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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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[Rules] - the board was destroyed by kabbalistic jews but we have salvaged what we can. About a week's worth of material is lost. [Freedomboard] (If 8chan.co goes down, go to freedomboard which is our backup)


Just out of synchronicity was checking out different posts on here, glp, youtube - same category of topics related to fringe.

same grammar, same idiom, 2-3 answers from same folks similar in content.

It's so true, the shilling is intensified. trolls everywhere spreading fakery.

be alert folks, - heed the warning, read the books - understand the principles, know nature, use logic.


Can you show some examples?



Shills gonna shill, I wasn't able to counter a lot of shilling for awhile due to sickness, but I'm trying to counter them now.

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