Green Pill me on Nazis 03/07/15 (Sat) 20:04:38 No. 25953
Wondering if this banner has any significance. I've seen other hints of how esoteric methods were involved in the third reich. I'm new and currently mundane, but interested and willing to learn. I'm finding it hard to bypass materialism.
sage sage SAGE! 03/07/15 (Sat) 20:43:58 No. 25956
>>25953 To be SS you had to raise Kundalini.
They built saucers.
Talked to aliens.
Hitler had clairvoyance to some degree.
Vril was another version of Sun worship.
Keep it in the question thread, sage.
SAGE! 03/07/15 (Sat) 21:12:31 No. 25959
>>25956 thanks, will ask in question thread
03/07/15 (Sat) 22:14:28 No. 25974
ProTip: The person in the banner there is an actual poster and browser of /fringe/ and this whole board was founded by Esoteric National Socialists wanting to harness the Vril force to defeat the jew.
03/07/15 (Sat) 22:25:52 No. 25977
>>25956 Pretty much this. I'm going to add the kundalini is of Satan. For centuries he has been associated with the serpent, mainly for this reason. That should explain more about Hitler and the Third Reich.
03/07/15 (Sat) 22:48:07 No. 25983
>>25956 >Vril was another version of Sun worship. No it was not you lying faggot, do you know nothing!? Vril has nothing to do with worshipping the sun! Vril is the same as PRANA. Book related. It was published way before our enemies started spreading lies about us. Every youtube documentary ever about Vril is completely wrong btw and none of those faggots have actually researched and read the original texts written in the early 1900s on Vril.
Vril is a type of vitalism.
03/07/15 (Sat) 22:52:57 No. 25984
>>25983 >Vril is a type of vitalism. Scratch that. Vitalism is only one phase of Vril. Vril is more than that. As I said previously, it is essentially equivalent with Prana.
To be even more precise about the nature of vril, it is the energy that sustains thoughts, yet is not thoughts itself. The more vril you have, the more intense and vivid thoughts you can form with it. Want to create intense thoughtforms rapidly? You're going to need lots of Vril.
…if you want to understand it better just the book.
03/08/15 (Sun) 22:57:30 No. 26203
>>25953 Some hindus believe that hitler was a reincarnation of their 'lord vishnu'.
03/15/15 (Sun) 20:26:53 No. 27402
Hitler read Helena Blavatsky
03/16/15 (Mon) 13:54:36 No. 27509
>>25983 >>25984 Is Vril / Prana / Chi the same as Loosh?
03/19/15 (Thu) 03:52:57 No. 28192
>>27509 Yes. At least, they are subsets of loosh.
05/17/15 (Sun) 03:21:00 No. 38977
This needs to be clarified for newcomers. /fringe/ is not a hippie hugbox for free love we are all one feel good BS, nor is it a tryhard circlejerk for fools too dull for /edgy/.
It has always been intended as an anti-jewish organisation. You will join us in serving the National Socialist state or be killed.
05/17/15 (Sun) 06:23:40 No. 38994
05/17/15 (Sun) 07:06:57 No. 38997
Heil hitler I guess?
05/17/15 (Sun) 15:21:39 No. 39041
my mom says Hitler sent missions to India to gather knowledge and bought spaceship instructions from Nepal (that Soviets were offered several years earlier but refused due to the high cost), which he then used to travel down to the south pole where there is one of the two openings to the Earth core and other civilizations/animals living there.
>mfw this is literally what she tells me
>mfw i can't tell if she's greenpilled or retarded
05/17/15 (Sun) 15:45:12 No. 39047
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>25984
according to this guy vril is a species of underground lizard people
05/17/15 (Sun) 19:43:04 No. 39095
Yes. I was recently reading that o9a was very possibly an FBI honeypot (due the affiliations of its founder). The world desperately needs more NS occultists at work.
