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Esoteric Wizardry


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In my family everyone hates everyone else and it is very toxic and dysfunctional.

This experience has been incredibly painful and traumatic for me.

My boomer parents are awful people and I hate them and my siblings.

I do not feel safe around any of them and want to move away and never have contact with them again.

…but what this thread is about is the decision to find a mate, reproduce, and potentially suffer the same misery all over again if the cycle repeats.

I am very afraid of this happening that at present my strategy is to shoo women away and enforce my own isolation.

I am a very paranoid person because I had no security and no love in my whole life and have been abused.

I am greenpilled and white but this is a big thing for me to get over. I don't know what to do, I think I would commit familicide if I saw the cycle repeating. I do not want to have a wife and children that resent me and hate my guts but only stick around for the money.

Please help me get over this and help me make the right choice…


hey op, i've been in your situation.
when i was a kid i was abused and neglected and handed off from person to person. this left me with pretty severe social anxiety and self esteem problems. as soon as i was 18 i left and haven't been back other than the occasional visit for holidays.
i too want to have a children and would absolutely hate for them to turn out like I did.

But I know they won't because I wont be a piece of shit parent. I'm going to be totally dedicated and not make the mistakes my parents/adopted guardians did. a guy on youtube, Stefan Molyneux, has some good podcasts talking about parenting stuff (not hitting your kids, how to not damage them permanently etc) He seriously helped me to understand what went wrong and why. Now i'm not so worried about it.


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Greetings OP. You don't NEED to reproduce. My wife and I have both decided children aren't right for us. Although I can't see myself committing familicide, I do see myself completely ignoring and being extremely neglectful to any children we were to have.

Stop the cycle by not contributing to it. Besides, I assume global warming and SJWs will ruin any sort of life my children were to have so I figure why bother subjecting them to that.


But but what about the potential to greenpill them and raise them proper and also muh rare phenotypes that are dying out in the world? Also are not you worried about fucking up your relationship with your wife?

I am afraid of people period.

My parents were narcissists that had a great interest in having children … until the fad passed and their babies could talk.

I do not trust anyone. Even ones that might at first seem like good people. Women become interested in me and I just get scared thinking how they could be like my mom.

I feel a lot of pressure from women to marry. Seemingly nice women, but I fear the innersuccubi coming out later and proving them to be heartless bitches.

I intend to take up the practice of magickal evocation and get help from entities that can see outside linear time to make the right choice and avoid a ton of suffering.


*sigh* You sound just like me. Consider this a bump as well. I'm interested in what everyone has to say.

Thank you for mentioning Stefan's parenting videos. I'll give them a watch.


I don't understand your problem, OP?

Just use your fringe knowledge to solve all issues that may arise. Raise your children so that they may impact this humanities future to a little extent and hopefully for the better.

I am anxious to find out how knowledge of the fringe may impact the raising of children, it sounds like fun.


from what I remember about reincarnation is that we are reborn into bodies similar to what we're inhabiting now.

Having descendants that actually look like you should increase the chances of your reincarnation in the near future which will be especially useful if you achieve conscious reincarnation meaning you keep your memory this time around.

Aside from that I'm not quite damaged like you OP. My mum was infertile for a very long time but through a lot of medical operations she finally managed to conceive me. I am the only child and was greatly loved by my parents throughout my childhood.

I also want some children of my own to raise and pass down my knowledge to in the event that I fail to consciously reincarnate so that all following members of my family will get the greenpill early on.

I'm also a white nationalist so there's the whole saving the white race aspect to it as well.

I think having a family is a wonderful thing but it's definitely not for everyone. Normally I'd say that only make one if you're sure you love your significant other and will love your kids but we're wizards here, we can change how we feel just about anything at will so go ahead. Fix your past scars that your family left you with and make your own family the right way. Bring some happiness into this world by giving your kids a better childhood than you received.

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