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Esoteric Wizardry


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I'd like to discuss the Sun and any religious/esoteric/occult aspects of it.

> The Sun is obviously very important to humans and earth as it is the primary source of light, energy, warmth, driver of photosynthesis which our food chain is based off of, primary source of fossil fuels, inspiration for many ancient gods, centers of many ancient societies, ect.

Egyptian culture and the worship of Ra/Aten is quite interesting (all seeing eye can be interpreted as the eye of Ra/Horus).

In masonry it represents masculinity, the right hand path.

Occult groups associated with the 'black sun' exist.

> I'm really interested in all sorts of information so feel free to post what you know/find interesting.


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Here is a fairly well know ancient stone carving/hieroglyph from Egypt depicting the Aten symbol shining rays down to earth.


ProTip: you can only look at the black sun with the mind's eye.


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Elaborate please (I understand the terms, but would like more info).

Here is an image of Horus/Ra in bird incarnate holding two ankhs with a sun disc present at his crown.

> Fun fact: The word 'horizon' is derived from the names Horus and Ra.


Is the black sun actually Saturn or am I mistaken?


If you look at the sun with physical eyes you can't see the sun as it is because of all that damned light blinding you. If you use astral senses to see the sun, it appears black, and you can see how the sun actually looks. Hence black sun.


No. It is the sun. Just what it looks like when you don't have a ton of light getting in the way.


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I've actually read that before. Thanks for the reiteration. I'd love to hear any other interesting stuff you may know pertaining to the sun.

> I'm torn because I tend to want to be good and follow the right hand path; but I occasionally read that sun worship is evil/bad. How can it be when it provides us what I stated in the OP?

While the sun may not be the creator of our reality; it is the fundamental thing sustaining us at this point (and we have empirical evidence of it's existence). Thoughts?

Also the date March 22nd (322) is when the sun breaks from it's lowest point in the sky has some esoteric significance. What day would you deem most powerful for the sun (if there is one).


> Pic is a black sun symbol mixed with the aten symbol.


Book of Knowledge has a method for tapping into the energy of the Earth that constitutes some pretty powerful black magick. You can do the same thing though with the sun. Just hook yourself up via the astral to the energy of the sun and you will have a fuckload of power coursing through you.


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Would love elaboration.

Anything else interesting?

Here is another hieroglyphic of Ra (far left)


the sun doesn't supply black magic, it supplies light. the darkness comes from within you. try overpowering the sun and you'll see.


Does anybody here have experience with sungazing for a prolonged period of time (6+ months)? I am starting to make my move towards breatharianism and this seems like the way to go. Our food and drink is all laced with poison and even though I've gone out of my way to make drastic changes, traces of their mind-controlling filth will always remain. This is not satisfactory when I know that there is an alternative.

I trust the sun because humans haven't messed with it yet. Not having to eat food is also a great asset in a reality where one has to worry about money.


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If you truly think you can be sustained without eating I got news for you. You may be able to vastly slow your metabolism in various ways but your physical body will not escape the laws of thermodynamics.

Also sungazing without proper light filters will only damage your eyes; especially if looked at directly and not using a mirror to avoid radiation.

Troll post or absolutely retarded.


There came a time after being involved with fringe-type things for a while where I felt discomfort after food would enter my body. I thought nothing of it, as I was already eating healthy food in accordance to my higher will. I don't quite remember when I discovered breatharianism, but going with the feelings, it felt like this was my answer to my eating problems.

I am wary of the health risks, as I've done my research. One is supposed to do it during sunrise or sunset, when the UV index is at zero - no radiation. Starting at a very brief amount of time and slowly working up. Of course, these particular rules are only there because someone chose to share their personal experiences. The gazing window makes sense to me, but the rest of the things will have to be taken care of by intuition.

This is my goal right now, but I'm not fanatic about it. I'm following what I'm supposed to do at the present time, nothing more, nothing less. My fate is undetermined.

From the things that I've experienced, I simply cannot trust science. I feel that it's possible to defy things that are named physical laws in the current time, but some of them may require the level of connection to the divine that few, if at all any, currently have in their human forms. I do not think that sustaining off the sun is a particularly difficult thing in comparison to something like, defying gravity, for instance.