05/17/15 (Sun) 19:54:43 No. 39096
David Myatt is a melodramatic space cadet that due to high intelligence searches through ideologies from a pre-defined moral basis to create a mythos for himself, he sees himself as the centre of 'morality'
He is a traitor.
source: read every David Myatt/ONA article available on the internet (mostly using
05/17/15 (Sun) 20:44:59 No. 39105
>Nine Angels
>not Nine Angles
You are a disinformation agent of some sort.
09/03/15 (Thu) 00:21:20 No. 52662
Has /fringe/'s original mission really been kill? Is anyone left here that seeks to destroy the zionist parasite once and for all with arcane ability? The time is now, we must act. /fringe/'s failure to complete the mission so far has been because of a lack of decisive action. If you are an esoteric National Socialist occultist who has not yet cultivated a loyal following of warriors you had better get started.
Hitler was but one man, we are not. As Seizers of territory for the Earth's Revolutionary Imperial State we are the Legion that will conquer all we set out to claim. Our name is Legion for I am many. Hail Victory, comrades, Hail ERIS!
09/03/15 (Thu) 00:40:53 No. 52666
Praise the Second Third Reich!
Lightning strikes twice, sparking the revolution nourished by sunlight anew.
09/03/15 (Thu) 04:17:32 No. 52673
I liked the ONA material that I read, but I always questioned the legitimacy behind it. Their version of history can probably never be verified, and that's the foundation for much of their stuff.
09/03/15 (Thu) 04:25:08 No. 52674
My blood pressure spiked from the salt of that picture.
09/03/15 (Thu) 07:58:44 No. 52679
09/03/15 (Thu) 14:19:12 No. 52714
As a mundane/fedora I found out by accident that not fapping for a period of time massively increases your loosh reserves.
It was during the no-fap november shit. Even a week of not wanking is enough to notice it.
I had intense and vivid dreams after about two to three weeks. There were some big mood swings as a consequence though. Maybe its from not being used to all that energy.
There were periods where I felt like a god, and periods when I flat lined. You know that feeling when you're either insanely negative or just don't have any motivation to do anything? You would have no idea why, its just completely irrational.
I have read that it balances out after a couple months but never managed to get far enough to see for my self.
10/08/15 (Thu) 11:11:54 No. 56218
Obviously nothing that helped them win.
10/08/15 (Thu) 13:04:18 No. 56223
10/10/15 (Sat) 21:16:26 No. 56460
wrong thread indigo pill
10/10/15 (Sat) 22:50:56 No. 56463
>I'm finding it hard to bypass materialism.
Read Dynamic Thought by William Walker Atkinson. That book specifically debunks materialism.
10/10/15 (Sat) 22:51:31 No. 56464
>Vril was another version of Sun worship.
No it was not. Vril was another version of Prana.
10/11/15 (Sun) 06:11:38 No. 56490
The Midnight Mountain is, so to speak, the seat of where Light-Energy streams. The famous Northern Lights form forces and oscillations, from where are also the Vril streams. In difficult times, when materialistic forces predominate, the source of strength for the righteous is the dark star, the Black Sun, which is actually not black but a deep purple. The Black Sun can not be seen by human eyes, nevertheless it is there. It is the bright sun inside of us through which flows the Light-Energy of true Divinity.
The Black Sun is the sign of the invisible Divinity, which stands over the material golden glow of daylight, after the Golden Sun of the Atland-Atlanteans was upsurged by the servants of Mammon and the Freemasons. The deep dark purple disc stands for the enforced Divine Will and Law against the arrogant power of gold and it’s master and slaves.
…and the deepest meaning of the Black Sun: it shines in the truest sense of the word in any realm and it is the Sun which never sets. -Wilhelm Landig
10/12/15 (Mon) 04:33:16 No. 56555
The nazis are not a good group of people to look to emulate. They were not a competent movement. They only lasted a little over a decade… that is not very successful at all.
