Zodiac Signs 02/20/15 (Fri) 23:29:51 No. 23211
What's your star sign /fringe/? Does it describe you accurately? How do you feel about it? Personally I love being a Taurus and I think it sums me up well but I wouldn't rule out the idea that I may subconsciously bend my lifestyle towards it.
02/22/15 (Sun) 01:14:27 No. 23349
>>23211 My modern star sign is Cancer, my real star sign is Gemini(
http://truestarsign.com/ )
I think most of Cancer describes me accurately
02/22/15 (Sun) 08:08:37 No. 23397
My star-sign is Aquarius, and it hasn't apparently changed, using
>>23349 . I do not really care for astrology, personally, but there might be some truth in it.
Nevertheless, the description for Aquarius is somewhat spot-on, though there's few traits I do not really agree with. Comparing to other signs and their descriptions, the Aquarius fits me the best.
02/22/15 (Sun) 09:08:19 No. 23403
No, no, NO, YOU FUCKING RETARD. This is EXACTLY why cocksucking little faggots who think that there might be any truth to unseen powers get discouraged. It's always some fuccboi morons suggesting astrology or talking astrology with them and they take the sun signs description in the zodiac sign, it doesn't account to their discrepancies and that's the end of it. Hurr durr magic don't real because I have no fucking idea what I'm doing and I think it's wrong. If you want to astrology for anything you take into account what energy's are present at the time and space. All of them, of The Sun, The Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, arguably Pluto as well as other little shits for more precise happenings. Because the goddamn macrocosm is a reflection of the microcosm or, to explain it to a dunce, the planets create the stream to where you will sail, meaning something will happen with very high likelihood or you'd have an environment created where you "get" and emotional or mental reaction out of you at on point. That's why charts for days or events are useful to gouge how well something will do at a certain time-place. As far as I can tell, you want to use a chart to describe yourself, yes? You would get your birthplace and birthtime as accurate as possibly you can. Because even a minute or few can change the way these currents flow. You would get which Planets are in which sign, but most importantly, you would get the aspects or relationships between the planets, which is the real kicker. There are stronger and weaker aspects, but they all influence the outcome in some sense. You should end up with a long list of planets in signs and houses, aspects, as well as AC and MC in signs. Then try to figure out what has the most weight for which part your describing (you, your mental capabilities, temperament, emotional qualities) and then you try to make a coherent "story" out of what the chart is saying. You should end up with a description of what's going on. After that analyze it, analyze where you are right now and see if you can't use it to better understand your situation and what you have to do to become more virtuous. >tfw I'm a noob in astrology, but making my own chart was still useful in self-understanding inb4 spilling loosh everywhere, I know I am.
02/22/15 (Sun) 16:56:02 No. 23432
>>23403 mad?
for real youre pretty spot on, it takes the overall synergy of your birth chart to really get an understanding for who you are.
What planets are in what signs and houses, the conjunctions and trines that are present in your chart are important too.
Squares and oppositions you should become aware of, but they are just stepping stones to get over(some more difficult then others).