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Esoteric Wizardry


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Ok guys, I need some help.
Old fag from ye old /x/ that got perma banned by the gay traitor homo skelingon here and actually had something really weird happen to me :(

Any way, this is my story:

I like to take the subway when I get back from work.
No rush hour traffic, no stress. I have myself some tea and read a bit in a coffee shop near my office, then head home. Usually at around 22:00 or close to that, cause the subway shuts down at around 23:00.

Needless to say the subway always made me curious, the fact that I live in Russia and it's forbidden to go down there unless you work for them makes it even more enticing.
One night I forgot the time and was in the station at around 22:45 when a power outage hit.

I always wanted to just go down the tracks and explore. Before the power outage hit they announced the last train, so if I went in after the train which was in the station when the power went out no other train would fallow, just made me realize it was safe for me and a one in a million chance since with the power outage the security cameras would be of!

To my surprise I actually did it!
So after the power came back on I was a wile down, man I felt good. It was nothing, just badly lite tunnels but it felt so good.
It was the feeling of freedom from just doing something else besides my boring routine.
I was down there for 3 hours by now, I decided to stay awake the whole night and just explore, no way would I get another chance like soon.
Idk where I was after a few hours but I was so happy.
Happier then I felt in a long wile.

I didn't even care if I didn't find anything interesting down there, but I did.

I came to this intersection of 3 tunnels, and one of them looked abandoned and older then the other 2. Of course I went in.
Used my phone as a flash light, and I came across these 2 wood and iron doors that seemed really out of place.
They looked really weird, not something you would see in a subway tunnel.
Looked around, I didn't see any lock, or handles or nothing so I just tried to push them which actually worked.
Those huge doors opened without much effort, I wanted to go in but I had my doubts, it was not lit and my phone battery was about to fail soon. I closed my phone and stood there in the perfect dark thinking of my choices.
To my surprise a group of people came in from one of the doors in the tunnel, I didn't even see it.
They had lights and they where coming towards me.
I didn't want to give no explanations so I went into the tunnel.
To my surprise they followed me and one seemed to take something out of his pocket, looked like a gun.
I laughed at my own thoughts, no way that was true.
But I soon realized it was when he started shooting at me so I started running, he didn't hit me since the only light was from their flash lights and they where pretty far of.
The distance between us was increasing since I was running and they where walking at a casual pace.

I was scarred, they shot a gun at me and they didn't even say anything.
They just whispered to one another.
Couldn't see them very well, the 3 men in the front seemed to have suits on, there where more in the back but couldn't see them at all. Just shapes and shadows moving.
And no shouts or anything, they just whispered to one another.
When I got so far their lights no longer helped me navigate I opened my phone again and kept running.
Clearly the tunnel was a bad choice because…


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