Also, I would like to request another sun flag.


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>You should go to Africa or India and tell the starving people they don't need food, they just have to be spiritual and stare at the sun…

Science isn't an absolute; it's a method of testing theories, it also can't always explain it's results - BUT it does produce reliable results.

IE: How does intent alter probability? Scientific studies PROVE that intent does alter probability; but cannot definitively explain how or why.

Yes, it is good to be philosophical and spiritual. Yes, there are anomalous events. Yes, consciousness and reality need to be explored. No, your PHYSICAL body will not defy the laws of thermodynamics which effect the physical. Use rationality, science, intellect, and knowledge along with spirituality, intuition, creativity, and imagination. Combine left and right oriented thinking.

> Have fun being blind and literally starving to death.

Also you state:
> "I am wary of the health risks, as I've done my research."

Sources/citation on that research..?


The blacksun is just the nigredo stage of the Magnum Opus. Like Kali, the black stage of death and transformation.

Do NOT sungaze. This isn't healthy.

The sun is the source of all live on earth, we know this. There is however lots of spiritual benefits from the sun as well. The solar plexus is the powerhouse of the entire human soul. It's where vitality comes in. Sun's energy is what can empower this. The reason ancient civilizations held both the sun and serpenet in high esteem was because these symbols are one and the same. We cannot reach physical and spiritual perfection without the sun.


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>You may be able to vastly slow your metabolism in various ways but your physical body will not escape the laws of thermodynamics.
Some claim otherwise. Guess that's something to discover for yourself.

>Also sungazing without proper light filters will only damage your eyes

Staring at the center at noon for hours will probably burn out some fovea centralis cones. That's why you look around/through it in patterns that suit you. Do it with eyes opened and closed. Direct UV radiation to the eye is necessary for proper vitamin A + D production to keep vision maintained. I'm convinced that you can transmute that energy anywhere once your eyes have had what is necessary for their base nutrition.

It's free energy, guys. Right there in the sky. You've got the tools to harness it sticking out of your skull. Dong Quai and carrots are your friends in this endeavor.


I'm all for combining the two faculties. It's been one of my primary pursuits as of late. I've seen what imbalance does to a person, on both sides.

When my reality starts to shift, so do standards of normality and balance. This plight isn't something extraordinary in my eyes, to be completely honest. I don't eat very much right now and I've done fasts. I know how I react to these things. People who damage their eyes from sungazing or die from becoming a breatharian didn't listen to themselves. If I pick up that a detour is necessary, I will follow through without a second thought. Maybe something will change drastically, maybe not. But I'll have learned about myself in the process either way.




I sungaze; with my eyelids closed.

I don't see any problem with sungazing provided that you either:

1. Do it really early in the morning when the sun is just rising and late when it's about to set. That doesn't damage your eyes at all.
2. Do it with eyelids closed, if it's mid-day. In which case tons of light will get through your eyelids and you'll be seeing a lot of red light for awhile and once you do stop and open your eyes everything will look blue.

If you stare at the sun, eyelids open mid-day, you're an idiot.


>I trust the sun because humans haven't messed with it yet.

ProTip: the sunlight isn't the same as it used to be because of how the atmosphere has changed and how that has influenced the light getting to us.

ProTip2: You obtain Inedia by going 4D and hooking yourself up to massive amounts of astral energy and systematically converting it into energy and matter for your body. NOT by any sun gazing shit, at least not any sun gazing that involves looking at the sun with the physical eyes. Gotta use the mind's eye.

I want to obtain Inedia and I plan on doing this by eating tons of food to have lots of energy available to me until I am able to reach a high enough energy level that I can hook into the higher energy sources and don't need physical food anymore.


>The blacksun is just the nigredo stage of the Magnum Opus. Like Kali, the black stage of death and transformation.

What do you think a blackhole is? It's literally a dead sun. What do you think an astral sun is? It's also a dead sun, in the sense that, the astral is where the dead go.

Muh correspondences.


The simplest image of organic life united with rotation is the tide. From the movement of the sea, uniform coitus of the earth with the moon, comes the polymorphous and organic coitus of the earth with the sun.


