Scepdickism General 03/04/15 (Wed) 13:27:05 No. 25222
Another day of /fringe/, another day of trying to crush any false beliefs I may have picked up… I don't know why most fedoras can't argue for shit and don't even bother to try most of the time so it's up to me to personally deconstruct my own beliefs.
>inb4 I shatter some beliefs that are really precious to myself and make myself cry againIf anyone believes in any of these things in the list btw please read the article and then post your defence of your belief in this thread.
Oh also please post scepdickism directed at mainstream medicine and science (if you have anything).
New Thought (aka Mind Cure or Mind Science) movement detoxification therapies cellular memory global consciousness hollow Earth hypnosis (I have actually a fuckload to say on this subject as I have studied hypnosis a LOT) IQ and race manifesting synchronicity multiple personality disorder [dissociative identity disorder] orgone energy The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) speed-reading subliminal mind control (brainwashing) Transcendental Meditation® unconscious mind vitalism Ayurvedic medicine acupuncture energy (New Age) Pavlovian conditioning Energy Healing
03/04/15 (Wed) 14:16:02 No. 25223
>>25222 hypnosis, IQ and race and speedreading are all real. So it's detox, but not in the way /fringe/ sees it
Everything else is pretty much bullshit, I'm in a hurry right now but I'll write a defense for the above when I get home.
03/04/15 (Wed) 14:17:57 No. 25224
>>25223 Forgot to add: conditioning and MPD
03/04/15 (Wed) 16:25:07 No. 25233
So this is an argument thread? Fucking righteous. Brain washing is real because I knew a guy who went through intensive therapy to get him right. Look up "beta slaves" "mkultra" and think to your self why celebritys always are going to "rehab" all the fucking time even when some don't even do drugs.
03/04/15 (Wed) 16:34:37 No. 25235
>IQ and race Stop right there, kike! Any argument you might have had that you thought was reasonable was pushed away the moment you showed your true colors: YOU'RE JUST A NIHILIST LIBERAL TRYING TO IMPOSE HIS RELIGION ON OTHERS GAS CAMPS, FURNACE CAMPS AND EVEN MORE ARE WAITING FOR YOU ON THE DAY OF THE ROPE, IT WON'T BE A VACATION RESORT LIKE AUSCHWITZ WAS >yfw reading this
03/04/15 (Wed) 16:59:55 No. 25241
>>25235 Scepdic also has a holocaust denial page where he criticizes anyone that denies the holocaust.
The entire site is just 100% in support of the mainstream narrative.
03/04/15 (Wed) 17:00:33 No. 25242
>>25235 Why the fuck aren't you posting with the rope awaiter flag or the shlomo flag or one of the many NatSoc flags?
03/04/15 (Wed) 17:11:57 No. 25243
03/05/15 (Thu) 16:17:03 No. 25445
Scepdicks and fedoras, hear my call, we must make this thread a good and controversial one!
03/06/15 (Fri) 00:34:04 No. 25583
>>25235 IQ is bullshit, chinks aren't intelligent.
03/06/15 (Fri) 14:04:29 No. 25699
>tfw Orgone is such bullshit
03/06/15 (Fri) 15:15:55 No. 25717
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >"all animals (our species is no different) require food and water on a regular basis to survive. There are no exceptions, none." Randi, on Inedia.
What a dumb ass statement, ayy lmao.
03/06/15 (Fri) 19:14:26 No. 25738
I'm confused, OP, you used to be a neophyte but because of some insecurity you decided to turn your back to esotericism and worship the instrumentalist science? I mean I know most of neospiritualism is degenerated bullshit but using nihilism to refute it is basically retrocess. But yes, maybe knowledge isn't your interest, at least be a good slave, ok?
03/06/15 (Fri) 20:23:23 No. 25759
>>25738 You couldn't be more wrong nigger. I am still reading and practising the occult.
This is just another scepdick review for me. I swing back and fourth between these phases in order to get balanced coverage of both sides. Once I have tired myself out with reading this shit it'll be back to magick and pushing human potential as far as it can go. Typical fedoras don't do that at all, they wait for others to prove things for them, they are fence sitters. I'm not a fence sitter.
Scientists are full of shit btw. I know; because I read their bullshit and learn about their flaws. Science fanboys are the worst and overhype the shit out of science.
