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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hi /fringe/ I used to be a heavy practitioner of the occult sciences however, I'm basically a mundane at this point due to the fact that I haven't meditated in a long time.
With that said, I know that I still have some of that psychic power even if it's somewhat untapped at this point.
However, to get to the point, I've never really messed with the "darker" side of the occult but I have an enemy that I work with, I want to place a curse on him, however, I'm worried about doing this for 2 reasons:
1. I don't want any curse to come back on me three fold.
2. Due to the fact that I haven't practiced the occult in a long time, I'm worried my lack of experience would get me in trouble when messing with left hand type of stuff.

So I guess my question is this: Is there anyway to place a curse on someone without having to suffer any consequences?


As long as the target is not protected by higher forces, has little virtue, and is lower in the scale of consciousness you can do pretty much whatever you want.


If you want to place a curse on anyone then you truly do not understand causality, and you are immature and thus a victim of karma.

You WILL get anything you place on this person given back to you. I don't think the threefold thing makes any sense personally, that sounds like scare tactics spiritual disinfo bullshit, but you will suffer the consequences.

It is best to just forgive this person and forgive yourself for the hard feelings you have towards them. Once you do this to everyone in your life the closeness you'll feel to the true god will be astounding.


>If you want to place a curse on anyone then you truly do not understand causality
And to further elaborate, rather than being a vague asshole, I mean to say that this person who was evil to you was only a victim of evil, physical (demiurgic) circumstances which they could never control, and if they could control those impulses then that control was determined by -something- else, because evil is never truth but deception. You should do your best to determine the truth of this person's actions rather than blindly hate them and proverbially fight fire with even more fucking retarded fire.


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Ignore this.



Ignore this RHP nigger who would have you be a mat to be trampled on, send the person who did you wrong something nasty.


Unleash an ayyy lmao on his ass and get him abducted.


Nah, I would have you be a suit of armor who no one could penetrate and who everyone who would normally hate you aspire to be

But if you sincerely choose to be a slave to hatred then so be it.



Gotta fuel my hate to survive these ruthless cunts trying to take me down. Ain't no time for passive impotence when you are in heat of the fire. Until I can find solitude and break free of dependency on other humans just to live. Also fuck forgiveness, I forgive people that ask with sincerity for it, or that I know didn't mean it; not cunts that enjoy fucking around with me.


>Gotta fuel my hate to survive these ruthless cunts trying to take me down
>gotta be hateful in order to survive other people who are also hateful
>who are also people who if they would eliminate their hate would help alleviate the pain that plagues much of this world

You do understand how genuinely stupid this sounds, right? I don't even mean that in the derogatory sense.


Oh and I think you're also operating on what I consider to be a false definition of forgiveness
I don't know how to articulate it so I won't, but hopefully one day you'll figure it out


This guy isn't OP. Not saying I necessarily agree or disagree with him, just didn't want you getting me confused with another user.


Also, I forgot to mention that in a rage, I did the curse anyway, I'll report back if anything happens to him… or me.


You do realize how fast I would be dead if I let people just keep pushing me around constantly? I am very tolerant but I am surrounded by people that look for every opportunity to make my life miserable.


Forgiveness is where you dismiss some slight or accident and give back loosh to someone. Fuck that noise, I ain't forgiving people that will set out to harm me again at the next encounter.


I don't understand LHP people. If magic is real, then it's because God has given us access to the very levers that move the Universe. What greater blasphemy could there be than to take such a gift and turn it to the purpose of malice?

Enemies enter your life to help you grow and overcome karmic debts. There is probably nothing more counterproductive you could do than use magic to curse them.

Relevant: http://www.kagyu.org/kagyulineage/lineage/kag05.php



>Forgiveness is where you dismiss some slight or accident and give back loosh to someone. Fuck that noise, I ain't forgiving people that will set out to harm me again at the next encounter.

Forgiveness is the transcendent action of rising above the automatic reflex of cause and effect, attack and counterattack, and voluntarily ending a chain of karma that may stretch back 10,000 years and hundreds of lifetimes.

