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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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Pulled it off once when I was 16, but the effects of that one time also ensure that the same approach will never work again.


Start dreaming while awake.

To do this though, you need a lot of energy to sustain the connection, and so far I keep getting really close but not quite making the connection permanent.


I was hoping for 4d as an alternative to that.
It proved very difficult to achieve.



Care to link a how to on this?

I think I've garnered enough energy to try.


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Just do psychedelics, then stop thinking. Clear your mind and you'll reach a 4d state (albeit temporarily)


Every time your consciousness becomes decoupled from your body through sleep and other states where it manages to escape, that is 4D. 4D is a higher density, a higher plane, characterized by fluidity, less linear time, more depth, etc.

We're all trying to go 4D bro. It takes a lot of work and has a lot of dangers. Just go to read and do everything and really prepare.


Enjoy getting entity attachments that way and getting fucked over by them for possibly the rest of your life.

Drugs = involuntary, uncontrolled, messy AP without the maturity and naturally developed higher consciousness needed to actually navigate the astral successfully and deal with what's out there.

Dude, you have to literally do everything. You'd have to read all the books and do all the practises. It is what I am doing.


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>Enjoy getting entity attachments that way and getting fucked over by them for possibly the rest of your life.

I think this may have actually happened to me.

Am I really screwed or is it not too late to study this shit for real and fix things?



you are already forgiven



Oh fair I've only read like 3 books. I'll just see where the wind takes me


I have a fun story about this.
>Be superduper high
>also drunk and full of confidence
>quite arrogant
>deside to visit other realms
>probably made a total fool of myself
I really hope that this one time i only imagined the whole fucking thing. But i think i caught someone´s or something´s attention.


The main thing that fucks over every drug user it they internalize the impulses given to them by the entities attached to them and become lazy and develop ideas like "I don't need to read and practise, I already am enlightened, hurr durr" as well as just becoming a mess of vices and nonsense in general.

As long as you still maintain the will to actually get down to business and take your ascent seriously and don't think you are done until you're actually a fucking god in the flesh in every way, you can overcome this shit.

Knowing from experience though with drug-users, they usually never get over it though.

You can try to be the exception.

*druggy retard detected*


>only imagined

Have you not read The Holpgrahic Universe or any of Neville Goddard's works and read up on The Imaginal?

ProTip: The act of imagining actually shapes astral matter and charges it and causes an effect in our mental universe. The more intense the imagining the stronger the effect.


I am not sure what anon means but i have something to say about >>25905

while I was really into /fringe/ and magick I did a lot of exercises to open my third eye. While I was going out with my mom and was walking infront of my house I switched into this Dream state, colours were vivid, i saw people that weren't there - like an intense drug trip, although controlled. After a few seconds my mom called my name and I disconnected from that, I asked her what's wrong and she said I've been talking to no one for some minutes.

I want to do that again. How?


What makes you think this is caused by entity attachments?


Autosaging this thread. Next time, OP, ask a question in the QUESTION thread. Only make new threads when you have substantial amounts of information on a subject, or at least a group study thread to find out more about a subject, which you could've easily done here.

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