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Esoteric Wizardry


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so what's so special about solomon's temple?


read the rules before posting

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I do what I want bitch


Yeah well I got the trips, so fuck you nigger.


>all this loosh


le well played


no but seriosuly guys

why do the jews want to buld the temple for the third time? do they really think it will do something?

how much does it have to do with solomon having control over demons? are the illuminati actually satanists or what?


Some think it'll bring the Messiah because of a prophecy in the Bible.

>how much does it have to do with solomon having control over demons?


And the freemansons use Temple of Solomon as symbolism, where "building the temple" is a self-perfection.


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site:http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/ solomons temple


oh come on. you're telling me the connection with freemasonry and zionism doesn't exist?

anyways, so the end game that these zionists want is to simply bring their messiah? and then what. obviously they aren't actually jews and would put a fake messaiah to lead the ignorant jews, but to what end????

what about their dirty isis funding and directing them to instigate the end times according to islamic prophecy, something to do with attaching italy from libya then retreating to syria (read some crazy shit don't remember much now)



Read War and Peace. The Freemasons are just a bunch of bored old men.


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Maybe, but did you read the link here?
Or just tell me why these things would be at the Israel supreme court???


The messiah will bring an era where all the people will bow down to the jews and their God.

Freemasonry was a workers guild that was infiltrated by rosicrucians who used it to cross Europe easily and unperceived, thus they mixed mystical teachings with building alegory. Then its secrecy made it used for political reasons. Then its influence made it used for personal material gain reasons. But while the lower degrees were getting these petty interests, the higher you go, the more serious their interests become.


so according to that explanation… anyone who uses freemasonry for personal gain tend to give homage to it after their success

would that explain? wow that makes sense and is simple as fuck



And anyone who uses it for more serious political reasons will have the lower ones do their bidding in exchange for assistance.


>infiltrated by rosicrucians
Infiltrated is a harsh way of putting it. The Rosicrucians were all psyched for disseminating knowledge across Europe, and it just happened that some German chaps arrived in London and came across a semi-speculative Lodge, where they realised there was some good stuff there they could encourage.


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Rosicrucianism is an interesting tradition.



and of course


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Cus it's the first thing you build in civilization dumbass.


lol… but whyyyyyyyy



It helps to generate culture early.


It's a ray of the Sun, the Sun God manifested in the Earth. The rosicrucians take many of their teachings from Egypt, where the solar cult developed very nicely, and also studied alchemy, which is a solar work, as can be read on the Emerald Tablet. All that was taken to freemasonry. And christianity derives its religion from sun myths.


so any clear explanation for why those in power use hermetic symbology everywhere?

and why does israel want to expand and expand at the expense of the middle east and muslims in general

I'm assuming so that in the future they can do w.e they fucking want in jeruselum without muslims fucking with them

let's say they built their temple. and lets say a messaih will come for them

what do they expect will happen?


As far as I know there's no clear answer that is not based at least partly in speculation.

It's possible that there are beings behind all these societies. These beings may be actually created and strenghtened from human thoughts. If that's the case, they are an indirect creation in relation to the creator God, and so cannot obtain direct gnosis of Him, needing to replicate human thougth patterns symbolically.

It's possible that these beings are alien to planet Earth and these symbols are signs of their civilization.

It's possible that because this symbology is universal and beyong the human ideas of good and evil, there are lodges fighting for the direction of the souls in the planet.

It's possible that they are positioned in specific points on a planetary grid of power.

It's possible that all above are true.

About Israel, there are passages in the Talmud saying that it's impossible for Israel to triumph if other peoples are not destroyed. There's a heavy emphasis on the destroying of Damascus, and that both can't stand together.

If the Messiah is brought the whole world will be united under the jewish God, and a new era will begin, where the jews will serve only their God, and the goyim will serve the jews and the jewish God.



if rosicrucians are good then those that know rosicrucian symbology would also be good? then why are those that know it allowing a toxic regime like zionsim?

oh you are making a ruse… so it's not all of the above and they aren't good. hmmm

>About Israel, there are passages in the Talmud saying that it's impossible for Israel to triumph if other peoples are not destroyed. There's a heavy emphasis on the destroying of Damascus, and that both can't stand together.