That's the real meaning behind Jesus' words in Mark 5:39:

>But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.


I follow the LHP because I have massive amounts of negative energy in total abundance every day to work with and my heart is fucking cold 'cause I nobody and nothing to love and nothing but bad worthless memories as concerns my experience on Earth. I try to do RHP shit, straining myself so hard to feel love and positive emotions and I fucking can't. Maybe if people would stop killing any pets I get or I managed to get away from shit people and surroundings for a month I could collect enough love loosh to make a good tulpa companion but for now it is only really feasible for me to work with negs. I really do TRY to do RHP practices whenever I can but I am in a very dark place my whole life and was abused and put through many torments and it is NOT OVER YET. I can not do shit like forgive and forget until I make enough money to move to a rural place and build myself a small dwelling with a years worth of food and then I can forget about all the evil done to me and maybe if I feel trusting enough find a human companion that can live with me and heal me.


Fuck Rabbi Jewsus, fuck pacifism, and fuck turning the other cheek. If I have to slaughter all the vile filth in this world myself and if the bloodshed leaves me in greater torment still, at least I will have cleansed the world and removed much of the source of its pain making way for better souls to create a better world here. Imagine forgiving niggers and how stupid that is. Hatred is a positive force when directed at degeneracy. Hail Kali!


>Enemies enter your life to help you grow and overcome karmic debts.

Bullshit nigger, this isn't sports or some shit, they just stunt my development and waste my time and vitality. I would be leagues ahead of everyone right now if my parents and so many other shitty people did not do so fucking much harm. It is fucking hard to move ahead in life when you are just trying to avoid being hurt and to get properly few every day.



Other people my age already completed university and got jobs and children and everything and I am still just trying to get enough food to fucking live and got no time for education or other shit FML. There are 15 year olds, half my age, achieving far more than me and whose greatest concerns are nothing like mine. If someone took care of me and nurtured me I would not be the couch surfer bum I am doing chores for people in order they do not throw me out during winter and I get fed. Fuck, when the weather gets better and I get some cash somehow, I think I will just be homeless again.



You seem to be trapped in a spiral of negativity. Would you say the LHP and using negative energy to dole out vengeance upon those that wrong you is improving your circumstances?

>Bullshit nigger, this isn't sports or some shit

It's not sports, but there are rules all the same. Doesn't your own poor situation indicate that there may be something to the idea of a law of Karma, and that you're not negotiating it properly? Isn't it possible that there's a connection between all this negativity that you're espousing and your own negative situation?

>Fuck Rabbi Jewsus

I'm not a fan of jews, but speaking of rabbis, you remind me of a rabbinical story I heard once. A man had the worst luck imaginable, and everything seemed to go poorly for him. His life was in shambles, so he sought the advice of a famous rabbi, who was renowned for his knowledge of the Qabalah and his ability to work miracles. The rabbi told him to travel to a distant village and ask after a man named Joseph, and that Joseph would be able to help him. So the man set off for the village, and, after many weeks, arrived there. Upon asking the villagers where Joseph lived, however, they spat on the ground and told him that Joseph had died many years prior, but that the world was well rid of him, because he had been thoroughly evil.

The man returned to the rabbi empty-handed and angry. "Why would you send me on such a long trip to ask after a dead criminal?", he demanded. "How was that supposed to help me with my ill luck and all the things that are wrong with my life?"

"Because," said the rabbi, "in your last life, you were Joseph."

If it is karma that is causing your unfavorable circumstances, the first step to resolving it would be to stop creating more of it by repaying every wrong done to you. As Jesus taught in the Lord's Prayer, "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Forgiveness has great power to resolve karmic obligations, others' and your own.

>Imagine forgiving niggers and how stupid that is. Hatred is a positive force when directed at degeneracy.

You'll do more harm to yourself than you ever will to the niggers and degenerates. There are too many of them to ever make a dent. Which is why it is written: "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord; I will repay."


ok, ya'll I got an idea for a curse, wich is technically not a curse.
Is it possible to put someone somehow in a karmabubble?
Thechnically it would throw negative effects after the cursed, but these negative effects would be caused by the cursed. This would mean that the cursed has to suffer emidiently of his bad karma and not just after a while.
This would be an effective curse and it wouldnt give you bad karma.
What do you think?


