How does fringe survives in the post-postmodern world?
A minimum wage job? Parents or Guardians? Innawoods? Criminal life? You are not even alive but manages in a internet imageboard?
>>2396I dunno man. According to an anon in >>73, magick is efficient for making money. I guess most /fringe/wearers just try to keep up a facade of normality - minimum wage or benefits.
>>2395living off my parents money while i expat in southeast asia
life ain't that bad, i guess
>>2403lucky. check your privileged.
I'm pretty much a neet but I get to paint and replace drywall with my dad or uncles. it's easy money.
I'm on SSI. Don't know if I want to be on it forever, though.
I have worked before, but I was taken advantage of, having to pay for my work expenses while not even making enough to live on. I had to get up at 1:30 AM every single day for it, too, and if I missed a day I would be fired, even if I was in the hospital. I did that for over 14 months.
I am a freelance writer now, or at least I try to be.
>>2395meh, recently i've pretty much gotten myself in a fucked situation, probably going to be a homeless nut soon but I'm obviously going to try everything in my power to stay afloat.
I haven't even been a magickfag long though, I didn't get into it until some pagan dude more or less proved to me that "magick is real" so ever since then I've been a believer, although I don't think I have much natural ability myself so sometimes I revert back to thinking "this is bullshit".
I teach kindergarten.
>>2460I always remind myself that doubt is just another thought in which I can put my faith if I choose to, and I can also choose not to.
>>2403you fuck some ladyboys over there?
I just use my magick to ensure other provide for everything while I continue my studies and practise largely uninterrupted.
When you can exercise mental influence effectively, you can literally just make people hand over their wallets.^ video related, a real wizard, even though he denies it; he studied the occult and uses NLP and so on
Embedding error.
>>2583Isn't that going to fuck up your karma?
>>2651No not at all. Karma isn't some retarded judgement / moral debt system. It's just causality. I reap what I sow; which in this case means I get to study all the time while others provide for me.
>>2583could easily be fake
>>2465Hello mahatmazen, nice videos.
>>5108And yet, it easily couldn't. Me, I watched enough of Derren's vids to believe at least 90% of them don't have any kind of acting.
>>3095>greed is goodKarma has everything to do with intention. It has very little to do with what effects you manage to conceive of with that human-sized consciousness. Causality runs deeper than you think. You can just avoid the possibility altogether.
Here's something to help. No.5138
>>5108…and you could easily be a shill.
>your mother is fake No.5139
>>5131I've already read that before anon as well as several other related texts on the subject. Such as: does run very deep.
I never ever said "greed is good" wtf.
I ain't even greedy, I just make sure people provide for me the bare minimum I need to continue to live, because this stupid body of mind requires continuous input of food as well as sheltering and so on to keep it all together.
>>5139Oh I see. Good. You can't allow the way things are run here to frustrate you though. No matter how much it might be like taking candy from a baby, the universe is a closed system.
What you put in will be fed back to you. In more ways than just by the "golden rule". What you do to others will also because of some strange law have to come back so "you" experience it yourself. And it could come back much worse than imagined, because who knows, the five dollars you pocket might have been needed (or could be arranged to be needed) for something that will blow up after it has gone beyond your horizon of consideration. Money is especially dangerous because of its nature. 5 dollars for a parking fee someone can't pay might end up making them miss the most important interview of their life. And the first tuition bill for their 4 children off at college is coming that day. All because you relied on someone other than yourself.
I need to share this with you. It is just too deeply embedded in my thoughts and I have to bring it to the surface. You might know Anubis as the Guardian of the Shoreline. Ammit (the crocodile-headed god) "devours" your heart, reincarnating you as a mortal for at least once more. What is going on here is upon death if you are more selfish than selfless your fourth density "soul" fragments; your consciousness walks towards the "light" or "heaven" because it could give less of a shit about those you 'cared' about back on Earth. You might be familiar with this light being called the Source. If you enter it, you will just reincarnate. If you know better with your HEART (because you won't have time to think and consider in this state), your astral self remains whole and able to persist within the "afterlife".
>>2583what kind of techniques is he using?
>>5150>5 dollars for a parking fee someone can't pay might end up making them miss the most important interview of their lifeThen what will happen to the one trying to pull such tricks? I'm not interested in becoming a great success.
>>51501. I know about LUNA PARKS (that whole light thing which is a fucking trap) and it doesn't work like you imply it does. It's nothing more than a trap set by a hunter; the hunter doesn't care about the sins of the rabbit.
2. Not everything comes back at you. That's bullshit. Karma explicitly DOES NOT WORK LIKE A BOOMERANG.
3. Wasting your time on trivial acts of generosity or whatever, being a moral person, fucks you over.
4. There's no judgement, other then your own judgement, and universal law doesn't care if you do evil or not.
5. Only vices vs virtue matter.
6. None of this cosmic judge misinterpretation of karma which actually comes from Christianity and which you with your Western thinking have imposed over the Eastern philosophy and corrupted is at all valid.
