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There is something seriously fucked up with any song that has 1 million views or greater on youtube or that typically gets played on the radios.

All of these songs are generally shit but more importantly they are having a weird effect on my subconscious upon exposure.

I am partially shifted into 4D basically all the time and I pick up these subtle influences in a conscious manner whereas most people it probably sinks in and they don't notice at all because of how low conscious they are.

…but for me, I can't just ignore it and let it sink in, it instead confronts me on a conscious level.

I usually get some annoying thoughtform out of these songs that is really fucking hard to banish.

I am convinced some kind of magick has been done to make these songs sink into people's minds against their will and force themselves in.

The purpose of these thoughtforms seems to be purely to make people recognize, remember, and be driven to repeat the song again & again; in short to make the musician popular so he can get more jewgolds. The sinister aspect of it is in how far they are willing to go in exploiting and degenerating the populace in order to make money for themselves. Beyond that, I don't think there are that many vids that try to insert something more into the consciousness of the listeners, but I'm still disgusted with them for getting popular in this way when the actual songs are shit.

Essentially, the popularity of a song is a surefire guide that the song should be ignored like the plague, and has something in it that is going to get into your consciousness and start influencing your dreams and subliminal thoughts.

There might also be something going into the music vids themselves but I am not sure. I would have to mute the video and just watch the vid. I really find the influence of these songs a huge fucking nuisance though and a drain of my mental reserves / loosh.

Does anyone else experience this? I fucking hate these songs. I have no affinity for them, I don't like hearing them, but a short little exposure to them is all that is needed for the music to impress itself strongly upon my conscious and begin looping until I banish that thoughtform with much trouble and effort.

I don't get this with more obscure fringey songs, whether they be shit songs or good ones, they don't have this ability to force themselves involuntarily into my mind the way the really shit popular songs do.

There is something about these 1 million + songs that they forcibly impress themselves upon the mind.


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the reality of it is that it is always the same song. It rarely changes and if it does, the change itself will soon be repeated again and again. Through repetition they're able to install it in your mind. Not to mention the harmony itself although basic, is usually a circular "perfect" sort of harmony with no tension in it, which allows for the weaker minds to enjoy it without major trouble. That is also accompained by poorly written lyrics, which are also appealing to the weaker minds. Give a normal person something slightly complicated to understand, be it harmony, rhythm, or lyrics and their brain will start to melt away. Your brain is kinda like a muscle, if you don't use it it becomes weaker and weaker, and then when you try to use it you will feel the burn.

Notice on the video how even though they're joking about not being famous because they have never made a 4 chords song, their 4 chords song is actually the song they're known for.

As a musician this saddens me deeply. I guess a mathematician would feel the same way if he saw people on TV claiming to be a mathematician even though they only know how to add and subtract and then being praised because that is actually the only thing the average person can understand about math.


I have a hypothesis which goes a little something like this. Any collection of thought creates an egregore, once you've been exposed to the song you join the songs egregore "group" if you will. This means the song and all of the other people in the thought bubble have connection and power with you, that is possibly why you find it is common with songs over a million views, obviously this is forgetting the fact of basic song structure, but i thought to give an occult explanation.


>the reality of it is that it is always the same song. It rarely changes and if it does, the change itself will soon be repeated again and again.

Any proof of this? Articles or vids that explain it?


I have to banish each and every single fucking song and it's tough work. It leaves a stain on my consciousness I don't want.


I posted that video as an exampole of this. But I never read an article or saw anything other thing talking about it. I know this to be true simply because I've been a musician for the last 7 or 8 years, and I've passed through every kind of music most people can think of (I'm sure there are people who have experienced many more types of music than me however).

I know that it is always the same song by experience, it is not rare that I will listen to a pop song for the first time and guess the whole song.

I invite you to do the search for yourself. It shouldn't take you long to realise this.


I think we need a thread dedicated to banishing unwanted mental entities, too many people seem to be harassed by them


What is there to even say on the subject though? Banishing is mostly a matter of will + energy. I use the astral pulse method on most types of entities though some entities, especially ones that don't have an astral body, can't be pulsed.


