sulphur salt and mercury and the kabbalistic applicationsHop out my ass theoryfag, you can make it. Just because there's no physical stone doesen't mean it doesen't exist on the physical.
>theoyfag probably doesent understand the implications of the lovers in the devil in the christ sphere.Get on my level
>in4 needless shittalking, this pleb deserves it No.22615
You can only say you understand something when you can successfully teach it to other people
>>22576ok armchair wizard, you sure impressed us with all this knowledge.
Learning never stops. Maybe you've read a lot, you need to put into practice, log results, keep reading, keep practicing…The Magus will always keep learning.
If you are truly interested in learning more, I will not deprive a hungry student. If your thirst for knowledge is real, please answer me this and I will give you a new book or two not listed in that mundane mega folder.
- Under what symbols, do kings and paupers toil, do manifest their dreams and desires, so that will and love, flow as bright and as dark ?
>implying you have read 2013serieslessons, all 2.5k pages of it
>>22695look people, a future con artist
File: 1424205103160-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 179.15 KB, 989x1145, 989:1145, wisdom-stupidity-road-sign.jpg)

File: 1424205103160-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 130.26 KB, 1028x685, 1028:685, wise-men-are-not-always-si….jpg)

>>22755I thank you for the loosh.
I understand it is easier for you to hide and mask your ignorance by trying to troll, than to answer a simple, basic question.
I guess real students are not lurking on here any more.
I will only reward, when interest is shown and original question answered. Until then IAM silent.
>>22808Everyone is both the student, and the teacher.
>>22808>assumes he is a teacher>"thanks for the loosh" (weak ass parasite lol)kekk-a-lekkin 4 dayz
>>22695Would the answer possibly be currency or money? for a symbol we could use $. You did use the word "symbols" so i imagine there are possibly more.
File: 1424215299425.gif (Spoiler Image, 990.34 KB, 500x524, 125:131, Waiting n Smoking_cmon its….gif)

>>22829It is not currency or money. The answer is on the page….but no one is looking, always hidden in plain sight.
>>22836My next guess would be the sun and the moon.
>>22838Adding to this i think i would summarize it under stars.
>>22838Gold/silver, sulphur/salt its one of the universal basic initiatory concepts, that OP here thinks its the big kahuna lol.
>>22838>>22843>>22846>>22829>>22838Ding ding…we have a winner. So,1…2…3…4 posts = 4 books + 1 link
This link explains it nicely.
[spoiler] (the masonic point of view does not differ, when speaking about the polarities, male/female, respectively) [/spoiler]
I have gigs more, but many are not ready and rather kek or ayy lmao. Also, its not the big kahuna, I just wanted some that had BASIC understandings so that I can reward. I would rather quality post than filter through the shit we have now, but w/e.
I could not post the large files on here, so they are on tinyupload for now.
The Fundamentals of Esoteric Knowledge Bardon - Questions and Answers - The Great Arcanum suspect I will make a Mega soon and new thread to accommodate those that want the knowledge.
>>22847Thank you very much, i will look forward to the knowledge you have to share.
Learn languages. All the languages. Be able to think of and communicate your knowledge in as many different ways with as many people possible as you can manage.
OP you can't just learn for the sake of learning (well you can but it's just pointless)
there is literally an infinite amount of things to learn so unless you have direction or a goal then you will never be satisfied from only learning endlessly
>>25084so what I mean to ask is, do you have a goal? to what end are you learning?