It's better to die a good person then to let other people/outside forces rot you from the inside out for your entire (longer) life.

Seems like you're just afraid of letting go (which I do not blame you for at all).

Also it is actually the complete opposite of letting people push you around. Do you know what THE most effective method of diffusing tension almost always is? Fucking forgiveness. If someone hurts you, and you hurt them back, then you could set off a chain of events that causes hurt for literal generations to come. But when someone hurts you, and you say "I understand why you were doing what you were doing and I forgive you", and genuinely, seriously mean it, first of all they're usually fucking flabbergasted because they're as accustomed to a mindlessly negative world as you are, and second it makes what the person did to you literally -not matter-. It's moving past the consequences of this person's actions. Forgiveness is equally as positive a tool for YOU as it is an alleviation of unnecessary negativity for the most likely immature fucktard who was lashing out at you because people LITERALLY do not know how to deal with it because of how uncommon it is (most "forgiveness" these days is actually just narcissistic self-gratifying condescension, this is not the forgiveness I speak of). This is the "suit of armor" I referred to early. People have much more power to hurt you when you allow them to. But if you hold your open hand up and make them stop, that's a game changer.

Adding hatred to hatred is just a recipe for causing a negative downwards spiral.

>killing your pets
Oh man please tell me you don't actually do this ffs they never did anything to you


not early

Oh THEY'RE the ones who are killing your pets, not you. My bad. Man that's really fucking sad I'm sorry. What the fuck kind of people are you surrounded by? That sounds weird as fuck.


>Would you say the LHP and using negative energy to dole out vengeance upon those that wrong you is improving your circumstances?

Absolutely. I have come a long way by virtue of the LHP. I would be far worse, probably dead, without it. I got to work with what nature gave me and she gave me a whole lot of hate and no opportunities for love. Without LHP I would be even more of a powerless slave than I am. I regret that I was born and that I have not the courage to undo the evil of my parents by killing myself. Instead I intend not to apologize for my existence or feel any indebtedness for being caste into a world of shit in a damaged body that I struggle to heal. I spent a long time trying to be a good and polite person, doing everything I could in my power to make things work out, and make people stop abusing me. They just exploited me further, using weakness to enslave me. So I gave up such stupid notions of reasoning with others, doing good works, trying to earn respect, admiration, praise, etc. like I wanted so badly Now I consciously cultivate hatred and have stopped cutting myself and feeling sorry and crap. Now I just don't fucking hold back on using my dark energy to help me survive. If you have a problem with this go fuck yourself, moralizing is for those not in the midst of the struggle to survive day after day. The circumstances of my life I have been born into are hostile to my continued existence and the only way for me to end this is death or hardening the fuck up and destroying my enemies until I can successfully isolate myself from people and not be bothered by them again.


BTW, I waste no time and energy on people I can put physical distance between and move on from. It is not about avenging people that wronged me, it is about striking back against people that are actively wronging me again & again and will not stop until I stand my fucking ground.


>the rest of your shit about karma

So fucking stupid. There is no punishment, no divine judge giving arbitrary decree, only causality.

I just want to live and flourish but scumfucks are preventing me from doing so. I have to consciously cultivate hatred because my natural propensity is towards passivity and tiredness. I do not want to fight but I do not want to die.


Karma is bullshit, just make sure the target is not aware of your attack on any level, that you can strike their vulnerabilities easy.Look at the brutality of nature.


>only causality
Wait what this is how I define karma.
Negativity usually disperses like a big ol' virus through the neural network that is human interaction.
I mean you wouldn't be so negative yourself if negative shit hadn't happened to you, right?
Submitting to the negativity is letting it win, venerating it after it's fucked you so bad is something that does not even make sense to me
It's nothing divine (or maybe it is, depending on how you define divine) but it is the way it is


I mean if you release negativity into your environment then your environment is going to be understandably more negative. And since you're IN your environment you're going to be exposed to it yourself, and since others are in you're environment it's going to make them understandably more negative too, and then they in tandem will release their own negativity into the environment, which will cause you to again as it seems to be your mode of interaction, etc, etc in a maddeningly eternal and sad downwards spiral.
Maybe it's easy for me to say all of this because I know little about your life and all of that~ but it just seems a little nonsensical to think this way from my POV.