I am not a musician and fuck I couldn't even be bothered to read all of http://montalk.net/metaphys/265/soul-resonance-and-music but now I really should resume reading that article in full and actually getting to the bottom of it this time.

I am not sure how you identify a song as being "the same song" with all these other ones structurally or however it is that you examine music.


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Ignore this.


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I will say this now briefly and pherhaps rather carelessly. This is the begining of understand music, the most basic stuff there is the know. Perhaps in the future I will make a thread going into deeper matters.

Music is a mix between rhythm and harmony right? Lets look then at each separately. Rhythm can't be created by hitting your hand at a table one time only. You will need to hit it repeatedly in order to create a rhythm. The rhythm would be the relationship between the times you hit your hand at that table. The same goes for harmony, where the frequency (the note itself) is important it is not usually relevant to the harmony. Harmony can't be created by repeating the same frequency over and over again. In order to create harmony you'll need to change pitch (notes), and what will create the harmony is the relationship between the notes.

In rhythm the relationship is defined through the measuring of time, in harmony the relationships are defined through the measuring of frequencies.

Time and frequency? Can you see why music is so powerful now? Music is the study of the relationships between time and frequency.

Two songs are the same song if both their time and frequency relationships are the same. It doesn't matter if one was played with a piano and the other with a guitar, or if the lyrics are different and shit like that. All that matters is the relationships of time and frequency.

Now you will be amezed at how limited popular songs are in this matters. I advise you to do some research if this resonates with you.

Here's a song, just because I can.


Whatever this basic pattern that is repeated over & over in all the popular songs is, is there anything notable about it as it pertains to its influence on consciousness, or the mathematics of it, or anything else? Any occult shit going on? Any strange "coincidences"?


Oh yeah I forgot this is /fringe/

What I consider most relevant is how limiting and limited it is. If you repeate something long enough you can convince just about anyone right? It is like a very profitable source of mass hypnosis. Plus by having only the same patter of time and frequency everywhere the mind become underdeveloped. The natural world is very complex, but in modern life most of what is around us is basic forms. We look, listen, and feel basic. That makes it harder for the individual to have any form of self understanding. Not understanding the self is a certified way to be used and abused by pretty much any entity that whishes to do so.

I don't know enough about numbers yet but the time signature used is usually 4/4. It basically means you count til 4 then repeate at a steady pace. The tempo is usually around 120 beats per minute, and yes that is "around" it tends to be slightly off, til the 80's it used to be slightly above now it is slightly below. If you know about numbers maybe this will help you figure something out.

Harmony related it is complicated. really. To begin with we don't have the right frequencies to begin with. We use frequencies that are slightly off what they should be. For instance a frequency that should resonates deeply with a calm hearth is now played slightly above, that creates tension between the two frequencies, and cause unrest.(The mundanes have a story as to why they did this). And in order to standardize music the mathematical relationships between each frequency is also slightly off. That means you can never reach perfect harmony, and therefore you can never play a perfect relationship of frequencies.

More specific to popular music however. The harmony tends to be what I call one dimensional. It adds no tension. therefore it is always bound to remain at the level it began, it doesn't evolve.


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Here's a song again


This happens to me, too. I know you fags may like her, but it's always Taylor Swift songs. Not her old country ones though, only the new ones.

Some Katy Perry does this too. I'm sure there's a few more I'm forgetting; I hear the radio all day at work between the Country station and the regular mainstream pop shit.

I think the same sort of transformation happened with Swift as it did with Miley Cyrus but in obviously much different ways. Change of image mostly, but I just get a feeling something else isn't right, and it eventually leads to negative thoughts occurring when I hear it.


forgot flag ;_;


>accusing me of possibly liking Taylor Swift

I hate all celebrities no exceptions. All of them are scum.


It might not be so simple. It might be the amount of people chanting the song that is creating the thought forms around it.


I'm pretty sure you do like taylor swift, I can tell by your words and by seeing a lot of swift fans in my time.