>If the Messiah is brought the whole world will be united under the jewish God, and a new era will begin, where the jews will serve only their God, and the goyim will serve the jews and the jewish God.

but those that created israel know of rosicrucian symbolofy (i said hermetic in the last post, am sleep deprived lol) then… wtf do they believe


Rosicrucians were involved in the creation of freemasonry, that does not mean it continued on their premisses. It's quite universally agreed that we are in an era of darkness, where humans will have a tendency to corruption. And then it's not easy to say some teaching is good or bad, it can be used for many ways on which people can make moral interpretations. "Igne Natura Renovatur Integra", for exemple, was also taught by the rosicrucians: "all of nature is renewed by fire". We being in this dark era also explains why this is happening.

Rosicrucian symbology was hermetic in origin, so it's alright saying that. The higher probability is they serve a blind force they call God, that created the matter where our potentials are trapped.


I mean, the zionist jews do, not the rosicrucians, just clarifying.


>then why are those that know it allowing a toxic regime like zionsim?


The wailing wall that jews worship is actually the western wall of a Roman fortress, not the temple. The real temple mount is 1/8th of a mile away near some natural spring.

>Jerusalem is NOT any part of the Temple that existed in the time of Herod and Jesus. In fact, that particular location that the Jewish authorities have accepted represents the Western Wall of an early Roman fortress (finally built and enlarged by Herod the Great). King Herod called it Fort Antonia, after the famous Mark Anthony who lived at the end of the first century before Christ.


>does not mean it continued on their premisses
It did, just later.


The structure is defined by energies that flow into .
A hundred years of worship of a simple rock, charge it and the surrounding area immensely. The rock itself is just container.
Spiritual intention/focus on material makes the material enspirited aka "the genius loci", spirit of the place, of the house.
All buildings built are infused with builders energy which makes the initial makeup of its place.Good builders would use the knowledge of subterranean water/electricity to keep the building charge in balance with its purpose(flows of water remove/cleanse energy(protection/cleansing/refinement), telluric currents charge/add energy(power place/focus/centre of worship/holy ground)).
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telluric_current


Wasn't it made by an army of demons or some shit?



That's what I was thinking? Solomon employed demons to make the temple.

And the third construction of the temple signifies that the messiah of the jews will come back.

Shouldn't we be talking about this?



more like shut the fuck up since this can be a general thread about Solomon and related things?



>ut those that created israel know of rosicrucian symbolofy

Isreal is not a city, nigger. It's the entire fucking planet. The chosen ones are not the Jews. They just think they're special because they complain a lot.

God is not a man with a beard in a chair in heaven. God is the universe, and the cosmos chose all of us as its children, not just a bunch of filthy rats who wallow in their self pity about the holocaust.



this is autistic. Nothing can perpetuate the end times. >>25130 This guy is sort of right. The 72 daemons are actually just yourself, and to have control over all of them is to control yourself. Has nobody told you this yet?



The messiah is not related to the jews. He is a direct incarnate of the purest energy of the human race. He is the sun and the Earth in perfect union manifest as a walking body, a child of creation.

I can't believe there is still confusion about this topic.


But Israel means nation of Jews? Can you share your definition?


The post your referring to doesn't mention end times anywhere.

And it's in the religion that the third temple well coincide with their messiah.

Also demons may or may not be metaphorical but the construction of the first temple by Solomon was indeed helped by demons.

Saying the messiah is not related to the jews is then just saying what you believe and is kind of not on topic. You can state where your ideologies come from, if you want. But really we are talking about the ideology of zionists.

As we all know they seem to have overbearing influence in all the media. so finding out what those in power actually believe should be kind of a priority especially since it is quite esoteric and this board loves that shit

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