>>5748All that really matters is:
1. Transmuting the circle into the spiral. Doing so overcomes any boomerang nonsense.
2. Knowing your place in the hierarchy, avoid predators above you, and living off of those below you.
3. Virtues empower your ascent, vices undermine them.
4. Developing your consciousness, which includes being able to control emotions and see through dualities such as good and bad, pain and pleasure, etc.
>2. Knowing your place in the hierarchy, avoid predators above you, and living off of those below you.That's basically how nature works, and assuming that the Principle of Correspondence is correct, that's how it operates in all planes.
But could you elaborate more on the negative influence of christianity in the karma interpretation? I'm a neophyte with christian rising and I really want to know how much my "evil" acts will affect if they need to be done, besides of course, mundane reaction, like the police chasing me if I do it too obvious.
I'm also practicing Thought Force by Atkinson, his speech of "don't use this kind of power for evil or you will end up like satan, mighty, but fallen" doesn't help, mainly if you consider that one of his main points is eliminating fear of your mind, I mean, fuck, how the fuck I suppose to eliminate fear if I dread an universal backlash if I end fucking with somebody? It's like assuming that if I don't fuck with some hobo dude I'm doing it right, when in fact my main business is the responsible for firing him and putting that poor soul on the street.
In conclusion, considering all the causes and effects this moral shit is PRETTY relative.
>>5748If karma doesn't work like a boomerang, would you still be here? Reincarnating in the third density? Because you saw Ammit in your reflection?
>>2395Minimum wage job.
Hard work is extremely important in reaching your goals.
>>5748Why do you say that being 'moral' (and by being moral, I presume being 'good', and 'just',) is no use?
But in any case, I am sure that universe itself doesn't care if you are 'good' or evil' - there might be, however, entities that might refuse to interact you if you are too chaotic, just as there might be entities who shun you because they believe you are 'holier than thou'.
>>5954LUNA PARKs are an alien invention that try to kidnap the soul and brainwash it until it has no memory; then the poor soul is sent back on the Earth where it assumes a new body, without any knowledge of its previous lives. These parks have been installed by the draconian aliens, and they absolutely fear that a single soul would escape their traps; a free soul might then report of their abuse and attract furious entities to annihilate the draconian hunters and their sickening soul-farm project.
It's not karma, it's abuse; a rape in cosmic scale.
>>5975But if this true, I am sure some souls have escaped and reported of this. It just seems that the other factions are not maybe capable of fighting the draconian race at the moment, or that they have their own motives, or that they're waiting until mankind is evolved enough, or that they don't care for us, or that they collaborate with the draconian race, or whatever other reasons. In any case, some are knowledgeable of our situation; they know we're being farmed for our energy.
Where did you guys learn this from?
>>5979I remember reading of it on this forum, but I have yet to find it. This blog post, however, explains the concept: am unsure of what to think of these, really, but it is probable considering that aliens do farm us.
>>5982Well… that blog sounds… well… I don't know. There are comments written in ancient greek, others mentioning tinfoil hats, I honestly don't know what to think. They could either be spot on or horribly wrong.
I'm still new, I need to read more and experience stuff for myself before I can judge properly.
>>5988It's an interesting idea, if anything. I choose to leave it open for now as I have other things to do, and other thoughts to think.
If you are interested in aliens, you should definitely read is more trustable source, plus he talks of other interesting things if you're willing to read. I recommend the alien articles (link), metaphysics and gnosis.
>>5975>LUNA PARKs are an alien inventionthis sounds exactly like that "interview with an alien" pile of hostile alien disinfo. they agree souls exist but then disagree that god exists? classic.
I am by no means decided on this issue of morality but consider this: If every being is responsible for their own reality is it possible to wrong another?
>>9193Yes, why the fuck you posted this here?
>>2651Isn't the right thing to do up to the individual, I hate to sound like some sort of sociopath but aren't bad things only bad when we perceive them to be so? You and I would never think about eating a dog and would view such a thing as wrong but in China it is normal, does it mean the Chinese are evil? No it just means Tha they view things differently, just like how animals attack each other and it is not bad or immoral of them because they simply don't view it that way. By believing in karma you must believe that there some greater force which truly knows what is right and wrong and can reward and punish people fairly.
>>9902Interesting, I posted that one month ago, time made realize every word you just said, funny you bring this subject back.
>>2583That's an Erickson handshake induction, a confusion technique used to provoke a simple trance. It has nothing magickal about it and any mundane person can perform it with enough practice.