THIS. Taylor Swift + Katy Perry + that new fat acceptance chick are played 24/7.


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Recommended reading


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You don't like most modern music because it has as themes only lust, money, narcissism. And that's it, turn up any radio and it's all about how some nigger scams money, or some slut that wants to sleep really bad. For the more gentile types there are those cheesy romantic songs that only have a purpose to sustain whatever emotional drama they have in life.
Popular music is never made to relax the mind, it doesn't promote introspection or gentleness. It uses the sex instinct and our egoistic tendency to promote itself to the lowest common denominator, which will always be the most numerous.

Whenever I go with my parents in the car, they always have to turn up the radio. I can't stand radio music, it's so surreal seeing my almost 50 years old parents getting pissed of if I ever want to close the radio when it's about some dude wanting to bone his latest slut.

The music, fashion and television industry are hand in hand to promote this shit
They are making us as a whole more dumb with each year that passes



I have no doubt that the average white person today is a fuckload less clever and observant and intelligent than the average white person before this mass proliferation of shitty music and television.

There is so much more depth to the people I meet who avoid all that shit compared to the ones that revel in that crap.


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No reason to hate them, anon. That hatred will just bottle up inside you, preventing personal Ascension.

I'm not defending them however. I'm aware that many of them do some really deranged shit for fame and fortune. They say in order to get to the 'top', a blood sacrifice must occur, not to mention the shit that happens that never gets leaked to the public.

Like I said, Swift's country songs do not give me this feeling. The 'Dark Horse' Perry song does it really strong, but some other songs are just fine with me. The fat SJW bitch doesn't give me much of a feeling other than the fact I know it's controlled opposition promoting SJWism so I ignore it. Luckily, my coworkers hate the one song from her and we call it the 'National Fat-Girl Anthem' everytime it plays.

Great post anon, very very true.


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I noticed some popupar black ppl
Music has them making crack and "moving bricks"

Probably funded by zog private prison Inc.

Dat beat tho


>implying I actively feel anger over celebrities

No fgt, it's just a cold hatred, a hatred which involves no emotion.


munbanes do notice those things but maybe less consciously; but enough that they are still drawn to it.
i think its strange you're focusing on just the youtub views. ofc popular songs are going have better writing therefore better understanding of those laws. but pop songs especially have the most dank symbolism etc crammed in.

what do you think of this for subtlety haha?


After reading this thread for awhile, I've decided to post the following. Never told a damn soul what I'm about to write as I was still confused about it, but it relates to the thread.

This happened around 2009 or so, when the song Single Ladies by Beyonce came out. Now it should be clear for many of us that there's definite subtleties with her music videos and the fact she's friends with, or is one herself, Freemasons.

Anyway, I fell asleep with the TV on, but awoke randomly during the night, and the music video for this song was playing. I was in a state of half-sleep, only semi-conscious, and started watching it. What I saw was the most terrifying thing ever.

The video changes from light to darkness. During the dark parts, I seriously saw the bodies of the three women become distorted and warped all while they continued dancing. I vividly remember the bottom half of the women came off, moved around, then reattached. First thought was "Why did they make this like this?" Beyonce's eyes also changed during the video to a very menacing, demonic look. I felt nothing but pure fear. Since yesterday I thought that was the actual video, until I watched it on Youtube and was proven wrong.

My only explanation was that I watched this video with my Minds Eye, possibly being able to see the true intention and origin of thought that created the video. I know damn fucking well I wasn't dreaming since I never saw the video before that night, and when I watched it yesterday it still generally matched what I saw but without the gruesome parts I remember.

I wonder if it's possible to create videos that can only be 'truly' seen with the Minds Eye. Furthermore, actually creating videos like that is a marvelous feat; something that only magicians are capable.


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Is Kavinsky considered popular music now? I know some of their songs have a couple of million views, but that's only because they were in the movie Drive, and in the game Hotline Miami.

It sucks that outrun / new wave retro is growing in popularity, because that attracts the normals and mundanes and soon the Jew will notice it and try to cash in on it by adding degenerate lyrics to cast spells over the masses with it.