*are in your environment
Man I'm having trouble with contractions today


How about I fucking survive than when I am no longer afraid of starving, freezing, being abused, etc. I can spend the rest of my life thinking positive, cultivating higher virtues than what my current circumstances permit, etc.? If I die now it will be too premature and I will make no progress. I do not need to be fucking rich, living alone in a shack or shipping container, and having just enough money for food and internet and paying taxes is all I aspire to. That is really fucking hard to pull off though on this overpopulated shit planet.

Fuck you anon, I am not going to die like a bitch for your silly ideas of karma. I am not a bad person at heart, I would not exploit or harm people for no reason, like a bunch of sadistic parents ignoring the pleading of their hungry and neglected child and pushing them to the ground if they are too forceful in trying to attain food, affection, love, etc. I was abused by people that had no reason to abuse me. They had the resources to provide and the time but did not. They wanted to just ignore me my whole life and make me feel guilty about my basic needs and desires as a human being. I ran away many times, self-harmed, tried to work up the courage to kill myself constantly but I was too afraid. I could not complete school while all this shit was going on or work or get help. I am to this day still trying to even see a doctor for the first time and get to know what is wrong with my body and fix it. I never had time for friends in my life and no GF either, total KV here. I have difficulty reading but spend practically all my time doing that throughout my life. I struggle to function on a basic level and pray for my health every single day. I am not able however to resonate with and dwell on the higher planes except briefly and receive the healing there. Meanwhile the dark occult forces are open to me almost all the time.

Nobody is going to intervene in my life. No exceptional RHP practitioner is going to send me a guide to protect and nurture me. It is all up to me, my hatred, and my will to help me overcome this adversity and escape this shitty realm entirely one day.


I strongly suspect BTW that I am the pet project of some neg aliens fucking around with me. Not exactly MK ultra but something a lot like it. All the people I am surrounded by are absolutely horrible people and it makes me paranoid as fuck. I can not imagine what it must be like to live with people that would not immediately kill you outright the moment rule of law faltered. I can not trust anyone around me to just leave me alone and not keep trying to hurt me.


Not releasing negativity, just suppressing it and keeping it in your astral body makes you sick and kills you.

I need an orgone generator maybe…


Hatred has totally fucked you yet you still cling to it
Why? It makes so little sense.
You don't have to hate to -not- die like a bitch, you know.
Not being hateful =/= being a doormat
Some of the most loving people I know are also the most resilient (and some of the most hateful people I know are also the most fragile, and some of the most loving people I know are also the most fragile, and some of the most hateful people I know are some of the most resilient, etc, etc, any correlation between the two is not one that I have observed to exist)

I apologize, I don't mean to come off as pretentious, and I know I'm being excessively idealistic but it seems if anything that hatred as a concept (whether from within or without) is what has been weakening you, not strengthening you.

I have known this feel for many years
But in my case I am actually unnaturally synchronistically lucky -but only when it goes against some regime that it seems my life is following-
Shit is eerie as fuck
It's like this weird ass perversion where everything is actually okay but subtextually it never is and it's really fucking weird because I can't even SAY it isn't because from so many perspectives it IS. Maybe I'm not articulating myself correctly but it's downright nutso. Could be all in muh head, who knows.

Your life is clearly worse, though, and that's some shit that obviously no one should ever have to go through and I'm sorry that you did/are.


*goes with some regime
not against
sorry I keep making typos I'm pretty hungover tbqh

You ever seen the movie frequencies? It wasn't exceptional but that's what this is reminding me of right now.


