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I've been thinking of creating a set timetable for spiritual practise, daily routine kinda thing to stick to.

So far I'm thinking meditation, mantras and offerings.

Do you guys have a daily routine? If so what do you include?

Any suggestions other than what I've listed?


Nope OP because everything I do is done by internal biological rhythms which in my case are in complete chaos. I get a LOT of magickal work done even though I still presently spend the majority of my time simply researching as I am preparing for a major magickal work.

I do a very wide variety of practises all depending on what fits the moment.

Some basic shit I do almost all the time though is some thoughtforming practise, awareness meditation (where I focus on body parts and shift awareness around to different body parts), one-pointedness, Q-MM, and usually some form of energy work or manipulation of chakras although lately I try not to fuck around with them too much as I seem to have them tuned the way I want them at the moment and don't want to disrupt that.


I am excited that one day I will be done my reading/research phase and begin practise in full. When that day comes, the unfolding shall be amazing.


I'm getting a hell of a lot of benefit after starting offerings everyday. I'm using the script from jason miller's sorcerors secrets which is in the big mega in the recommended folder.


Do it breh. It's absolutely necessary if you are serious about your spiritual practice. You can also include your workout and things like sunbathing, reading or going for a walk.


Speaking of daily timetables.
I'm planning on doing a morning workout regime consisting of a lot of pushups and situps.

Would it be beneficial to mediate before or after working out?



Why not during? Be very present with what you are doing. Ever tried looking at an object while imagining/remembering the object at the exact same time? Go do it right now. Find an object you want to look at somewhere around you and look at it intently while remembering/imagining it at the same time. You're going to fall into a trance doing this.

Then after you've done that and got the idea of it, do the same for your exercise. Be really mentally present with it. Imagine yourself exercising while actually doing it at the same time. The result is you pour astral energy into your body and your nerves and will develop physical power much faster than a mundane who isn't really mentally present with the actions he is doing.

If you want to do a before and after, then imagine as intensely as you can, doing the pushups and situps (and chinups and whatever else you are doing). This is exhausting as fuck and has an actual effect on your body, you can read about this in The Holographic Universe.

You do all this shit, you'll be olympics-tier soon enough.

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