>I just use my magick to ensure other provide for everything while I continue my studies and practise largely uninterrupted.That's a fancy way of saying that you live with your parents that are kind enough not to throw you out once they realized that you're a failure.
>>9193Read Montalk's synchronicity article and also "true reality creation" articles where he makes exactly that argument as a refutation of YCYOR (You Create Your Own Reality).
If we truly believe that bit of New Age solipsism then anything goes, karma means nothing, and nobody can be wronged.
>>9902>implying chinks aren't evil No.9939
>>9936>It has nothing magickal about it and any mundane person can perform it with enough practice.…but you just said it yourself, it induces a trance; and that is magickal. All of the Illuminates of Thanateros (chaos magick group) does is induce trances and work their magick that way.
Are you a new fedora here? It appears you have no idea what the actual practices of magick are.
>>2583what kind of occult in particular? I am really interested in this, do you mind suggesting some reading?
I was homeless for awhile after I was kicked out of my parents house while going to the local college because of their religion. After that, moved to Dallas, Texas and ended up in Vegas over a few months not before hitchhiking from Dallas to Colorado Springs and Manitou Springs in the state of Colorado.
Now I'm just trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to do for money since I can't get an ID here without proof of residency. I'm living with my friend in an apartment, by the way, and he has rent paid for now. lol.
Mundane life is so… simple.
Lots of meditating. Cold equanimity.
I'm a NEET but I'm the opposite of occult. I reside on the opposite side of the veil. I am a realized being.
>>9939Nothing magickal about a trance, you're just more susceptible to manipulation while in one. If you're telling me some people use this to program themselves, it's plausible. If you're telling me they put themselves in a trance and affect others, you're retarded.
A machine could confuse a person into a trance-like state if well made. Nothing magickal about it.
>>10738>hurrr durrr nothing magickal about the essential practices of magicians over the ages>magick doesn't magick guise*tips fedora*
Btw, the machine is not magickal, but the trance mental state is.
>>10774You realize that the trance are just chemical and physical reactions running in your grain, and that there is nothing paranormal about it, right?
You're basically calling gravity magick and then telling people if they believe in gravity they believe in magick. So just to be clear, when I say magic, I'm talking about a paranormal phenomena.
I thought that was clear and I wouldnt have to explain such a simple concept, but I forgot I'm talking to someone who believes in spells.
>>10805>You realize that the trance are just chemical and physical reactions running in your grain, and that there is nothing paranormal about it, right?Nice one, can you prove that "thought = physical reaction running in your brain"?
No? Thought so. Your belief is based on assumption.
>>10805>hurrr durrr "supernatural"… "paranormal"Fuck those terms.
How about you get acquainted with what every occult magickal group is actually doing before you dismiss it all with your fedora redefinition of magick?
>>10818Not on but we live in a world with mentally controller prosthetics… Pretty sure it's safe to say that at least some (maybe not all, I'll give you that) thoughts are physical reactions in the brain.
>>10818>Nice one, can you prove that "thought = physical reaction running in your brain"?Yes I can, it's very easy to do so actually. Give me a set of eletrodes and a volunteer and I can link brain patterns with certain thoughts. In fact, its such a basic concept in neurology that we already have apps controlled by certain brain patterns, and we can do some rudimentary mind reading by observing eletrical activity in your head.
To quote Jan Schnupp, professor of neuroscience at Oxford:
>‘Ultimately the electrical activity in your brain is all there is to see. Every sound you hear, every sight your see, every emotion and every dream and desire are manifest as simple electrical activity in the fantastically complicated nerve centre that is your brain.Sorry to pop you out of your delusions, but thoughts aren't unexplainable vodoo happening in your head, they are observable eletrical impulses. As our ability to measure them increases, we'll advance in building MMIs, mind-readers, brain-controlled machines etc.
TIL: wizardfags are so dumb that they dont even understand basic neurology.
>>10833>i dont have an answer so ill just say fedoraCome back here when you have evidence of a trance-induced phenomena that can't be explained by 'mundane' means :^)
>>10840The brain is just a thoughtform.
If trips materialists are wrong and the universe is mental.
>>14575Sorry, I didn't quite get it.
Care to explain?
>>10888Yo nigga moma is mental.
>Not working, but in school, working on my graduate degree
>Living with parents
>Kinda innawoods
>No criminal record
How do I become NEET?
>>15448Make up your own method! People will tell you uninspiring things like live with parents, government money, job. There is always a better way, I'm sure of it.
>>15432Enjoy becoming infertile and not being able to bear children while chasing a career.
>>15506The poverty and homesteading boards have great resources on investing into NEETdom. Become a hermit in a rammed-earth house, eat your own veggies, etc. Essentially, you can buy/work your way to NEETdom.
>>15512"Feminism has led to a happiness crisis among educated women" -Kenneth from 30Rock