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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1424599348397.png (38.48 KB, 1000x923, 1000:923, danger.png)


Do not use Windows, Mac OSX or any other closed-source operating system! Especially important if you use them for things that may attract heat. Windows users are most vulnerable due to the popularity of the operating system. Microsoft has or can put in a backdoor to their operating systems through automatic updates. They also tell the NSA about their security holes way before fixing them. They may well even be able to specifically craft updates for unique licences of Windows.

Encryption software will NOT save your ass on Windows. Microsoft may be collecting keys, passwords at request of the governments in the name of national security. The operating system is the God that will always come before any open source software you install on it. If the NSA wants access to your computer, they'll ask Microsoft to secretly collect any data that may be required in gaining access to the operating system. The user is unaware until shit hits the fan.

Please /fringe/, do not keep putting off installing a free, open-source operating system. Next week, month or year may be too late for you. I recommend Debian as they have a clear focus on privacy and security. Be sure to fully encrypt it with a strong 50+ character password you have never entered online or on Windows before. This is easily done in the setup wizard. Only install trustworthy software on your new operating system and use a VPN (and chainlink other VPNs not located in the USA or UK) -> Tor for private browsing. Avoid JavaScript whenever possible. Never mix casual browsing with private browsing. Always start a new session (session cookies). Better yet, use an entirely different computer as different identities - one for casual, one for private (ensuring private is never used without VPN and Tor.

Bare in mind, never leave a computer unattended. Power them off when sleeping and ensure hardware doesn't get tampered with (keyloggers). I hope this advice proves useful to some.


They know where I live they can come fucking get me.


TFW posting from an Android.


Linux Mint Master Race Reporting In


Linux is compromised too, you stupid pedophile. The solution is simple: stop being a pedo.


>linux is compromised




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What VPN should I purchase?
Everything recommended on /tech/ looks suspicious.


I've been using hide my ass for years now and not a single knock on my door.
I know some people talk hit about it but hey, people will talk shit about everything.
Not telling you to go buy it, but I've had a good experience with it. and is affordable for an unemployed person like me.


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remember when Google bought ReCaptcha and it switched from words out of scanned books to house numbers


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>tfw you don't live in 'murica


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C'mon fellas.

I'm going to help my fellow wizards and students, use TAILS.
Its a complete live system that can, go on web, deep web, and built in vpn. Oh you can't torrent, too slow on the network.
Just burn the iso, and use it whenever needed.



File: 1424675803214.jpg (16.13 KB, 259x194, 259:194, secureWizards.jpg)


no need to purchase.

Use OpenVPN
Securepoint SSL VPN

then go to http://freevpn.me/accounts download the server certificate, import it into .opvn list and your good to go. Remember to get the username and pw for all the ports used and connected to. You can also try cyber ghost, or hide myip. Hope this helps.


>Linux Mint
Top kek

Run Tails in a VM or build your own Arch installation



I don't do shit other than /fringe/ that'd attract attention, why should I remove programs to do this?



Because occultists make good targets for unethical psychological experiments and psyops.

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