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Esoteric Wizardry


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Topic for the appreciation and discussion of the based P. Hall.

Video related.


another sync with his name, i should take this as a sign to read his book…

quickly if you had to choose 1 book from the pizzle hizzle which would it be?


File: 1425648950090.pdf (3.35 MB, secret-teachings-of-all-ag….pdf)

The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Get educated, you hobo.

I've listened to a lot of his audio talks as well. If you just need something good to listen to, he has a lot of interesting lectures mostly to do with spirituality.


this anon said it >>25691
its a great book to get started.


Same I've taken down 20 hours and I'm not even 10% done all his lectures.

The main thing I have a problem with is when he starts preaching about all the races being equal. I just think "fuck off Manly" and tune out until he's done.


>he starts preaching about all the races being equal
typical freemason


and what is so bad about it? I don't mean to say that they are equal in every way possible, but I'm certain that in many ways they are.


File: 1425670519951.jpg (56.68 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 139613726350.jpg)


Everybody recommends this fucker, but this is extremely discouraging.

Evola is proving to be way better.


Only if you are talking materially which I believe isn't our concern around here. Also, Equality speech is a road straight to hell.


Equality in practice is about reducing all humans into interchangeable parts.


In both what you can call the physical and the spiritual there are traits which are common to every race and traits which aren't. I understand that preaching equality to the masses is almost invariably destructive, but I assume the kind of person the P. Hall reached for aren't exactly your everyday "muh equality" retard.
There is some truth in saying "all races are equal" and when you said "Only if you are talking materially" you have proved me again of how sometimes it is relevant to point out that there are traits which we all share.


File: 1425673356900.jpg (37.61 KB, 232x197, 232:197, 1408424684098.jpg)

tfw forgot flag


Fucking this. I was listening to a lecture on love and the whole fucking thing was garbage and egalitarian crap.


There is literally no fucking equality at all except equality of origins, as in, all life having a common origin.

Everything else is completely unequal.

Equality is a stupid concept that denies the uniqueness of individuals.


what exactly did you not enjoy about it nazi-san?


Freemason talk indeed. I get the feel that it combines both the idea of all beings eventually growing spiritually until we graduate as 6D beings and all end up in union; along with the general idea of the french revolution that all human beings are universally similar (equal) enough to not necessitate their need for separation;

or, more deviously, that all humans generally are capable vessels for the spirit to incarnate into. Which would mean that a potential initiate could be born into a lesser race would they only have the favorable conditions to warrant it being born into one. Aka, give money to da niggaz so they get some masters as well.

Needless to say, that's also not a part I like listening about.

Evola is GOAT. Finished the last chapters of Men Among the Ruins I had left since October a few days ago. It's striking how well it translates into modernity. Although the 50's aren't that far away a time. His magical writing is quite complex at times, though.


First degree of Freemasonry points out that people aren't equal, just that we should judged fairly.

Plus, Hall wasn't a Mason when he wrote that anyway, so he probably didn't know.

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