Hatred has never fucked me. Sadness, cowardice, not being able to asert myself and fight for my existence, self-hatred, and really fucking shitty parents did all the harm to me. Hatred is setting me free and helping me overcome where attempts at other paths all but failed. I do not think you fucking understand that most of my life I was being repeatedly shat on and taken advantage of because I have no aggression. I have been fixing this and cultivating hatred and getting better results. You anon would die pretty quick in my situation or be mindfucked when your kindness and love is not reciprocated. I hope another anon comes in to save me from this convo by explaining the dynamics of abusive relations to you.


>You anon would die pretty quick in my situation or be mindfucked when your kindness and love is not reciprocated
You are absolutely correct but this is because I am a weak person, not because I am not a hateful one. And like I said, I don't think the two can necessarily be correlated.

>Hatred has never fucked me

>self-hatred, and really fucking shitty parents did all the harm to me
Self-hatred is a form of hatred and I'm pretty sure if your parents were that shitty they must have hated you or at the very least been apathetic.

If the hatred itself had never occurred then you would have never been sad and you would have never had even had the opportunity to perceive yourself as a coward.


Sometimes people are cannibalized. Every day other lifeforms are devoured for their vital energy. Maybe it is time to stop eating. Lost a finger to a cannibal? Let go of your hunger, kek.


I don't think so either but I don't think that hatred is the only way to not let others abuse you- in fact as a concept you're buying into the very idea that's been the -cause- of abuse all along.

>Wife, who's husband beats her, might stay in the relationship out of "kindness"

She can also up and leave because fuck that shit, but it doesn't have to be an act of -hate-. Her "kindness" is not actual kindness (well, at the very best it's ignorant kindness) if all it does is promote further toxicity, I think. The husband himself is already a victim of hatred, why should she have to become one too just because he is?


You acknowledge that it's a fucked up mode of living, right? Why venerate it?

I mean damn maybe it IS time to stop eating, if you genuinely notice how fucked up it is. I'd be thrilled if I could control my compulsions to such an extent.

The only viable workaround I can think of right now is veganism but that's only a partial solution- synthetic foods and the like would be cool but that's only if such food weren't imbued with some level of awareness, which I, on a hunch, doubt.

Also eating isn't necessarily an act of hatred. I know it's a stereotype and all that jazz but it's like those native americans who'd thank whatever it is they were hunting and put them out as mercifully as possible. So it follows that other acts of self-preservation don't have to be acts of hatred either.


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There's nothing we can do to help it, (if we don't achieve inedia, that is). Consuming other entities to ensure our own survival is "natural" to us, (because humans are 3D STS), and we shouldn't feel bad for it. Our biology and environment deny us the possibility to strive without food. When we ascend to 4D, we won't have to eat and hurt others anymore, (if we don't graduate as 4D STS, that is).

Veganism and other forms of vegetarianism are helpful for some, I think, while others cannot operate on such diets. Eating mindfully and respectfully is the best we can do in our current state.

In short; our self-preservation doesn't have to be an act of hatred, it is natural for us because of our physical condition.



>I strongly suspect BTW that I am the pet project of some neg aliens fucking around with me.

> The circumstances of my life I have been born into are hostile to my continued existence and the only way for me to end this is death or hardening the fuck up and destroying my enemies

Have you done much study of magic? I suspect that I'm not the only one here reading your posts and recognizing the self-perpetuating patterns of negativity that you're invoking. What you believe deeply about the world will be confirmed for you. What you hold in your heart will be reflected back at you. Every thought you think is a prayer, and every word you speak (or type) is a spell. These are fundamental principles of magic. Just in the context of what you've written in this thread, think about the ramifications of that for a moment.

> If you have a problem with this go fuck yourself, moralizing is for those not in the midst of the struggle to survive day after day.

I'm not talking about morality; my advice is entirely pragmatic. What do you think morality is? Good and evil aren't matters of pleasing or offending God. A sin is something that hurts *you*, not God.

>There is no punishment, no divine judge giving arbitrary decree, only causality.

Ironically, that's how people who know what they're talking about describe karma.


So much hatephobia ITT. Brb ritualistically sacrificing a child and fucking my daughter.


Go back to /b/, kid.


Thanks for the loosh mundane.

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