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Esoteric Wizardry


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I just purchased some mala beads online, pic related. Anyone tried these before?

There's 108 beads, you repeat the mantra while fingering through the beads, one mantra repitition per bead, charging the mala with the mantras intent. After doing this everyday for 40 days you wear it as a necklace or bracelet as a talisman.

Here's the site I bought from if anyones interested: http://www.yogabasics.com/japamalabeads/mala-beads/full-malas/


Quite a price for beads, OP.

I see no reason why you should wear them as a talisman since, as far as I can tell the purpose of prayer beads of any sort is for simpler counting; so you don't have to mentally count down with every affirmation.

I would like to get some beads, because I usually count with my fingers and that get's annoying when I don't do base 10 counting or if I repeat for more than 20 times.

I would have gone with a pair of beads that has markings for every 18th bead, but no reason to besmirch your recent purchase.



I was under the impression that you charged the beads with the mantra and then once charged its worn for the accumulated mantra's effect as it is tuned into the mantras current.

They are pretty expensive but they look sexy. At least they do in the photos, better do irl too or I'll be pissed.


>Quite a price for beads

Yeah, I reckon you can buy bulk beads and string for under $10, if you go to a hobby store. Chant a mantra for each bead you place on the string for extra intent.

Or you could check out etsy/ebay for cheaper ones.



Whoops, forgot my flag.



Some of the beads on that site are quite cheap like ~$15, most of the more expensive ones include bone, not sure if that warrants the huge price increase.

I feel like I've been jewed you guys.


When you get used to the feel of the pearls in your hand, move over to visualizing the necklace in your hand and continue counting as you were with the physical one.

Your third eye will be trained immensely by the make believe beads and you will eventually be able to feel the beads in your hand.


Seems a bit strange. It would make sense, but if it was imbued into the object itself, wouldn't they just sell them pre-prayered?


It would be too hard to make and it's better to be without it so who buys can learn himself.



I guess it depends on the model of magic you're using, the psychological model would hold that you need to charge it for yourself.


kek, I use a thoughtform that counts for me, and notifies me when to stop

Get On My Level


The mentalist model includes such a concept as FRV. If you are not in resonance with the mental currents of some object or place it won't have the desired effects on you anyways.


The devotion of the person practicing Japa Mala will charge the beads.

Owners of Mala beads are often quite guarded of their beads, worrying that if other people handle them it may disrupt the charge.

Nice looking beads mate, what sort are they?

I am an on and off Shiva Bhakta so I use a mala made of Rudraksha nuts (Shivas tears).

There is a lot of folk magic associated with nuts of this tree, especially its healing properties.

There is no known medicinal application of the nuts, so i suspect it is mainly due to Shivas association with miracles.



The beads in the op, which I bought, are African Turquoise and Bone. I was planning on going for Tourmalated Quartz and Bone which has the bone carved into skull shapes but decided against it mostly for aesthetic reasons.


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forgot picture


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funny, muslims do the exact same thing for extra virtue


though there's no using it as a necklace since the beads themselves aren't special at all and are just used as an aid for counting the repition of the "mantra" (and some just use the parts of their finger instead of beads anyways)


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Everybody kinda of does it.



Sounds like a conspiracy to me.


what about jews? and the other religions? what other religions are there left anyways lol

not really, repeating mantras is just a universal method of subconscious tuning. we are all humans afterall


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>what about jews?

They do something similar, they count by these threads on the point of their shawl.

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