>doesnt know carrpts givong good eyesoght was brittbong propaganda to explain away the radar
>thinks he can live without food

go eat a sandwitch.


There is a form of doing it that is actually beneficial to the eyes.

The way to do it is simply to swing your head in order avoid anything in the nature of a mental and/or physical stare. Being as relaxed as possible, with closed eyes, you start out in normal light, then you move progressively towards the sun as your eyes start getting used to light. You see light is very healthy to your eyes and your brain, this exercise helps with eliminating the fear of light many people have, and that outward squint of the eyes that might create serious issues.

You can read more about it in The Art of Seeing by Adous Huxley


forgot flag


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why is that ayylien making out with a child?




same thing.

make soma, sit in darkness, trigger the apex, gaze at sunrise sunset, avoid sun after that, avoid sun after 11 am until 6-8 pm. transition from vegetarian to vegan to raw vegan to breatharian, maintain muscle mass..etc etc etc, read the books..

if you struggle really hard, do a ritual with shrooms, make it to a love and health deity, go for more than one… and that should break your membrane and kick up the process..




i feel ya, i feel every motion in my body and i feel my lifeforce and chi and electricity in my construct - food, and of course the lesser quality food available in northern western civilization is so fucking shit tier - spring out for some quality fruit preferably organic and you will see just how much of a difference it is and realize for 30-40$ a week you can have a truck deliver a whole cargo to your house in south american and tropical countries.

Fruit is eliminated rapidly and the proper kinds like papaya and watermelon and avocado and other alkaline nonhybrid fruit provide the full spectrum of nutrients you need, if you need extra blood flow or want to fuck very well your woman eat a bunch of soft leafy greens for a few days prior…

check this guy out, he claims he achieved inedia after 15 years from going this path, he does magick and says you must maintain your physical condition and muscle mass overall - the tattoos are weird but after doing research in tattoos it seems they solidify a sort of imprint via sigil-type technique but on a physical level which renders the skin molecules to be bound via the ink's frequency, the tattoos you get, depending on the location placed, will have effect on the construct including disrupting or in a sense locking in place atoms from specific movement, the whole body is constructed of cells and you add a mineral to blind to formulate a pattern when magnified outward to our default perception range.

tribes would tattoo for power and other reasons, many chinese females would have dragons tattooed on their backs and bodies to serve as channels of pure power for royalty, and other men of great value and power, there is much more power in not tattooing yourself, but it's useful if given to proper method and intent.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



How long should these transitions take? Would much long fasting need to be done between? I've been vegetarian for a while now. Recently stopped drinking organic milk. Unsure whether I should go off it slowly, like 3 times a week for a month, then 2 the next month, and so on or just never have it again…

Trying to eat within 6 hour window, with one food eaten at a time and 30-60 min in between.



How fedora can you be? The only reason you can't survive without food is because you don't know how and you've never tried to do it.

Sun gazing with eyelids closed and gazing when the sun is near the horizon is perfectly safe.

Fedora post or absolutely ignorant.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This vid is pretty good. The guys etymology is on point

Moon is representative of old testament God (Yahweh), sun is the new testament God (Christ).

Moon is Yin, form, passive, magnetic, water

Sun is Yang, force, active, electric, fire

Reminder that the Sun and Moon are both so perfectly placed in space that despite their massive size difference they measure up to be the exact same size when viewed from earth - and fedoras expect people to believe this is a mere coincidence



look into loren lockman on youtube, watch a lot of his content and get an idea. check out the video with the black guy i posted, he said it took him 15 years and i've seen multiple of his videos and the way he talks about it and speaks about his transition and the reason for it.

Of course you can't fully trust the internet, but from all of his videos and his pdf book, the things he says make absolute sense to an occultist.



thanks for the vid.

pillars of freemasonry are jachin and boaz

didnt they knock them down thoughh?



>The only reason you can't survive without food is because you don't know how and you've never tried to do it.

No wonder why you guys are such skeletors. Start bulking and lifting nigga



Yeah, I've watched a few of his videos recently. It was his videos that inspired me to go off dairy and make some other changes. Would like to go to do a long fast but am not confident doing it unsupervised atm, especially considering Kundalini seems fairly active in me lately and I've read one shouldn't water fast during Kundalini.

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