But as for esoteric stuff they were involved with they were into runes and I actually do recommend looking into runes.
10/12/15 (Mon) 13:40:19 No. 56599
Trips confirm.
>nazi politics
pick one
10/16/15 (Fri) 01:41:10 No. 56935
Is O9A real? or at least are their principles worth following? I read it superficially but I am to normie for this.
Also, praise the national-socialist foundation of this thread, SIEG HEIL from a spic ;)
10/16/15 (Fri) 02:31:13 No. 56945
where do you recommend looking about Runes?
SAGE! 10/16/15 (Fri) 03:14:48 No. 56949
>Is O9A real?
depends on what you mean
>their principles worth following?
follow your own will
>SIEG HEIL from a spic ;)
gas yourself
10/16/15 (Fri) 12:02:31 No. 56981
>gas yourself
Daily reminder that Miguel Serrano was a spic
10/16/15 (Fri) 12:31:59 No. 56984
>depends what you mean
Is it a real order, that have real nexions(as in a group of people organized)? Also, does their magic works ? Their Dark Gods names sounded fake afk
10/16/15 (Fri) 13:32:38 No. 56987
It doesn't matter if he's a "spic" (hint: he isn't). His work is fucking retarded and crap regardless.
10/19/15 (Mon) 04:08:43 No. 57305
If only it was a reincarnation of Shiva, there would be no kike left today. ;)
But "Great Preserver" does seem to fit in line better for him, after all.
10/19/15 (Mon) 11:46:22 No. 57371
Are they still around today? I ask because I hear they're based in Shropshire (England) of all places. I'm in that county somewhere, too. All we have here is hedge witches, crystalfags and pervy old masons. This would be a welcome change.
10/19/15 (Mon) 12:43:46 No. 57377
>all these plebs not knowing the Third Reich still exists
World War 2 is still being fought. The National Socialists broke away from our degenerate, zionist civilisations and are now in the role of the Aryan aliens they were aided by, in relation to us left under ZOG.
They can not and will not do our duty for us, though they can guide our actions if we request their assistance. It is still possible to join them too, if you are willing to claim lebensraum for them here. It is left to us to establish the second Third Reich so they can further lead us without interference.
The Volkssturm needs you for Operation Wehrwolf. As a commissioned officer of the SS I am calling all able bodied folk to action. Fight, kill & die in service to the cause. Glory awaits the loyal & honourable warriors who answer this call to arms.
Sieg Heil, comrades!
SAGE! 10/19/15 (Mon) 12:54:51 No. 57379
>read cassiopean transcripts
10/19/15 (Mon) 13:10:46 No. 57383
I take it your reply is in disagreement with the existence of the NatSoc Third Reich post-1945.
Visit the Reich's currently operating facilities. It is zionist lies that masquerade as historical fact which state the Third Reich was confined to the years 1933-1945.
The Thousand Year Reich still stands, it hasn't even finished the first century.
SAGE! 10/19/15 (Mon) 13:20:53 No. 57384
No not that, I'm referring to the alien part. Read the scripts
10/19/15 (Mon) 13:33:49 No. 57385
I dislike using the term 'alien' but it is simpler than saying more advanced Aryan beings from elsewhere.
Is there a specific section of these scripts that should be read?
There appears to be quite a lot of material, most of which may not be relevant.
SAGE! 10/19/15 (Mon) 13:42:09 No. 57386
All of it is pretty relevant. Up until like after 2000 or so. It's accurate history. It mentions the Nazis and what really happened with Adolf Hitler.
SAGE! 10/19/15 (Mon) 13:47:45 No. 57387
It also talks about UFO tech and the origins of humanity as well as the end times. I should forewarn, if you read this you might start getting remote viewed/influenced. That's what happened to me, it only solidified it's accuracy and my belief in what it says though. It follows in with a lot of what is on montalks site.
10/19/15 (Mon) 14:40:34 No. 57393
That person is just a troll.