>dat beat tho
It is a p good beat though. If it wasn't for the stupid repetitive 'yall nigga move dat dope', I'd actually enjoy it a lot more.


>Is Kavinsky considered popular music now?
>they were in the movie Drive, and in the game Hotline Miami.
Obviously, you stupid fuck.

>soon the Jew will notice it

this is what you get for listening to anything but minimal techno a.k.a polka from the future.


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I've heard of this before . People seeing alternate versions of movies and TVs shows while in a heightened state

Also mini black helicopters (some guy posted a story once about watching some old science fiction show on TV that featured little black helis, then he saw them irl)

2 spooky



The songs at the gas station and gymn in my town, even with headphones on have a distortive effet on the energetic level of my concious mind.

I think. What these songs contain is a "demonic/wicked frequency" somthing that directly affects our brainwaves and turns us more or less into losh genorators for the demonic kikes.

That is why the fucing music, this trash is literally everywhere now, there is no escaping it even with headphones on or earplugs (which is sleep with to prevent dream infiltration by rogue frequencies), the frequency is the weapon itself attacking our minds.

I can see exactly what you saw, when I used to be a wage slave, the music in the front end used to stick into my mind and poison my thoughts for hours, and my dreams after ai wold work would be horrific nightmares,

The videos of some of these songs does affet and contain a demonic sigil overlayed with its conciousness and frequency into the music itself and into the videos picture, usingt he light frequency rather than the sound it is now stronger and more powerful than ever,

Remember to use earplugs while sleeping. Get a old pair of headphones that are either broken or not needed that are the silicone tipped variety. Now, use them while sleeping to prevent frequencies from affecting your brain.

Other frequencies like microwaves, or sounds such as vaccums or genorators also do this. You may want to use aluminum/tinfoil on your speakers/wifi router to prevent the frequency from damanging your mind.


> You may want to use aluminum/tinfoil on your speakers/wifi router to prevent the frequency from damanging your mind.

Those things amplify signals.



Thanks for the advice. I no longer sleep in front of televisions at all; in fact I don't even watch TV anymore and haven't for years now.

The fact it woke me up while the song was playing proves how strong the demonic energy behind it is.

In the future, so long as my personal and spiritual development gets better, I want to attempt to recreate what I saw that night again. I'll try watching other videos from different artists as well, because I'm damn sure this shit is happening with every single big name.


No. The aluminum foil distorts the signal of wifi and radio transmissions, if you wrap your phone in it youll lose all signals entirely.

Its also a great way to prevent radation weapons like celltransmitters from hitting you.

Use aluminum mesh from a hardware store and carrdboard if you need extra dampening.


Actually. You , might have a harder time with the viddos than just with the sound. The sounds electromagnetic frequency is much weaker than the product that the light that the TV screen can produce. Its good you dont watch the talmud vision as its a portal to alot of shit you dont want.

The light is always the fastest, easiest, and most effective way to transmit energy. So, be very cateful and keep a huge guard up for the videos. You don't have to see the shit again, you know what you saw was true and you know that every video is like that.

Just keep your soul pure. You dont know how many of these fucks produce demonic entities thst fuck with your mind.


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When I have done more research on the topic and developed my powers more I will do a thread on countering the musical thought forms and spells in popular music.

>Be me last night chillin after magical journey

>friends and shizz, chillin, talkin bout deep magical shit
>Friend discloses experience with Tree of Life
>Have a major sad.
>Radio intensifies, Hollywood Undead
>She's got something to say bout this shit
>Head drops, void meditation, contemplate emotions in song, sing the counter emotion to dispel it for myself.
>Look up
>Friends in a fuckin hard core hug, sensitive friend sees white and brilliant orange everywhere.



hello. i have a question, my apologizes if it is neophyte. when i am learning a new language, i attempt to immerse myself in the language. such things as listening to the radio or tv in the target language, usually before going to bed. sometimes i fall asleep while it is still on. can this be bad?

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