Fuck being a slave or ignorant.
Also the overwhelming majority of religious people, rationalists, scepdicks, etc. just everyone in general is full of shit and ignorance. They are underdeveloped and know little. True illumination is the possession of an extremely minuscule elite of men who have developed so far beyond the understandings of the mundane masses that it is of little interest or use to them to even be bothered with the barely conscious savages that make up humanity.
I hope to join that illumined elite and attain immortality.
03/06/15 (Fri) 20:31:32 No. 25760
I find it funny how Randi assumes that a person with actual "woo-woo" knowledge or abilities would be interested in money.
03/06/15 (Fri) 21:02:04 No. 25765
>>25760 Oh believe me anon, I am interested in money, and making a fuckload of in the Stock Markets with my abilities. His million dollars is not worth becoming publicly known and becoming some kind of test subject and all that other shit that would be involved. I value my privacy and anonymity. There is power in being hidden in the shadows. Also, the thoughtforce of thousands bearing down upon me all at once, no millions; that would be really intolerable for me.
03/06/15 (Fri) 21:03:47 No. 25767
>>25765 maybe it would be better to say "in his money"
03/07/15 (Sat) 22:26:15 No. 25976
>>25767 Maybe a slight improvement but still missing the point that it's not the money, it's all that other shit.
asdfasd 06/15/15 (Mon) 01:54:20 No. 43952
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d1)
Please elaborate. what sort of abilities are we talking about here?
06/15/15 (Mon) 03:21:46 No. 43969
File: 1434338506334.jpg (73.08 KB, 1023x519, 341:173, Skulls_Mongoloid-Caucasoid….jpg )
Anybody that denies niggers are stupid can be dismissed on everything else too. These people that identify as 'skeptics' are only smart enough to convince themselves of the stupidest things.
06/15/15 (Mon) 09:28:34 No. 44005
06/15/15 (Mon) 10:12:31 No. 44011
No, you swing back and forth cuz your a tool
06/15/15 (Mon) 11:33:43 No. 44012
06/15/15 (Mon) 15:27:59 No. 44045
>yfw Randi is the Anita Sarkeesian of interesting ideas
He does nothing but bullshit, his fans lap it up. The fact he's been caught in lies doesn't matter so long as they can believe in him.
Delicious irony no?
06/15/15 (Mon) 21:15:57 No. 44097
I do the same but try to merge the two together. I understand where you are coming from, nice to know that I have way to go back.
06/16/15 (Tue) 06:16:51 No. 44133
>people assume that there is only one type of intelligence
Stopped reading right there.
06/16/15 (Tue) 08:14:05 No. 44144
>this is what tards tell themselves to make up for their lack of intelligence
06/21/15 (Sun) 04:04:02 No. 44542
That theory is bullshit / those other forms of "intelligence" are meaningless.
06/21/15 (Sun) 04:48:36 No. 44546
06/22/15 (Mon) 21:56:43 No. 44661
Thanks for the loosh mundane.
06/23/15 (Tue) 02:38:57 No. 44694
I'm showing my newfig ness here, but what is "loosh"?
06/23/15 (Tue) 02:56:07 No. 44695
06/23/15 (Tue) 02:56:16 No. 44696
Emotional energy, mainly, though it has other phases. You'll find the proper definitions on in the glossary. If you read the sticky >>1 there's a link.
06/23/15 (Tue) 02:56:49 No. 44697
It's both astral energy and etheric energy and in common use on imageboards it's usually referring to astral energy.
06/23/15 (Tue) 02:59:26 No. 44698
So…we're all being farmed for this energy?
Holy shit.
06/23/15 (Tue) 03:07:57 No. 44699
Yes indeed and it's VERY USEFUL btw because it powers all thoughtforms; thoughtforms are essential in magick.
06/23/15 (Tue) 03:08:28 No. 44700
If you want to make a tulpa for example, it will take off very well if you pour lots of loosh into it, but it development will be stunted if you don't.
06/23/15 (Tue) 03:12:40 No. 44701
This is fascinating…I must pour more time to research loosh.
Thanks for the help, anons.
06/23/15 (Tue) 03:21:28 No. 44702
Read Desire Power inside of the PersonalPower book by William Walker Atkinson.
06/23/15 (Tue) 03:22:25 No. 44704
I'll get on that right now.
I shall return after reading.